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Angiospermae - Proteales - Platanaceae

Langeria was named by Wolfe and Wehr (1987). Its type is Langeria magnifica. It was considered monophyletic by Wolfe and Wehr (1987).

It was assigned to Hamamelidaceae by Wolfe and Wehr (1987); and to Platanaceae by Huegele and Manchester (2022).

L. magnifica (type species)

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1987Langeria Wolfe and Wehr
2022Langeria Huegele and Manchester p. 368

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EudicotsDoyle and Hotton 1991
orderProtealesJussieu 1829
familyPlatanaceaeLestiboudois 1826

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Langeria Wolfe and Wehr 1987
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Langeria magnifica Wolfe and Wehr 1987
J. A. Wolfe and W. Wehr 1987Leaves simple; shape elliptic to typically ovate, apex acute, base shallowly cordate to acute; petiole normal, as much as 6 cm long; margin serrate, apical angle acute, serration type C-2 or C-3, sinuses rounded, spacing regular, teeth simple to typically compound; venation pinnate; secondary veins 10 to 12 pairs, departing basally at high (70° to 90°) angles that diminish apically, broadly curved, typically craspedodromous; third through fifth pairs of secondary veins diverging from one another, with three to six conspicuous, craspedodromous external secondary branches; intersecondary veins uncommon; tertiary veins spaced at about 0.3 to 0.5 cm, orthogonal, straight to slightly sinuous, simple or
forked, percurrent; quaternary veins orthogonal, forming a coarse branched reticulum; quinternary veins orthogonal, forming a weakly branched reticulum of areoles; veinlets branching two to three times
I. Huegele and S. Manchester 2022Leaves simple, petiolate with an inflated petiole base. Lamina elliptic to ovate, unlobed to trilobed, symmetrical to weakly asymmetrical. Apex acute, base obtuse, cordate to cuneate. Margin serrate, sinuses rounded. Teeth small, usually compound, glandular, distal flank concave, proximal flank convex, straight, or concave. Midvein straight or slightly curved. Secondary veins typically craspedodromous or sometimes mixed camptodromous, curved apically toward margin. Angle between midvein and secondaries generally decreases toward apex. Infrasecondaries present at the base of the lamina and usually paired. Tertiaries orthogonal, opposite ormixed percurrent. Quaternaries form a coarse reticulate mesh. Freely ending veinlets simple straight or branched once. Stipules ochreate, orbicular, foliar, and lobed. Higher-order venation forms a reticulate
mesh with freely ending veinlets.
No measurements are available
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2011-07-22 00:04:15
Modified: 2011-07-21 09:04:15
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Kiessling 2009

Age range: base of the Lutetian to the top of the Bartonian or 47.80000 to 38.00000 Ma

Collections (2 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Eocene56.0 - 33.9Canada (British Columbia) L. magnifica (179231)
Lutetian - Bartonian47.8 - 38.0USA (Washington) L. magnifica (11537)