Soyana (PIN collection 3353) (Permian of Russian Federation)

Where: Arkangelsk, Russian Federation (65.6° N, 43.7° E: paleocoordinates 33.2° N, 33.1° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Iva-Gora Beds Formation, Roadian (272.3 - 268.8 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal; lithified siliciclastic sediments

• Probable brackish lagoon with some access to sea

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by A. G. Sharov in 1972

• Collector info in Aristov & Rasnitsyn (2011)

Primary reference: D. S. Aristov. 2008. Revision of the Permian genus Parasylviodes Martynov, 1940 (Grylloblattida: Liomopteridae). Far Eastern Entomologist 186:1-5 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 104992: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 13.02.2011, edited by Jered Karr and Lindy Edwards

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Dicondylia - Tshekarcephalidae
"Kungurmica sojanensis n. sp." = Tshekarcephalus sojanensis1
"Kungurmica sojanensis n. sp." = Tshekarcephalus sojanensis1 Aristov 1998 winged insect
PIN 3353/233
 Permothemistida - Permothemistidae
Permothemis flexus n. sp.33 Sinitshenkova 1980 winged insect
PIN 3353/91, 92
 Palaeodictyoptera - Eukulojidae
Eukuloja rotundata n. sp.34 Sinitshenkova 1981 winged insect
PIN 3353/9
Eukuloja atrosumma n. sp.34 Sinitshenkova 1981 winged insect
PIN 3353/16
Eukuloja cubitalis34 Martynov 1932 winged insect
PIN 3353/3-6, 10-15, 17-21, 352, 1090, 1091
 Palaeodictyoptera - Calvertiellidae
Sharovia sojanica n. gen. n. sp.29
Sharovia sojanica n. gen. n. sp.29 Sinitshenkova 1977 winged insect
PIN 3353/1, 2
 Dicondylia - Permembiidae
Letopaloptera albardiana8 Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 3353/42,798
 Dicondylia - Ampelipteridae
Tshekardobia panorpitincta n. sp.24 Novokshonov 2004 winged insect
PIN 3353/35, 30, 50
Tshekardobia lurida n. sp.24 Novokshonov 2004 winged insect
PIN 3353/51
Tshekardobia magnifica n. sp.24 Novokshonov 2004 winged insect
PIN 3353/48, 22
 Paoliida - Blattinopsidae
Glaphyrophlebia subcostalis11 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 3353/198, 200, 203, 210
 Paoliida - Paoliidae
Permotermopsis roseni37 Martynov 1937 winged insect
PIN 3353/172, 285, 329
Permotermopsis pectinata37 Martynov 1937 winged insect
PIN 3353/283,375
"Protoblattinidae indet." = Paoliidae5 Handlirsch 1906 winged insect
PIN 3353/346 (Paraphenopterum unicolor paratype)
Stenaropodites sojanensis n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/146, 160, 240, 322, 1117, 174, 343
Stenaropodites mistshenkoi37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/323, 219
Sojanidelia fluctuosa n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/148, 288, 294
Sojanidelia maculosa n. gen. n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/136, 271, 278
Sojanidelia fasciata n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/281,235
Sojanidelia makarkini n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/167
Sojanidelia nana37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/188
Sojanidelia parvula n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/274, 159
Sojanidelia lineata n. sp.37 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/184, 130
 Paoliida - Anthracoptilidae
Graticladus severus n. gen. n. sp.24
Graticladus severus n. gen. n. sp.24 Novokshonov and Aristov 2004 winged insect
PIN 3353/367
 Orthoptera - Mesotitanidae
Tcholmanvissiella gigantea n. gen. n. sp.13
Tcholmanvissiella gigantea n. gen. n. sp.13 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/378
 Orthoptera - Pruvostitidae
Maculoedischia abnormis n. sp.15, Maculoedischia sojanensis n. gen. n. sp.15, Sojanoedischia sharovi n. gen. n. sp.15
Maculoedischia abnormis n. sp.15 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/384
Maculoedischia sojanensis n. gen. n. sp.15 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/406
