Arca (Noetia) koerti Bohm 1913 (clam)

Bivalvia - Arcida - Noetiidae

Belongs to Arca (Noetia) according to Bohm 1913

Sister taxa: Arca (Noetia) pondaungensis, Arca (Noetia) reuningi, Noetia (Eontia), Noetia (Eontia) centrota, Noetia (Noetia), Noetia (Sheldonella), Noetia bisulcata, Noetia dauleana, Noetia incile, Noetia lindae, Noetia macdonaldi, Noetia magnifica, Noetia mayensis, Noetia reversa, Noetia sheldoniana, Noetia vientoensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Langental, NE of Bogenfels, which is in a Priabonian shallow subtidal siltstone/sandstone in the Langental Beds Formation of Namibia

Ecology: facultatively mobile semi-infaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Arca (Noetia) koerti in the database

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