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Neurankylus eximius

Reptilia - Baenidae

Neurankylus eximius was named by Lambe (1902). Its type specimen is CMN 1504, a partial shell (left costals 3, 5-9 (9 is anomalous); right costals 3, 4; 8th neural; and suprapygal), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Neurankylus eximius type locality, which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Dinosaur Park? Formation of Canada. It is the type species of Neurankylus.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1902Neurankylus eximius Lambe p. 42 fig. 7
1908Neurankylus eximius Hay p. 94
1908Charitemys captans Hay p. 98 figs. Telt-figs. 93-95
1930Neurankylus eximius Hay p. 70
1930Charitemys captans Hay p. 73
1933Baena fluviatilis Parks p. 19 figs. 1-2, Pl. 7: 1-2
1935Thescelus fluviatilis Gilmore p. 177
1972Neurankylus eximius Gaffney pp. 249, 291 figs. 38-39
1981Neurankylus eximius Mateer p. 63
1988Neurankylus eximius Sullivan et al. p. 2
1989Neurankylus eximius Bryant pp. 36-37
2002Neurankylus eximius Holroyd and Hutchison p. 181
2003Neurankylus eximius Hutchison and Holroyd
2012Neurankylus eximius Sullivan et al.
2013Neurankylus eximius Larson et al.
2014Neurankylus eximius Perea et al.
2015Neurankylus eximius Joyce and Lyson p. 161
2016Neurankylus eximius Lyson et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
Testudinata(Oppel 1811)
familyBaenidaeCope 1882

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Neurankylus eximius Lambe 1902
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Invalid names: Baena fluviatilis Parks 1933 [synonym], Charitemys captans Hay 1908 [synonym]
E. S. Gaffney 1972[same as for genus Neurankylus]
D. W. Larson et al. 2013Neurankylus eximius is here rediagnosed
on the basis of the following autapomorphies: eighth
neural and first suprapygal fused even when other carapacial
sutures are open; coincidence of the fourth–fifth
vertebral sulcus along the aforementioned fused suture;
plastron length exceeding carapace width; intergulars only
barely separating gulars and having little or no shared sulcus
with humerals; and sigmoid intergular–gular sulcus oriented
anterolaterally to posteromedially, creating a heart shape
(Figs. 21.1b, 21.3). The species differs further from
N. baueri in that the first–second costal suture is oriented
anterolaterally, the posterior neurals are hexagonal with
short sides anteriorly, the fifth vertebral is wider than second
suprapygal, and the posterior margin of the carapace is
smooth and not scalloped. It differs from both N. baueri and
N. lithographicus in that its fourth marginals widen halfway
along their length. N. eximius differs from N. baueri,
N. lithographicus, and the Lance Formation Neurankylus in
that the anterior margin of the carapace is squared off,
but the carapace possesses a dorsal median keel as in
N. baueri. The skull differs from that of N. lithographicus in
being broadly wedge-shaped, with the opisthotic posterior
width exceeding 1.5 times the dorsoventral height, the stapedial
foramen is more than half of the anteroposterior
length of the otic region away from the quadrate-squamosal
suture, and the foramen nervi hypoglossi is directed
W. G. Joyce and T. R. Lyson 2015Neurankylus eximius is currently diagnosed as a baenid by the full list of characters listed above for that clade, and as a representative of Neurankylus by its large size, smooth shell that lacks both anterior and posterior notches, complete ring of marginals, wide vertebrals, small, undivided cervical that is taller than wide, lack of contact between the extragulars, large exposure of the prefrontal on the dorsal skull roof and small and triangular basisphenoid. Neurankylus eximius is currently differentiated from other Neurankylus by a wide vertebral V, no scalloping on the posterior edge of the shell, hexagonal posterior neural bones, the development of a weak, disrupted median keel on the carapace and moderate upper temporal emargination in the skull.
No measurements are available
Composition: phosphaticsubp
Environment: terrestrialuc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Created: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Modified: 2017-04-17 15:15:35
Source: c = class, subp = subphylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Carroll 1988, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Campanian to the top of the Late/Upper Maastrichtian or 83.50000 to 66.00000 Ma

Collections (9 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Campanian83.6 - 72.1Canada (Alberta) Baena fluviatilis (128457)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Canada (Alberta) Neurankylus eximius (22697 45261 46953 type locality: 128454 187581)
Middle Campanian - Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Montana) Charitemys captans (128455)
Lancian70.6 - 66.0USA (Montana) Neurankylus eximius (14639)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Montana) Neurankylus eximius (128458)