Baltic Amber, Hoffeins/Deutsches Entomologische Institut collection (Eocene of Russian Federation)

Where: Russian Federation (54.9° N, 19.9° E: paleocoordinates 53.9° N, 15.2° E)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

• According to Aleksandrova and Zaporozhets (2008), the higher parts of the Prussian Formation (including the Blaue Erde or Blue Earth) belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa dinocyst Zone. Based on its index species, this zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18–NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 +/- 0.1 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)–NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004).

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: amber

Collected by Christel Hoffeins, Hans Hoffeins

Collection methods: surface (float)

• Repository: Also includes Hoffeins collection, to be deposited in Deutsches Entomologische Institut

Primary reference: K. Ermisch. 1943. Eine neue Mordellide und Scraptiide aus baltischem Bernstein (Coleoptera: Mordellidae & Scraptiidae). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 10(1):64-68 [C. Labandeira/A. Spencer-Lee/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 123419: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 21.01.2012, edited by Jered Karr, Arram Noshirvan and Amy Delelli

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Pseudoscorpiones - Garypinidae
Garypinus electri72 Beier 1937 pseudoscorpion
Hoffeins 1015/3
 Araneae - Spatiatoridae
Spatiator praeceps179 Petrunkevitch 1942 spider
No. 1419/2
 Araneae - Uloboridae
Opellianus ludwigi181 Wunderlich 2004 hackled orb-weaver
no. 87
 Araneae - Cyatholipidae
Spinilipus glinki183 Wunderlich 2004 spider
1419/1, 604
 Araneae - Anapidae
Balticoroma serafinorum182 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Araneae - Dictynidae
Gibbermastigusa lateralis n. gen. n. sp.184 Wunderlich 2004 spider
no. 500
Eodictyna communis184 Wunderlich 2004 spider
no. 473
 Araneae - Hahniidae
Cymbiohahnia parens184 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Araneae - Oecobiidae
Mizalia sp.180 Koch and Berendt 1854 disc web spider
 Araneae - Phrurolithidae
Protoorthobula bifida185 Wunderlich 2004 spider
 Acariformes - Labidostommatidae
"Labidostoma (Pseudocornutella) electri" = Labidostomma (Pseudocornutella) electri141, Eunicolina glaesi n. sp.32
"Labidostoma (Pseudocornutella) electri" = Labidostomma (Pseudocornutella) electri141 Sidorchuk and Bertrand 2013 mite
Hoffeins 922-6
Eunicolina glaesi n. sp.32 Bertrand et al. 2015 mite
Hoffeins 588-13
 Orthoptera - Tetrigidae
Danatettix hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.161
Danatettix hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.161 Thomas et al. 2019 pygmy grasshopper
CCHH 1084-4, 1084-3, 1084-5
 Phasmatodea - Archipseudophasmatidae
Balticophasma sp.192 Zompro 2001 stick insect
Hoffeins 800, 1096/2, 1152/3
Archipseudophasma sp.192 Zompro 2001 stick insect
