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Chrysophyceae - Phytomastigophora - Dictyochaceae


Species lacking formal opinion data

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1928Corbisema Hanna p. 261
1974Corbisema Locker p. 633
1983Corbisema Abbott and Ernissee p. 305
1984Corbisema Barron et al. p. 149
1988Corbisema Harwood

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Corbisema Hanna 1928
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Corbisema angularis Barron et al. 1984
Corbisema exilis Barron et al. 1984
Corbisema flexuosa Stradner 1961
Corbisema hastata Perch-Nielsen 1975
Corbisema hastata miranda Barron et al. 1984
Corbisema inermis Schultz 1928
Corbisema inermis ballantina Barron et al. 1984
Corbisema regina Barron et al. 1984
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: silicac
Locomotion: passively mobilec
Life habit: planktonicc
Diet: "photoautotroph"c
Created: 2009-07-21 10:14:48
Modified: 2009-07-21 12:14:48
Source: c = class
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Campanian to the top of the Langhian or 83.60000 to 13.82000 Ma

Collections (25 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Campanian83.6 - 72.1Antarctica C. apiculata, C. geometrica, C. lateradiata, C. archangelskiana (57574) C. geometrica (57573)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Antarctica C. apiculata, C. geometrica, C. lateradiata, C. inermis (57568) C. apiculata, C. lateradiata (57569) C. geometrica (57557 57565) C. geometrica, C. inermis (57561) C. geometrica, C. lateradiata, C. inermis (57554) C. lateradiata (57556 57560) C. lateradiata, C. inermis (57558)
Paleocene66.0 - 56.0Antarctica C. apiculata (57537 57548) C. apiculata, C. aspera (57550) C. apiculata, C. aspera, C. hastata, C. inermis (57540) C. apiculata, C. aspera, C. inermis (57546) C. apiculata, C. aspera, C. lateradiata, C. hastata (57538) C. apiculata, C. aspera, C. lateradiata, C. sp. variant, C. hastata, C. inermis (57542) C. apiculata, C. sp. variant, C. hastata, C. inermis (57545) C. inermis (57547) C. lateradiata, C. inermis (57544)
Lutetian - Bartonian47.8 - 38.0USA (California) C. angularis, C. exilis, C. hastata (201733)
Aquitanian - Langhian23.03 - 13.82USA (North Carolina) C. tracantha (48887)
Burdigalian20.44 - 15.97Peru C. triacantha (192828)
Langhian15.97 - 13.82Mexico (Baja California) C. triacantha (52183)