Bachmannocena Locker 1974

Chrysophyceae - Phytomastigophora - Dictyochaceae

Full reference: S. Locker. 1974. Revision der Silicoflagellaten aus der Mikrogeologischen Sammlung von C. G. Ehrenberg. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 67(3):631-646

Parent taxon: Dictyochaceae according to S. Locker 1974

Sister taxa: Cannopilus, Caryocha, Corbisema, Cornua, Dictyocha, Halicalyptra, Hannaites, Lyramula, Mesocena, Naviculopsis, Neonaviculopsis, Octactis, Paradictyocha, Paramesocena, Septamesocena, Silicoflagellida, Stephanocha, Vallacerta

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic "photoautotroph"

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Bachmannocena in the database

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