Sojanoedischia sharovi n. gen. n. sp.15 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/379, 392
 Orthoptera - Oedischiidae
Mezenoedischia martynovi n. sp.15, Mezenoedischia maculosa n. gen. n. sp.15, "Tcholmanvissia noinskii" = Tcholmanvissia noinskii13, "Pinegia zalesskyi n. sp." = Tcholmanvissia noinskii13
Mezenoedischia martynovi n. sp.15 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/394
Mezenoedischia maculosa n. gen. n. sp.15 Gorochov 1987 grasshopper
PIN 3353/403
"Tcholmanvissia noinskii" = Tcholmanvissia noinskii13 Zalessky 1929 grasshopper
PIN 3353/381, 396
"Pinegia zalesskyi n. sp." = Tcholmanvissia noinskii13 Zalessky 1929 grasshopper
PIN 3353/391
 Caloneurodea - Caloneuridae
"Euthygramma parallelum" = Euthygramma parallellum14
"Euthygramma parallelum" = Euthygramma parallellum14 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 3353/877, 851
 Caloneurodea -
Paleuthygramma sharovi n. sp.14 Béthoux et al. 2004 winged insect
PIN 3353/860
 Cnemidolestodea - Protembiidae
Soyanocadaver crypticus n. gen. n. sp.6, Repka curta n. sp.10, Repka stramenis n. gen. n. sp.10, Repka repens n. sp.10
Soyanocadaver crypticus n. gen. n. sp.6 Aristov 2015 winged insect
PIN 3353/310
Repka curta n. sp.10 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2011 winged insect
PIN 3353/232
Repka stramenis n. gen. n. sp.10 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2011 winged insect
PIN 3353/539
Repka repens n. sp.10 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2011 winged insect
PIN 3353/307
 Cnemidolestodea - Tillyardembiidae
Kungurembia biarmica n. sp.28 Rasnitsyn and Aristov 2010 winged insect
PIN 3353/144,176
 Protorthoptera - Sheimiidae
Pseudosheimia caudissima n. sp.8, "Pseudosheimia alligans n. sp." = Magniscapa alligans8, Soyanembia sharovi n. gen. n. sp.8, Parasheimia kazanica n. sp.8
Pseudosheimia caudissima n. sp.8 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2008 winged insect
PIN 3353/535
"Pseudosheimia alligans n. sp." = Magniscapa alligans8 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2008 winged insect
PIN 3353/447 (PIN 3353/536 fide Shcherbakov 2015)
Soyanembia sharovi n. gen. n. sp.8 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2008 winged insect
PIN 3353/540,1120
Parasheimia kazanica n. sp.8 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2008 winged insect
PIN 3353/420
 Protorthoptera - Soyaniidae
Soyania logica n. gen. n. sp.8
Soyania logica n. gen. n. sp.8 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2008 winged insect
PIN 3353/350,175,534,544 (not 536; Shcherbakov 2015)
 Grylloblattodea - Lemmatophoridae
Uraloprisca lisca n. gen. n. sp.4
Uraloprisca lisca n. gen. n. sp.4 Aristov 2009 ice crawler
PIN 3353/368
 Grylloblattodea - Epideigmatidae
Paraphenopterum unicolor n. gen. n. sp.36
Paraphenopterum unicolor n. gen. n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/334(331), 346
 Grylloblattodea - Liomopteridae
Analiomopterites maculosus n. gen. n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/142, 179, 242
Liomopterites argutus n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/273
Parasylviodes sojanensis n. sp. Aristov 2008 ice crawler
PIN 3353/372
Sylvaella martynovi n. sp.6 Aristov 2015 ice crawler
PIN 3353/190
Ornaticostella limbata n. gen. n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/275, 313
Kazanella mendosa n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/250, 234 (not 276; Aristov, 2015)
Sibirella variegata n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/169, 129, 163, 287, 305, 316, 366
Parapermula sojanensis n. sp.36 Storozhenko 1992 ice crawler
PIN 3353/139, 332
 Hypoperlida - Hypoperlidae
Boreopsocus danksae n. gen. n. sp.30 Shcherbakov 1994 winged insect
Hypoperla elegans22 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 3353/471
 Hypoperlida - Sojanoperidae
Sojanopus festivum n. gen. n. sp.23
Sojanopus festivum n. gen. n. sp.23 Novokshonov 2002 winged insect
PIN 3353/549, 775
 Hemiptera - Boreoscytidae
