Obolus parvus Walcott 1908 (lamp shell)

Lingulata - Lingulida - Obolidae

Full reference: C. W. Walcott. 1908. Cambrian Brachiopoda: descriptions of new genera and species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 53(3):53-137

Belongs to Obolus according to C. W. Walcott 1908

Sister taxa: Obolus (Broggeria), Obolus (Fordinia), Obolus (Mickwitzella), Obolus acadica, Obolus apollinis, Obolus eichwaldi, Obolus ion, Obolus ismene, Obolus matinalis, Obolus mcconnelli, Obolus membranaceous, Obolus minimus, Obolus nundina, Obolus obscurus, Obolus pheres, Obolus prindlei, Obolus ruchini, Obolus shensiensis, Obolus smithi, Obolus tetonensis, Obolus virginiensis, Obolus wortheni

Type specimen: Its type locality is south slope of Mount Bosworth, which is in a Delamaran marine shale in the Cathedral Formation of Canada

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at south slope of Mount Bosworth

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