Marmosa domina Thomas 1920 (mouse opossum)

Mammalia - Didelphimorphia - Didelphidae

Full reference: O. Thomas. 1920. On Mammals from the Lower Amazons in the Goeldi Museum, Para. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6:266-283

Belongs to Marmosa according to O. Thomas 1920

Sister taxa: Marmosa collega, Marmosa contrerasi, Marmosa demerarae, Marmosa lepida, Marmosa limae, Marmosa mexicana, Marmosa murina, Marmosa paraguayana, Marmosa regina, Marmosa robinsoni, Marmosa rubra

Type specimen: B.M. No.

Ecology: scansorial carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Marmosa domina in the database

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