†family Aoujgaliaceae Termier and Vachard 1975 (red algae)

Rhodophyceae - Aoujgaliaceae

Parent taxon: Rhodophyceae according to M. F. Perret and D. Vachard 1977

Sister taxa: Acrochaetium, Angulocellularia, Angusticellularia, Archaeolithophyllales, Arthrodendron, Calcifoliida, Florideae, Foliophycus, Gymnocodiaceae, Lomentarites, Solenoporaceae

Subtaxa: Aoujgalia Dromastacheoides Fourstonella Mametella Roquesselsia Stacheia Stacheoidella

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Ecology: stationary epifaunal "photoautotroph"


• Triassic of the United Kingdom (4 collections)

• Permian of Tajikistan (5)

• Carboniferous of Algeria (1), Belgium (2), France (2), Ireland (11), Spain (2), the United Kingdom (33), United States (25: California, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming)

Total: 85 collections including 121 occurrences

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