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Reptilia - Testudines - Cheloniidae

Eochelone was named by Dollo (1903) [Sepkoski's age data: T Eo-m]. It is not extant.

It was assigned to Eocheloniinae by Weems (1988); to Chelonia by Sepkoski (2002); and to Cheloniidae by Carroll (1988), Hirayama (1995), Grant-Mackie et al. (2011) and de Lapparent de Broin et al. (2018).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1903Eochelone Dollo
1988Eochelone Carroll
1988Eochelone Weems p. 141 figs. Table 2
1995Eochelone Hirayama p. 282
2002Eochelone Sepkoski
2011Eochelone Grant-Mackie et al.
2018Eochelone de Lapparent de Broin et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)
orderTestudinesBatsch 1788
familyCheloniidaeBonaparte 1832
genusEocheloneDollo 1903

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Eochelone Dollo 1903
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Eochelone athersuchi Moody 1980
Eochelone brabantica Dollo 1903
Eochelone monstigris Grant-Mackie et al. 2011
Eochelone voltregana de Lapparent de Broin et al. 2018
F. de Lapparent de Broin et al. 2018Cheloniid species belong to an informal Eocene– Oligocene group differ from the toxochelyids, the Euclastes group and Erquelinnesia by a slight anterior protrusion of the carapace border produced at the nuchal and peripherals 1 with slight lateral incurvation in the border of peripherals 1 to 3, absence of nuchal fontanelles and a longer and narrower plastron. Shared with the other members of the informal group are the presence of 11 pairs of peripherals and marginals (instead of 12 pairs seen in some living Cheloniidae where the second pairs are divided), continuous neural series composed of nine plates without secondary divisions (seen in Allopleuron and living Cheloniidae), 2 to 3 suprapygals without neural series interruption and suprapygal divisions (both seen in some living forms), development of the trochanter major of the humerus (as in living forms but less developed) and a ventrally directed minor trochanter of the humerus (as in living forms but the trochanter not bent on the intertochanteric fossa and without arched deltopectoral crest). The informal group also differs from the Allopleuron- Osonachelus group principally by the absence of a welldeveloped secondary shell elongation, the absence of reduction of the dermal ossification of all the shell elements and the slightly less elongated humerus major trochanter.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: marinesuperf
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: aquaticsubo
Diet: omnivoresubo
Reproduction: oviparoussubo
Created: 2017-04-17 10:37:12
Modified: 2017-04-17 10:37:12
Source: superf = superfamily, subo = suborder, c = class, subp = subphylum
References: Uetz 2005, Bush and Bambach 2015, Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Lutetian to the top of the Late/Upper Eocene or 47.80000 to 33.90000 Ma

Collections (12 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Belgium E. brabantica (124457)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Ukraine (Luhansk) E. sp. (120885)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Belgium (Brabant) E. brabantica (188446)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0United Kingdom (England) Argillochelys athersuchi (32915)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Russian Federation (Krasnodar) E. sp. (187028)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Spain Cheloniidae indet. (167792) E. voltregana (167790)
Bartonian41.3 - 38.0Spain (Barcelona) E. voltregana (167786 167787)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Spain (Catalonia) E. voltregana (196695)
Priabonian38.0 - 33.9Romania (Cluj-Napoca) E. sp. (221117)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9New Zealand E. monstigris (176841)