Classification of Allen 1913

G. Akodon Meyen 1833 [akodont]
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Akodon tolimae Allen 1913
G. Sigmodon Say and Ord 1825 [cotton rat]
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Sigmodon chonensis Allen 1913
G. Tayassu Fischer 1814
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Tayassu niger Allen 1913
G. Choloepus Illiger 1811
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Choloepus andinus Allen 1913
G. Myoprocta Thomas 1903 [acouchi]
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Myoprocta milleri Allen 1913
G. Proechimys Allen 1899 [spiny rat]
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Potos flavus Schreber 1774 [kinkajou]
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Tayra barbara Linnaeus 1758 [tayra]
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Subg. Sylvilagus (Tapeti) Gray 1867
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Coendu quichua Thomas 1899
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Nasua olivacea Gray 1864
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