Hoffeins 759, 1152/1
? Archipseudophasma sp.192 Zompro 2001 stick insect
Hoffeins 1096/1
Pseudoperla sp.192 Pictet 1854 stick insect
Hoffeins 723/2
 Plecoptera - Nemouridae
Podmosta attenuata n. sp.45 Caruso and Wichard 2010 spring stonefly
Hoffeins 479-1
 Mantophasmatodea - Mantophasmatidae
Raptophasma kerneggeri192 Zompro 2001 gladiator
Hoffeins 723/1, 1152/2
 Thysanoptera - Phlaeothripidae
Liotrichothrips minor n. sp.133 Schliephake 2000 thrips
Hoffeins 522-1
Sucinothrips incertus134 Schliephake 1999 thrips
Hoffeins 1368/3
Phlaeothrips schlechtendali134 Bagnall 1929 thrips
Hoffeins 1368/1
Parahoplothrips nicolaji n. gen. n. sp.135 Schliephake 2003 thrips
Hoffeins 13855
 Thysanoptera - Stenurothripidae
Opadothrips ischyrus n. sp.136 Schliephake 2005 thrips
Hoffeins 1485/1
Stenurothrips bagnalli136 Stannard 1956 thrips
Hoffeins 374/2
Stenurothrips maximus n. sp.132 Schliephake 1999 thrips
Nr. 777
Stenurothrips brevisetis133 Bagnall 1923 thrips
Hoffeins 1295, 1297
 Thysanoptera - Heterothripidae
Heterothrips nani n. sp.134 Schliephake 2001 thrips
Hoffeins 522-2
 Thysanoptera - Thripidae
Protoxythrips stenurus133 Schliephake 1993 thrips
Hoffeins 1245
"Taeniothrips streckelsbergi" = Taeniothrips (Balticothrips) streckelsbergi136 Schliephake 1999 thrips
Hoffeins 374/3
Anaphothrips maximocornis n. sp.133 Schliephake 2000 thrips
Hoffeins 1299
Anaphothrips paeneparallelus n. sp.133 Schliephake 2000 thrips
Hoffeins 1298
Anaphothrips parallelus133 Schliephake 1993 thrips
Hoffeins 1158/1
Incertothrips insolitus n. sp.133 Schliephake 2000 thrips
Hoffeins 1296
 Thysanoptera - Melanthripidae
"Eocranothrips samlandi n. sp." = Eocranothrips samlandii132
"Eocranothrips samlandi n. sp." = Eocranothrips samlandii132 Schliephake 1999 thrips
Nr. 776
 Hemiptera - Aleyrodidae
Snotra christelae n. gen. n. sp.158
Snotra christelae n. gen. n. sp.158 Szwedo and Drohojowska 2016 whitefly
 Hemiptera - Monophlebidae
Palaeophlebus hoffeinorum n. gen. n. sp.142
Palaeophlebus hoffeinorum n. gen. n. sp.142 Simon and Żyła 2015 giant scale
Hoffeins 1406-5
 Hemiptera - Lithuanicoccidae
Lithuanicoccus sp.92 Koteja 2008 scale insect
Hoffeins 1475-3
Lithuanicoccus damzeni92 Koteja 2008 scale insect
Hoffeins 1449-2
 Hemiptera - Kuwaniidae
Hoffeinsia foldii92 Koteja 2008 scale insect
Hoffeins 0654-1, 1404-3, 1434-1
 Hemiptera - Weitschatidae
Weitschatus stigmatus92 Koteja 2008 true bug
Hoffeins 1251-2, 1251-1, 1153-4, 1406-4
 Hemiptera - Aradidae
Aradus kotashevichi61 Heiss 2002 flat bug
Hoffeins 722
Allocalisius spiniventris60 Heiss 2002 flat bug
Hoffeins 1426/3
Calisius hoffeinsorum n. sp.60 Heiss 2002 flat bug
Hoffeins 844/2
 Hemiptera - Hydrometridae
Limnacis hoffeinsi n. sp.116 Popov 1996 marsh treader
Hoffeins 521
 Hemiptera - Lyctocoridae
Lyctoferus sp.117 Popov 2003 true bug
Hoffeins 1082
Lyctoferus groehni117 Popov 2003 true bug
Hoffeins 606
Lyctoferus similis117 Popov 2003 true bug
Hoffeins 1231
 Hemiptera - Thaumastocoridae
"Xylastodoris gerdae" = Proxylastodoris gerdae30
