Schizophoria (Schizophoria) swallovi Weller 1914 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Schizophoriidae

Hall (1858) did not choose a holotype specimen and a lectotype has not been subsequently designated. AMNH 32847, a complete dorsal valve limestone matrix is chosen by Stigall-Rode as the lectotype. This specimen was previously figured in Hall’s (1858) original description of the species.

Alternative combinations: Orthis swallovi, Schizophoria swallovi

Full reference: S. Weller. 1914. The Mississippian Brachiopoda of the Mississippian Valley Basin. 1:1-508

Belongs to Schizophoria (Schizophoria) according to S. H. Butts 2007

Sister taxa: Schizophoria (Schizophoria) australis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) chouteauensis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) impressa, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) iowensis, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) macfarlanii, Schizophoria (Schizophoria) magna

Type specimen: AMNH 32847, a shell

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Schizophoria (Schizophoria) swallovi in the database

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