Classification of the tribe Callosciurini

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G. Callosciurus Gray 1867 [tree squirrel]
Callosciurus erythraeus Pallas 1779 [Pallas's squirrel]
G. Dremomys Heude 1898 [red-cheeked squirrel]
G. Exilisciurus Moore 1958 [Asian pygmy squirrel]
G. Glyphotes Thomas 1898 [Sculptor squirrel]
G. Hyosciurus Tate and Archbold 1935
G. Lariscus Thomas and Wroughton 1909 [Asian striped ground squirrel]
G. Menetes Thomas 1908 [Indochinese ground squirrel]
G. Nannosciurus Trouessart 1880 [Black-eared pygmy squirrel]
G. Prosciurillus Ellerman 1947 [Sulawesi tree squirrel]
G. Rhinosciurus Blyth 1856 [ant-eating squirrel]
G. Rubrisciurus Ellerman 1954 [Sulawesi giant squirrel]
G. Sundasciurus Moore 1958 [Sunda squirrel]
G. Tamiops Allen 1906 [Asian striped squirrel]