"Xylastodoris gerdae" = Proxylastodoris gerdae30 Bechly and Wittmann 2000 palm bug
No 1268
 Hemiptera - Miridae
Hallodapomimus elektrinus62 Herczek 2000 plant bug
No. 665
Metoisops consimilis n. sp.64 Herczek and Popov 2014 plant bug
Hoffeins 1131/1
Hoffeinsoria robusta n. gen. n. sp.63 Herczek and Popov 2012 plant bug
Hoffeins 1560
 Hemiptera - Tingidae
Sinalda applanata n. sp.56 Golub and Popov 2005 lace bug
Hoffeins 1427
 Hemiptera - Reduviidae
Emesopsis putshkovi n. sp.119, Emesopsis similis n. sp.119, Danzigia christelae n. gen. n. sp.118
Emesopsis putshkovi n. sp.119 Popov and Chlond 2015 thread-legged bug
Hoffeins 1612-3
Emesopsis similis n. sp.119 Popov and Chlond 2015 thread-legged bug
Hoffeins 1612-4
Danzigia christelae n. gen. n. sp.118 Popov 2003 thread-legged bug
Hoffeins 1132
 Hemiptera - Hypsipterygidae
Hypsipteryx hoffeinsorum n. sp.30 Bechly and Wittmann 2000 true bug
No 990
 Hemiptera - Cixiidae
"Perunus sudoviorum n. sp." = Perkunus sudoviorum159
"Perunus sudoviorum n. sp." = Perkunus sudoviorum159 Szwedo and Stroiński 2002 cixiid planthopper
Hoffeins 936 (later GPIH)
 Lepidoptera - Tineidae
Monopibaltia ignitella n. gen. n. sp.144
Monopibaltia ignitella n. gen. n. sp.144 Skalski 1974 moth
Institut fur Pflanzenschutzforschung in Eberswalde, LEP. SUCC 11 DEI/AWS
 Lepidoptera - Tortricidae
Tortricidrosis inclusa59 Skalski 1973 tortrix moth
Hoffeins 1649/3
 Mecoptera - Bittacidae
Hylobittacus fossilis96 Carpenter 1954 hangingfly
DEIM 1150/1
Hylobittacus picteti96 Krzemiński 2007 hangingfly
DEIM 1150/2
Hylobittacus minimus96 Carpenter 1954 hangingfly
DEIM 674/2
 Mecoptera - Panorpodidae
Panorpodes gedanensis n. sp.147 Soszyńska-Maj and Krzemiński 2015 short-faced scorpionfly
Hoffeins 1193-2
 Coleoptera - Cupedidae
Cupes rohdendorfi85 Yablokov-Khnzorian 1960 reticulated beetle
999/1, 999/2
Cupes tesselatus85 Motschulsky 1856 reticulated beetle
No 1036-3
Cupes hoffeinsorum n. sp.85 Kirejtshuk 2005 reticulated beetle
No 1036-2
Cupes groehni85 Kirejtshuk 2005 reticulated beetle
No 372
 Coleoptera - Silvanidae
Dendrobrontes popovi n. gen. n. sp.86, Cathartosilvanus necromanticus n. gen. n. sp.11, Mistran ot n. gen. n. sp.15
Dendrobrontes popovi n. gen. n. sp.86 Kirejtshuk 2011 beetle
Cathartosilvanus necromanticus n. gen. n. sp.11 Alekseev 2017 beetle
CCHH 1217-3
Mistran ot n. gen. n. sp.15 Alekseev and Bukejs 2016 beetle
CCHH 1279-1
 Coleoptera - Cryptophagidae
Spaniophagus hoffeinsae n. gen. n. sp.102
Spaniophagus hoffeinsae n. gen. n. sp.102 Lyubarsky and Perkovsky 2019 silken fungus beetle
CCHH 824-4
 Coleoptera - Cyclaxyridae
"Neolitochropus bedovoyi" = Neolitochropus bedovoyi54, "Olibrolitus katyae n. gen. n. sp." = Neolitochropus bedovoyi103, "Ephistemus crassipes n. sp." = Neolitochropus bedovoyi101
"Neolitochropus bedovoyi" = Neolitochropus bedovoyi54 Lyubarsky and Perkovsky 2011 beetle
CCHH 743-3
"Olibrolitus katyae n. gen. n. sp." = Neolitochropus bedovoyi103 Lyubarsky and Perkovsky 2011 beetle
CCHH 1206-2, 1206-3, 1223-3
