Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Gondolellidae was named by Lindstrom (1970). It is the type family of Gondolellacea.
It was assigned to Gondolellacea by Clark et al. (1981); to Conodontophorida by Igo (2009); to Gondolelloidea by Maekawa and Igo (2014); and to Ozarkodinida by Golding and Orchard (2018).
It was assigned to Gondolellacea by Clark et al. (1981); to Conodontophorida by Igo (2009); to Gondolelloidea by Maekawa and Igo (2014); and to Ozarkodinida by Golding and Orchard (2018).
Acuminatella, Carnepigondolella, Chirodella, Clarkina, Cornudininae, Cratognathodus, Epigondolella (syn. Carinella), Epigondolellinae, Gondolella, Hayashiella, Icriospathodus, Jinogondolella, Kraussodontus, Mesogondolella, Metapolygnathus, Mullerinae, Neoclarkina, Neogondolellinae, Nicoraella, Novispathodinae, Paragondolellinae, Paullella, Platyvillosus, Primatella, Scythogondolellinae, Sephardiellinae, Sweetocristatus, Sweetospathodus, Xaniognathus
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1970 | Gondolellidae Lindstrom |
1981 | Gondolellidae Clark et al. p. W103 |
1981 | Xaniognathidae Clark et al. p. W103 |
1981 | Xaniognathidae Sweet p. W154 |
2009 | Gondolellidae Igo p. 182 |
2014 | Gondolellidae Maekawa and Igo p. 190 |
2018 | Gondolellidae Golding and Orchard |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. †Gondolellidae Lindstrom 1970
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G. †Cratognathodus Mosher 1968
†Cratognathodus multihamatus Huckriede 1958
Invalid names: Hindeodella petraeviridis Huckriede 1958 [synonym], Hindeodella stoppeli Bender 1967 [synonym], Ozarkodina saginata Huckriede 1958 [synonym], Prioniodina sapanlii Gedik 1975 [synonym]
G. †Epigondolella Mosher 1968
†Epigondolella abneptis Huckriede 1958
†Epigondolella bidentata Mosher 1968
†Epigondolella hungarica Kozur and Vegh 1972
†Epigondolella japonica Hayashi 1968
†Epigondolella mirautae Kovács and Kozur 1980
†Epigondolella mosheri Kozur and Mostler 1971
†Epigondolella multidentata Mosher 1970
†Epigondolella slovakensis Kozur and Mock 2000
Invalid names: Carinella Budurov 1973 [synonym]
G. †Gondolella Stauffer and Plummer 1932
†Gondolella acuta Kozur and Mock 1972
†Gondolella constricta Mosher and Clark 1965
†Gondolella haslachensis Tatge 1956
†Gondolella jangpangii Misra et al. 1973
†Gondolella jubata Sweet 1970
†Gondolella lingulata Gunnell 1933
†Gondolella media Kozur 1968
†Gondolella merrilli Gunnell 1933
†Gondolella mombergensis Tatge 1956
†Gondolella navicula Huckriede 1958
†Gondolella nitiensis Misra et al. 1973
†Gondolella pridaensis Nicora et al. 1980
†Gondolella sinuata Gunnell 1933
†Gondolella sublanceolata Gunnell 1933
†Gondolella szaboi Kovács 1983
†Gondolella tadpole Hayashi 1968
†Gondolella timorensis Nogami 1968
†Gondolella transita Kozur and Mostler 1971
†Gondolella watznaueri Kozur 1968
G. †Icriospathodus
†Icriospathodus collinsoni Solien 1979
†Icriospathodus crassatus Orchard 1995
†Icriospathodus zaksi Buryi 1979
G. †Jinogondolella Mei and Wardlaw 1994
G. †Kraussodontus Orchard 2013
G. †Metapolygnathus Hayashi 1968
†Metapolygnathus communisti Hayashi 1968
†Metapolygnathus linguiformis Hayashi 1968
†Metapolygnathus primitia Mosher 1970
†Metapolygnathus vialovi Buryi 1989
Subfm. †Mullerinae Orchard 2005
G. †Discretella Orchard 2005
†Discretella discreta Müller 1956
†Discretella robustus Wang and Wang 1976
G. †Guangxidella Zhang and Yang 1991
†Guangxidella bransoni Muller 1956
Invalid names: Neoprioniodus bicuspidatus Muller 1956 [synonym], Neoprioniodus unicornis Müller 1956 [synonym], Ozarkodina gigantea Bui 1989 [synonym]
Subfm. †Neogondolellinae Hirsch 1994
G. †Borinella Budurov and Sudar 1994
†Borinella buurensis Dagis 1984
†Borinella nepalensis Kozur and Mostler 1976
G. †Columbitella Orchard 2005
G. †Magnigondolella Golding and Orchard 2018
