Classification of Rice 1998

Or. Cetacea Brisson 1762 [whale]
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Subor. †Archaeoceti Flower 1883
Invalid names: Basilosauroidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Protocetoidea Mitchell 1989 [empty], Remingtonocetoidea Mitchell 1989 [empty]
Subor. Mysticeti Cope 1891
Infraor. Chaeomysticeti Mitchell 1989
Fm. Balaenidae Gray 1821 [right whale]
G. Balaena Linnaeus 1758 [bowhead whale]
Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus 1758 [bowhead whale]
Fm. Balaenopteridae Gray 1864 [rorqual]
Subfm. Balaenopterinae Flower 1865
G. Balaenoptera Lacépède 1804 [rorqual]
Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lacépède 1804 [minke whale]
Balaenoptera bonaerensis Burmeister 1867
Balaenoptera borealis Lesson 1828 [sei whale]
Balaenoptera musculus Linnaeus 1758 [blue whale]
Balaenoptera physalus Linnaeus 1758 [fin whale]
Invalid names: Megapterinae Flower 1865 [empty]
Fm. Cetotheriidae Brandt 1872
Fm. Eschrichtiidae Ellerman and Morrisson-Scott 1951 [gray whale]
G. Eschrichtius Gray 1864 [gray whale]
Eschrichtius robustus Lilljeborg 1861 [gray whale]
Invalid names: Eschrichtius gibbosus Erxleben 1777 [nomen dubium]
Fm. Neobalaenidae Miller 1923 [pygmy right whale]
G. Caperea Gray 1864
Caperea marginata Gray 1846 [pygmy right whale]
Invalid names: Crenaticeti Mitchell 1989 [empty], Mystacoceti Flower 1867 [synonym], Mysticete Gray 1864 [synonym]
Subor. Odontoceti Flower 1867 [toothed whale]
Fm. †Agorophiidae Abel 1914
Superfm. Delphinoidea Flower 1865
Fm. †Albireonidae Barnes 1984
Fm. †Kentriodontidae Slijper 1936
Subfm. †Pithanodelphininae Barnes 1985
Fm. Monodontidae Gray 1821
G. Delphinapterus Lacépède 1804 [beluga]
Delphinapterus leucas Pallas 1776 [beluga whale]
G. Monodon Linnaeus 1758 [narwhal]
Monodon monoceros Linnaeus 1758 [narhwal]
Superfm. †Eurhinodelphinoidea Muizon 1988
Fm. Eoplatanistidae Muizon 1988
Fm. †Eurhinodelphinidae Abel 1901
Fm. Iniidae Gray 1846
G. Inia d'Orbigny 1834
Inia geoffrensis Blainville 1817
Fm. Lipotidae Zhou et al. 1978
G. Lipotes Miller 1918
Lipotes vexillifer Miller 1918 [Chinese river dolphin]
Fm. Phocoenidae Gray 1825 [porpoise]
G. Neophocaena Palmer 1899
Neophocaena phocaenoides Cuvier 1829 [finless porpoise]
G. Phocoena Cuvier 1816
Phocoena dioptrica Lahille 1912 [spectacled porpoise]
Phocoena phocoena Linnaeus 1758 [harbor porpoise]
Phocoena sinus Norris and McFarland 1958 [Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise]
Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister 1865
G. Phocoenoides Andrews 1911
Phocoenoides dalli True 1885 [Dall's porpoise]
Invalid names: Brachydelphininae Rice 1998 [empty]
Superfm. Physeteroidea Gray 1868
Fm. Kogiidae Miller 1923 [pygmy sperm whale]
G. Kogia Gray 1846
Kogia breviceps Blainville 1838 [pygmy sperm whale]
Kogia sima Owen 1866 [dwarf sperm whale]
Fm. Physeteridae Gray 1821 [sperm whale]
G. Physeter Linnaeus 1758
Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus 1758 [sperm whale]
Invalid names: Physeter catodon Linnaeus 1758 [synonym]
Superfm. Platanistoidea Simpson 1945
Fm. †Dalpiazinidae Muizon 1988
Fm. Platanistidae Gray 1846
G. Platanista Wagler 1830
Invalid names: Susu Lesson 1828 [synonym]
Fm. †Squalodelphidae Dal Piaz 1917
Fm. †Squalodontidae Brandt 1873