Boreoscyta nefasta31 Becker-Migdisova 1949 true bug
PIN 3353/716
 Permopsocida - Archipsyllidae
"Eopsylla sojanensis" = Eopsylla sojanense41
"Eopsylla sojanensis" = Eopsylla sojanense41 Becker-Migdisova 1962 winged insect
PIN 3353/94, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104
 Dicondylia - Permosialidae
Permosialis perfecta12 Martynova 1952 winged insect
PIN 3353/808
Permosialis martynovae n. sp.12 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2023 winged insect
PIN 3353/811
Permosialis paucinervis12 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 3353/801
Palaeomantopsis furcatella12 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 3353/807
"Sindomioptera sojanensis n. gen. n. sp." = Epimastax sojanensis27 Rasnitsyn 1977 winged insect
PIN 3353/365
 Permotrichoptera - Microptysmatidae
Kamopanorpa rotundipennis17 Martynov 1932 winged insect
PIN 3353/911, 938, 990, 1022, 1031, 1037, 1050, 1070
 Mecoptera - Permochoristidae
Gigantoageta perforata n. gen. n. sp.20
Gigantoageta perforata n. gen. n. sp.20 Novokshonov 1993 scorpionfly
PIN 3353/978
 Mecoptera - Permopanorpidae
Martynopanorpa sp.21 Willmann 1989 scorpionfly
PIN 3353/1043
 Coleoptera - Permocupedidae
Permocupes sojanensis26 Ponomarenko 1963 beetle
PIN 3353/554, 1074, 1554
 Coleoptera - Tshekardocoleidae
Uralocoleus ultimus n. sp.26 Ponomarenko 2000 beetle
PIN 3353/1055
 Raphidioptera - Parasialidae
Parasialis latipennis n. gen. n. sp.25 Ponomarenko 1977 snakefly
PIN 3353/1112
Parasialis dissedens32 Ponomarenko 1977 snakefly
PIN 3353/1073
 Meganisoptera - Meganeuridae
Arctotypus sp.19 Martynov 1932 griffinfly
PIN 3353/72
Arctotypus sinuatus19 Martynov 1932 griffinfly
PIN 3353/86
Arctotypus giganteus n. sp.19 Nel et al. 2009 griffinfly
PIN 3353/87
 Dicondylia - Permagrionidae
Permolestes soyanaiensis n. sp.18 Nel et al. 2012 winged insect
PIN 3353/63
 Dicondylia - Kennedyidae
Kennedya pritykinae n. sp.18 Nel et al. 2012 winged insect
PIN 3353/76
 Dicondylia - Permaeschnidae
Permaeschna dolloi16 Martynov 1931 winged insect
PIN 3353/75
 Reculida - Sylvaphlebiidae
Sylvaphlebia gunderseni n. sp.6 Aristov 2015 winged insect
PIN 3353/1130
 Reculida - Ivapteridae
Ivaptera sharovi3 Aristov 2009 winged insect
PIN 3353/236, 237, 346,1096; PIN 3353/280 in Aristov, 2015
 Reculida - Skaliciidae
"Sibirella abrepta n. sp." = Paraskalicia abrepta36, "Liomopterites pomorus n. sp." = Paraskalicia pomora36
"Sibirella abrepta n. sp." = Paraskalicia abrepta36 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/145
"Liomopterites pomorus n. sp." = Paraskalicia pomora36 Storozhenko 1992 winged insect
PIN 3353/228
 Reculida - Chaulioditidae
Arkhangeloptera sokica n. gen. n. sp.6
Arkhangeloptera sokica n. gen. n. sp.6 Aristov 2015 winged insect
PIN 3353/276 (paratype of Kazanella mendosa in Storozhenko 1992)
 Eoblattida - Bardapteridae
Olgaephilus emendatus n. gen. n. sp.35
Olgaephilus emendatus n. gen. n. sp.35 Storozhenko 1990 insect
PIN 3353/173, 277, 1094
 Eoblattida - Mesorthopteridae
"Megakhosarina intricata" = Parastenaropodites intricatus2, Sylviodes martynovae n. sp.6
"Megakhosarina intricata" = Parastenaropodites intricatus2 Aristov 2008 insect
PIN 3353/360
Sylviodes martynovae n. sp.6 Aristov 2015 insect
PIN 3353/424
 Eoblattida - Doubraviidae
Iva permiana n. gen. n. sp.7
Iva permiana n. gen. n. sp.7 Aristov 2015 insect
PIN 3353/191
 Eoblattida - Megakhosaridae
Parakhosara nasuta n. gen. n. sp.38 Storozhenko 1993 insect
PIN 3353/183
Parakhosara amoena n. sp.38 Storozhenko 1993 insect
PIN 3353/376, 241
Parakhosara proxima n. sp.38 Storozhenko 1993 insect
PIN 3353/158, 291
Ivakhosara pectinimedia n. gen.2 Aristov 2008 insect
Blattokhosara minuscula40 Aristov 2008 insect
PIN 3353/396
 Eoblattida - Atactophlebiidae
Atactophlebia sharovi n. sp.39 Storozhenko 1994 insect
PIN 3353/337
 Eoblattida - Soyanopteridae
Soyanoptera volucris n. gen. n. sp.9
Soyanoptera volucris n. gen. n. sp.9 Aristov and Rasnitsyn 2011 insect
PIN 3353/424