J. L. Prado et al. 1998

Full reference
J. L. Prado, J. Chiesa, G. Tognelli, E. Cerdeño, and E. Strasser. 1998. Los mamiferos de la Formacion Rio Quinto (Plioceno), provincia de San Luis (Argentina). Aspectos bioestratigraficos, zoogeograficos y paleoambientales. Estudios Geologicos 54:153-160 [C. Jaramillo/M. Vallejo]
ID number:  48758
Created:  2013-11-05 11:06:57
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  Spanish
Comments: A new faunal assemblage from cantera Díaz Nogarol, San Luis province (Argentina), is described. Xenarthrans, notoungulates, and rodents of five different families were identified: 1. Dasypodidae: Doellotatus chapalmalensis. Macrochorohates chapalmalensis, Macroeuphractus retusus, Euphractini indet.; 2. Hegetotheriidae: Paedotherium typicum, Paedotherium insigne. Tremacyllus impressus; 3. Octodontidae: Aetenomys sp., Pithanotomys sp., Eucelophorus cf. chapalmalensis sp.; 4. Caviidae: Pascualt'a cf. laeviplicata. Dolicavia minuscula, Caviodon multiplicatus; 5. Chinchillidae: Lagostomopsis sp. The presence of certain taxa such as D. minuscula. P. cf. laeviplicata and C. multiplicatus indicates a Chapadmalalan age for this faunal assemblage within the Late Pliocene. The xenarthran and the pachyrukhine taxa suggest a zoogeographic conexion between the subandean and the pampean regions during that time. The mammal association indicates open habitats, with arid-semiarid paleoenvironmental conditions.
Taxonomic opinions (3) - view classification
'Doellotatus chapadmalensis belongs to Doellotatus' according to Bordas 1932
'Macrochorobates chapadmalensis belongs to Macrochorobates' according to Ameghino 1908
'Pascualia laeviplicata belongs to Pascualia' according to Ortega Hinojosa 1963
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