Fm. †Waipatiidae Fordyce 1994
Fm. Pontoporiidae Gray 1870
G. Pontoporia Gray 1846
Pontoporia blainvillei Gervais and d'Orbigny 1844
Invalid names: Brachydelphininae Rice 1998 [empty]
Superfm. Ziphioidea Gray 1850
Tr. Ziphiina Gray 1850 [beaked whale]
Invalid names: Denticete Gray 1864 [synonym], Zignodelphinidae Pilleri 1989 [empty]
G. Phocaena Cuvier 1816
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Invalid names: Australophocaena Barnes 1985 [synonym]
Fm. Sirenia Illiger 1811 [sirenian]
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Fm. Trichechidae Gray 1821 [manatee]
G. Trichechus Linnaeus 1758 [manatee]
Trichechus inunguis Natterer 1883 [Amazonian manatee]
Trichechus manatus Linnaeus 1758
Trichechus senegalensis Link 1795 [West African manatee]
G. Eumetopias Gill 1866 [Steller sea lion]
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Eumetopias jubatus Schreber 1776 [Steller sea lion]
G. Zalophus Gill 1866 [California sea lion]
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Zalophus californianus Lesson 1828 [California sea lion]
Superfm. Arctoidea Flower 1869
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Unr. Ursida Tedford 1976
Unr. Pinnipedia Illiger 1811 [pinniped]
Tr. Otariidae Gray 1825 [eared seal]
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G. Arctocephalus Cuvier 1826 [fur seal]
Invalid names: Arctophoca Peters 1866 [synonym]
G. Callorhinus Gray 1859 [fur seal]
Subfm. Otariinae Gray 1825
Fm. Odobaenidae Allen 1880 [walrus]
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Subfm. †Dusignathinae Mitchell 1968
G. †Imagotaria Mitchell 1968
G. †Neotherium Kellogg 1931
Subfm. Odobeninae Allen 1880
Fm. Ziphiidae Gray 1850 [beaked whale]
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Subfm. Hyperoodontinae Muizon 1990
G. Hyperoodon Lacépède 1804
Hyperoodon ampullatus Forster 1770 [northern bottlenose whale]
Hyperoodon planifrons Flower 1882 [southern bottlenose whale]
G. Indopacetus Moore 1968 [tropical bottlenose whale]
G. Mesoplodon Gervais 1850
Mesoplodon bahamondi Reyes et al. 1996
Mesoplodon bidens Sowerby 1804
Mesoplodon bowdoini Andrews 1908
Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville 1817
Mesoplodon europaeus Gervais 1852
Mesoplodon ginkgodens Nishiwaki and Kamiya 1958
Invalid names: Mesoplodon hotaula Deraniyagala 1963 [synonym]
Mesoplodon grayi Haast 1876
Mesoplodon mirus True 1913 [True's beaked whale]
Mesoplodon peruvianus Reyes et al. 1991
G. Tasmacetus Oliver 1937
Tasmacetus shepherdi Oliver 1937 [Shepherd's beaked whale]
Invalid names: Hyperoodontidae Gray 1846 [synonym]
Fm. Delphinidae Gray 1821 [dolphin]
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G. Delphinus Linnaeus 1758 [common dolphin]
Delphinus delphis Linnaeus 1758 [short-beaked common dolphin]
Delphinus tropicalis van Bree 1971
G. Feresa Gray 1870 [pygmy killer whale]
Feresa attenuata Gray 1874 [pygmy killer whale]
G. Globicephala Lesson 1828 [pilot whale]
Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray 1846 [short-finned pilot whale]
Globicephala melas Traill 1809 [long-finned pilot whale]
G. Grampus Gray 1828
Grampus griseus Cuvier 1812 [Risso's dolphin]
G. Lagenodelphis Fraser 1956
Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser 1956 [Fraser's dolphin]
G. Lagenorhynchus Gray 1846
