Praehexasaturnalis germanicus Kozur and Mostler 1990 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Entactinaria - Saturnalidae

Full reference: H. Kozur and H. Mostler. 1990. Saturnaliacea Deflandre and some other stratigraphically important Radiolaria from the Hettangian of Lenggries/Isar (Bavaria, Northern Calcareous Alps). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 17:179-248

Belongs to Praehexasaturnalis according to H. Kozur and H. Mostler 1990

Sister taxa: Praehexasaturnalis kirchsteinensis, Praehexasaturnalis poultoni, Praehexasaturnalis tenuispinosus, Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Mt. Kirchstein, sample L1, which is in a Hettangian basinal (siliceous) limestone in the Kirchstein Formation of Germany.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore

Distribution: found only at Mt. Kirchstein, sample L1

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