"Ephistemus crassipes n. sp." = Neolitochropus bedovoyi101 Lyubarsky and Perkovsky 2011 beetle
CCHH 1223-2
 Coleoptera - Nitidulidae
Melipriopsis rasnitsyni n. gen. n. sp.86 Kirejtshuk 2011 sap beetle
Microsoronia kerneggeri87 Kirejtshuk and Kurochkin 2010 sap beetle
DEI 276 Hoffeins 2
Microsoronia interfax n. sp.87 Kirejtshuk and Kurochkin 2010 sap beetle
DEI 280
 Coleoptera - Corylophidae
Corylophinae indet.8 LeConte 1852 minute hooded beetle
CCHH 1303-2
Clypastraea primainterpares n. sp.8 Alekseev 2016 minute hooded beetle
CCHH 1615-3
Clypastraea venedorum n. sp.156 Szawaryn et al. 2023 minute hooded beetle
CCHH 1303-2
 Coleoptera - Anamorphidae
Gramboale prutenorum n. gen. n. sp.25, Symbiotes borussiaeorientalis n. sp.25, Palaecoryphus viktori n. gen. n. sp.25
Gramboale prutenorum n. gen. n. sp.25 Alekseev and Tomaszewska 2018 beetle
CCHH 1799-1
Symbiotes borussiaeorientalis n. sp.25 Alekseev and Tomaszewska 2018 beetle
CCHH 1799-2
Palaecoryphus viktori n. gen. n. sp.25 Alekseev and Tomaszewska 2018 beetle
CCHH 1222-3
 Coleoptera - Coccinellidae
Baltosidis szadziewskii155 Szawaryn 2021 ladybird beetle
CCHH 891
Electrolotis hoffeinsorum157 Szawaryn and Tomaszewska 2020 ladybird beetle
SDEI 891-2, 605-3
 Coleoptera - Bothrideridae
Pseudobothrideres criwecriwayto n. sp.5 Alekseev 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 1615-2
Pseudobothrideres rugiorum n. sp.5 Alekseev 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 273-1
 Coleoptera - Endomychidae
"Laima andreei n. gen. n. sp." = Zemyna andreei25 Alekseev and Tomaszewska 2018 handsome fungus beetle
CCHH 1222-5
Holoparamecus (Blumenus) hoffeinsorum121 Reike and Alekseev 2020 handsome fungus beetle
CCHH 117-1, 211-3
Trochoideus koenigsbergicus n. sp.25 Alekseev and Tomaszewska 2018 handsome fungus beetle
CCHH 1506-1
Phymaphoroides antennatus25 Motschulsky 1856 handsome fungus beetle
CCHH 1219-3
Glesirhanis bercioi25 Shockley and Alekseev 2014 handsome fungus beetle
CCHH 1219-2
 Coleoptera - Wabbelidae
Wabbel cerebricavus n. gen. n. sp.10
Wabbel cerebricavus n. gen. n. sp.10 Alekseev 2017 beetle
CCHH 1615-4
 Coleoptera - Tetratomidae
Tetratoma (Abstrulia) nikitskyi n. sp.1 Alekseev 2013 polypore fungus beetle
Hoffeins 421-2
 Coleoptera - Aderidae
Picemelinus irinae n. sp.19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 890-5
Vanonus ulmerigicus n. sp.19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 138-1
Palaeocnopus mara19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 868-2
Palaeocnopus densipunctatus n. sp.19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 420-6, 217-1
Escalerosia igori n. sp.19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 217-2, 881-2, 890-4
Cnopus kraxtepellenensis19 Alekseev and Grzymala 2015 beetle
Hoffeins 1222-4
 Coleoptera - Mordellidae
"Mordellistena korschefskyi n. sp." = Baltistena korschefskyi51, "Glipostena sergeli n. sp." = Baltistena sergeli, "Mordellistena amplicollis n. sp." = Baltistena amplicollis51, "Mordellistena soror n. sp." = Baltistena soror51, Mordella sp.51