Lagenorhynchus albirostris Gray 1846 [white-beaked dolphin]
Lagenorhynchus cruciger Quoy and Gaimard 1824
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Gill 1865 [Pacific white-sided dolphin]
Invalid names: Leucopleurus Gray 1866 [synonym]
G. Lissodelphis Gloger 1841
Lissodelphis peronii Lacépède 1804 [southern right whale dolphin]
Invalid names: Lissodelphis peroni Lacépède 1804 [misspelling]
G. Orcaella Gray 1866
Orcaella brevirostris Gray 1866 [Irrawaddy dolphin]
G. Orcinus Fitzinger 1860 [killer whale]
Orcinus orca Linnaeus 1758 [orca]
G. Peponocephala Nishiwaki and Norris 1966
Peponocephala electra Gray 1846 [melon-headed whale]
G. Pseudorca Reinhardt 1862 [false killer whale]
Pseudorca crassidens Owen 1846 [false killer whale]
G. Sotalia Gray 1866
Sotalia fluviatilis Gervais and Deville 1853
G. Sousa Gray 1866
Sousa chinensis Osbeck 1765 [Chinese white dolphin]
Sousa teuszi Kukenthal 1892
G. Stenella Gray 1866
Stenella attenuata Gray 1846 [pantropical spotted dolphin]
Stenella clymene Gray 1850
Stenella frontalis Cuvier 1829
Invalid names: Stenella dubia Cuvier 1812 [nomen dubium]
G. Steno Gray 1846
Steno bredanensis Lesson 1828 [rough-toothed dolphin]
G. Tursiops Gervais 1855
Tursiops aduncus Ehrenberg 1832
Tursiops truncatus Gray 1866 [common bottlenose dolphin]
Invalid names: Tursiops parvimanus Van Beneden 1886 [synonym]
Invalid names: Orcaellidae Nishiwaki 1963 [synonym], Orcinae Wagner 1846 [invalid subgroup]
Fm. Pinnipedia Illiger 1811 [pinniped]
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Fm. Odobenidae Allen 1880 [walrus]
Superfm. Phocoidea Smirnov 1908
G. †Allodesmus Kellogg 1922
G. †Desmatophoca Condon 1906
Fm. Phocidae Gray 1821 [seal]
Subfm. Monachinae Trouessart 1897
G. †Acrophoca Muizon 1981
G. †Homiphoca Muizon and Hendey 1980
Tr. †Lobodontini Gray 1869
G. Mirounga Gray 1827 [elephant seal]
Mirounga leonina Linnaeus 1758 [southern elephant seal]
G. Monachus Flemming 1822 [monk seal]
G. †Piscophoca Muizon 1981
Subfm. Phocinae Gray 1821 [seal]
G. Cystophora Nilsson 1820 [hooded seal]
G. Erignathus Gill 1866 [bearded seal]
Tr. Phocini Gray 1821
G. †Pinnarctidion Barnes 1979
Subfm. Ziphiinae Gray 1850 [beaked whale]
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G. Berardius Duvernoy 1851
Berardius arnuxii Duvernoy 1851 [Arnoux's beaked whale]
G. Ziphius Cuvier 1824
Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier 1824 [Cuvier's beaked whale]
G. Ommatophoca Gray 1844 [Ross seal]
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G. Pusa Scopoli 1777 [Arctic seal]
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Pusa caspica Nilsson 1837
Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788
Or. Sirenia Illiger 1811 [sirenian]
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Fm. Dugongidae Gray 1821 [dugong]
Subfm. Dugonginae Gray 1821
G. Dugong Lacépède 1799 [dugong]
Dugong dugon Illiger 1811 [dugong]
Subfm. †Hydrodamalinae Palmer 1895
G. †Hydrodamalis Retzius 1794 [Steller's sea cow]
Hydrodamalis gigas Zimmermann 1780 [Steller's sea cow]
Fm. Champsodelphinidae Rice 1998
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Invalid names: Champsodelphidae Scott 1873 [replaced]
Subor. Pinnipedia Illiger 1811 [pinniped]
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Fm. Otariidae Gray 1825 [eared seal]