†Magnigondolella alexanderi Golding and Orchard 2018
†Magnigondolella cyri Golding and Orchard 2018
†Magnigondolella dilacerata Golding and Orchard 2016
†Magnigondolella julii Golding and Orchard 2018
†Magnigondolella nebuchadnezzari Golding and Orchard 2018
†Magnigondolella regalis Mosher 1970
†Magnigondolella salomae Golding and Orchard 2018
G. †Neogondolella Bender and Stoppel 1965
†Neogondolella bakalovi Budurov and Stefanov 1972
†Neogondolella balkanica Budurov and Stefanov 1975
†Neogondolella basisymmetrica Budurov and Stefanov 1972
†Neogondolella carinata Clark 1959
†Neogondolella cornuta Budurov and Stefanov 1972
†Neogondolella elongata Sweet 1970
†Neogondolella excentrica Budurov and Stefanov 1972
†Neogondolella gradinarui Golding 2021
†Neogondolella huckriedei Budurov and Stefanov 1973
†Neogondolella jakutensis Dagis 1984
†Neogondolella lindstroemi Budurov and Stefanov 1973
†Neogondolella longa Budurov and Stefanov 1973
†Neogondolella planata Clark 1959
†Neogondolella spitzbergensis Dagis and Korchinskaya 1989
†Neogondolella suhodolica Budurov and Stefanov 1973
G. †Neospathodus Mosher 1968
†Neospathodus concavus Zhao and Orchard 2007
†Neospathodus cristagalli Huckriede 1958
†Neospathodus dieneri Sweet 1970
†Neospathodus germanicus Kozur 1972
†Neospathodus gorbushini Buryi 1989
†Neospathodus lanceolathus Mosher 1968
†Neospathodus novaehollandiae McTavish 1973
†Neospathodus pakistanensis Sweet 1970
†Neospathodus planus Chen and Kolar-Jurkovsek 2014
†Neospathodus posterolongatus Zhao and Orchard 2007
†Neospathodus robustus Koike 1982
†Neospathodus spitiensis Goel 1977
†Neospathodus zharnikovi Buryi 1979
Invalid names: Misikella Kozur and Mock 1974 [synonym], Ozarkodina tortilis Tatge 1956 [nomen nudum]
G. †Paragondolella Mosher 1968
†Paragondolella bifurcata Budurov and Stefanov 1972
†Paragondolella bulgarica Budurov and Stefanov 1975
†Paragondolella excelsa Mosher 1968
†Paragondolella foliata Budurov 1975
†Paragondolella hallstattensis Mosher 1968
†Paragondolella hanbulogi Sudar and Budurov 1979
†Paragondolella polygnathiformis Budurov and Stefanov 1965
†Paragondolella steinbergensis Mosher 1968
G. †Nicoraella
Subfm. †Novispathodinae Orchard 2005
G. †Kashmirella Budurov et al. 1988
†Kashmirella albertii Budurov et al. 1988
†Kashmirella svalbardensis Birkenmajer and Trammer 1975
G. †Mosherella
G. †Novispathodus Orchard 2005
†Novispathodus pingdingshanensis Zhao and Orchard 2007
†Novispathodus triangularis Bender 1970
Invalid names: Neospathodus biangularis Wang and Cao 1981 [synonym], Neospathodus curtatus Orchard 1995 [synonym]
†Novispathodus waageni Sweet 1970
G. †Triassospathodus Kozur 1998
†Triassospathodus abruptus Orchard 1995
†Triassospathodus brevissimus Orchard 1995
†Triassospathodus brochus Orchard 1995
†Triassospathodus clinatus Orchard and Sweet 1995
†Triassospathodus homeri Bender 1970
†Triassospathodus hungaricus Kozur and Mostler 1970
†Triassospathodus pusillus Orchard 1995
†Triassospathodus sosioensis Kozur et al. 1997
†Triassospathodus symmetricus Orchard 1995
Subfm. †Paragondolellinae Orchard 2005
G. †Platyvillosus
G. †Primatella Orchard 2013
†Primatella asymmetrica Orchard 2013
†Primatella conservativa Orchard 2013
Subfm. †Scythogondolellinae Orchard 2007
G. †Scythogondolella Kozur 1990
†Scythogondolella lachrymiformis Orchard 2008
†Scythogondolella milleri Müller 1956
†Scythogondolella mosheri Kozur and Mostler 1976
Subfm. †Sephardiellinae Plasencia et al. 2007
G. †Pseudofurnishius
G. †Sephardiella March et al. 1988
†Sephardiella truempyi Hirsch 1971
Invalid names: Budurovignathus [synonym]
G. †Sweetospathodus Kozur et al. 1998
†Sweetospathodus kummeli Sweet 1970
Invalid names: Neospathodus praekummeli Bhatt et al. 1981 [synonym]
G. †Xaniognathus
Invalid names: Xaniognathidae Sweet 1981 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available