UCMP D-5586, Confusion Range (Permian of the United States)

Where: Utah (39.4° N, 113.7° W: paleocoordinates 11.5° N, 36.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Arcturus Formation, Artinskian (290.1 - 279.3 Ma)

• 250' (76 m) below top of Arcturus Fm

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; lithified wackestone and lithified packstone

• The enclosing rock consists of wackestone and packstone that was a sediment of mud or muddy sand, containing a small to moderate amount of clay and noncalcareous silt. The beds are separated by thin, clayey shale partings and are interbedded with noncarbonate strata. The coarse component consists of shell material that is broken, abraded, and sometimes well-rounded.

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by T. Yancey, L. Plas, M. Kaasa

Primary reference: T. E. Yancey. 1978. Brachiopods and mollusca of the Lower Permian Arcturus Group, Nevada and Utah, Part 1: brachiopods, scaphopods, rostroconchs, and bivalves. Bulletins of American Paleontology 74(303):257-367 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 10651: authorized by Tom Olszewski, entered by Melissa Gibson on 08.06.2001, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Also included in the list are: 1 fenestellid bryozoan form, 2 crinoid individuals, and 6 echinoid individuals
 Proetida - Phillipsiidae
Anisopyge sp.2 Girty 1909 trilobite
 Productida - Productidae
"Squamaria ivesi" = Peniculauris ivesi
"Squamaria ivesi" = Peniculauris ivesi Newberry 1861
 Productida - Aulostegidae
Costellarina sp.2 Cooper and Muir-Wood 1967
 Dentaliida - Prodentaliidae
Prodentalium sp.2 Young 1942 tusk shell
 Carditida - Astartidae
Astartella sp.2 Hall 1858 clam
 Arcida - Parallelodontidae
Grammatodon (Cosmetodon) politus Girty 1909 clam
Assumed to be same as Parallelodon sp. in Yancey & Stevens, 1981
 Pectinida - Limipectinidae
Acanthopecten sp.2 Girty 1903 scallop
 Pectinida - Streblochondriidae
Streblochondria sp.2 Newell 1938 scallop
 Pectinida - Pseudomonotidae
Pseudomonotis sp.2 von Beyrich 1862 scallop
 Ostreida - Bakevelliidae
Bakevellia sp.2 King 1848 oyster
 Nuculida - Nuculidae
Nuculavus sp.2 Tschernyschev 1943 nut clam
 Pseudorthocerida - Pseudorthoceratidae
Pseudorthoceras sp.2 Girty 1912
 Nautilida - Tainoceratidae
Metacoceras sp.2 Hyatt 1883
 Trochoidea - Araeonematidae
Yunnania sp.2 Mansuy 1912 snail
 Euomphalina - Euomphalidae
Amphiscapha sp.2 Knight 1942 snail
 Euomphalina - Microdomatidae
Glyptospira sp.2 Chronic 1952 snail
 Euomphalina - Anomphalidae
Anomphalus sp.2 Meek and Worthen 1866 snail
 Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae
Apachella sp.2 Winters 1956 snail
Glabrocingulum sp.2 Thomas 1940 snail
 Murchisoniina - Lophospiridae
Platyworthenia sp.2 Chronic 1952 snail
 Caenogastropoda - Goniasmatidae
Goniasma sp.2 Tomlin 1930 snail
 Bellerophontida -
Bellerophontoidea indet.1 M'Coy 1851 snail