"Mordellistena korschefskyi n. sp." = Baltistena korschefskyi51 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
"Glipostena sergeli n. sp." = Baltistena sergeli Ermisch 1943 tumbling flower beetle
Sergel coll
"Mordellistena amplicollis n. sp." = Baltistena amplicollis51 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
"Mordellistena soror n. sp." = Baltistena soror51 Ermisch 1941 tumbling flower beetle
Mordella sp.51 Linnaeus 1758 tumbling flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Anthicidae
Nitorus succinius n. sp.160 Telnov and Bukejs 2019 ant like flower beetle
SDEI Coleoptera #301526
 Coleoptera - Tenebrionidae
Isomira (Isomira) hoffeinsorum n. sp.112 Nabozhenko 2019 comb-clawed beetle
CCHH 258-3
Isomira (Mucheimira) avula112 Seidlitz 1896 comb-clawed beetle
CCHH 258-2, 258-1
Palorus platycotyloides n. sp.22 Alekseev and Nabozhenko 2017 darkling beetle
CCHH 1229-2
Vabole triplehorni n. gen. n. sp.21 Alekseev and Nabozhenko 2015 darkling beetle
CCHH 1470-4
Stenohelops (Stenolassus) klebsi112 Nabozhenko et al. 2016 darkling beetle
CCHH 880-3
 Coleoptera - Zopheridae
Xylolaemus richardklebsi n. sp.16 Alekseev and Bukejs 2016 ironclad beetle
CCHH 138-3
Xylolaemus legalovi n. sp.16 Alekseev and Bukejs 2016 ironclad beetle
CCHH 572-2
Diodesma slipinskii n. sp.16 Alekseev and Bukejs 2016 ironclad beetle
CCHH 731-1
Pycnomerus sp.16 Erichson 1842 ironclad beetle
CCHH 273-2
Pycnomerus simukovi n. sp.6 Alekseev 2015 ironclad beetle
Hoffeins 731-2
Pycnomerus agtsteinicus n. sp.41 Bukejs et al. 2019 ironclad beetle
CCHH 273-2
 Coleoptera - Salpingidae
Istrisia vithlandica n. gen. n. sp.12 Alekseev 2017 narrow-waisted bark beetle
CCHH 1002-3
Salpingus henricusmontemini n. sp.2 Alekseev 2013 narrow-waisted bark beetle
Hoffeins 25-3
 Coleoptera - Pyrochroidae
Waidelotus hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.39
Waidelotus hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.39 Bukejs et al. 2019 beetle
CCHH 587-4
 Coleoptera - Scraptiidae
Scraptia longelytrata n. sp. Ermisch 1943 false flower beetle
Sergel coll
Scraptia pseudofuscula51 Ermisch 1941 false flower beetle
Anaspis parallela n. sp.51 Ermisch 1941 false flower beetle
 Coleoptera - Ischaliidae
"Ischalia youngi n. sp." = Ischalia (Ischalia) youngi24
"Ischalia youngi n. sp." = Ischalia (Ischalia) youngi24 Alekseev and Telnov 2016 false fire-colored beetle
CCHH 1684-1
 Coleoptera - Mycteridae
Glesoconomorphus nachzehrer n. gen. n. sp.23
Glesoconomorphus nachzehrer n. gen. n. sp.23 Alekseev et al. 2019 palm and flower beetle
CCHH 478-2
 Coleoptera - Melandryidae
Orchesia (Orchestera) rasnitzyni14 Nikitsky 2011 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 882-4
Orchesia (Orchestera) turkini14 Alekseev and Bukejs 2012 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 1799-4
Serropalpus ingemmescus n. sp.3 Alekseev 2014 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 824-3
