†Thoracosaurus macrorhynchus de Blainville 1855
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Reptilia - Crocodylia - Gavialidae
Alternative combinations: Crocodilus macrorhynchus, Gavialis macrorhynchus
Synonym: Thoracosaurus scanicus Troedsson 1924
Belongs to Thoracosaurus according to C. A. Brochu 2004
See also Gervais 1859, Leidy 1865, Perrier 1928, Puértolas et al. 2011, Swinton 1938 and Troxell 1925
Sister taxa: Thoracosaurus borissiaki, Thoracosaurus brevispinus, Thoracosaurus isorhynchus, Thoracosaurus neocesariensis, Holops cordatus, Holops pneumaticus, Holops glyptodon
Type specimens:
- Thoracosaurus macrorhynchus: MNHN, a skull. Its type locality is SW-Seite des St. Pietersberges, Horizont Mc [Maastrichter Tuffkreide], which is in a Maastrichtian marine chalk in the Maastrichter Tuffkreide Formation of the Netherlands.
- Thoracosaurus scanicus: Its type locality is Limhamn Quarry Upper Middle Danian Horizons, which is in a Danian deep subtidal shelf grainstone in Sweden.
• Paleocene of Sweden (1 collection)
• Cretaceous of France (1), the Netherlands (1)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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