Serropalpus vivax n. sp.3 Alekseev 2014 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 824-2
Abdera (Abdera) hoffeinsorum n. sp.3 Alekseev 2014 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 824-1, 882-3
Abdera (Abdera) rikojotensis n. sp.3 Alekseev 2014 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 882-1
Quasianisoxya curonensis n. gen. n. sp.7 Alekseev 2015 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 1799-6
Electroabdera marisbaltici n. gen. n. sp.3 Alekseev 2014 false darkling beetle
Hoffeins 882-2
 Coleoptera - Attelabidae
Baltocar subnudus n. sp.122 Riedel 2012 leaf rolling weevil
HCH 884
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Taphioporus balticus n. gen. n. sp.111 Moseyko and Kirejtshuk 2013 leaf beetle
Hoffeins 1334-2
Colaspoides eocenicus n. sp.111 Moseyko and Kirejtshuk 2013 leaf beetle
Hoffeins 1543-2
Sucinolivolia torpida n. gen. n. sp.42 Bukejs et al. 2015 flea beetle
Hoffeins 1219-1
Crepidodera tertiotertiaria43 Bukejs et al. 2016 flea beetle
CCHH 337-1, 337-2
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
Nothorhina granulicollis166 Zang 1905 longhorned beetle
Hoffeins 282-2, 286-3
Stenhomalus hoffeinsorum n. sp.166 Vitali 2014 longhorned beetle
Hoffeins 526-3
Japanopsimus balticus n. sp.166 Vitali 2014 longhorned beetle
Hoffeins 1347-1
Pedostrangalia pristina n. sp.166 Vitali 2014 longhorned beetle
Hoffeins 643-2
 Coleoptera - Erotylidae
Warnis tvanksticus n. gen. n. sp.104, Xenophagus popovi n. gen. n. sp.100, Pharaxonothinae indet.17, "Cycadophila mumia n. sp." = Ceratonotha mumia17
Warnis tvanksticus n. gen. n. sp.104 Lyubarsky et al. 2016 pleasing fungus beetle
CCHH 1222-2
Xenophagus popovi n. gen. n. sp.100 Lyubarsky and Perkovsky 2017 pleasing fungus beetle
CCHH 26-1
Pharaxonothinae indet.17 pleasing fungus beetle
CCHH 578-1
"Cycadophila mumia n. sp." = Ceratonotha mumia17 Alekseev and Bukejs 2017 pleasing fungus beetle
CCHH 280-4
 Coleoptera - Trogossitidae
Seidlitzella hoffeinsorum n. sp.90 Kolibáč and Alekseev 2018 bark gnawing beetle
CCHH 1753-1, 2a
 Coleoptera - Rhadalidae
Aplocnemus (Aplocnemus) hoffeinsorum n. sp.163 Tshernyshev 2019 beetle
SDEI 1698-1
Aploceble (Aploceble) lateantennata n. sp.163 Tshernyshev 2019 beetle
SDEI 1214-6
 Coleoptera - Melyridae
Palpattalus eocenicus164 Tshernyshev 2016 soft-winged flower beetle
SDEI 1224-1, 1224-2
Premalachius obscurus n. gen. n. sp.164 Tshernyshev 2020 soft-winged flower beetle
SDEI 1224-3
Protomauroania chaetophorata n. gen. n. sp.165 Tshernyshev 2021 soft-winged flower beetle
SDEI 1586-1
Dasytes (Mesodasytes) ochraceus n. sp.163 Tshernyshev 2019 soft-winged flower beetle
SDEI 1220-1
 Coleoptera - Clambidae
Clambus helheimricus n. sp.13 Alekseev 2017 minute beetle
CCHH 1470-2
 Coleoptera - Scirtidae
"Helodes sp." = Elodes88, "Cyphon sp." = Contacyphon89, "Cyphon wichardi" = Contacyphon wichardi89, "Cyphon hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Contacyphon hoffeinsorum89, "Cyphon keilbachi" = Contacyphon keilbachi89
"Helodes sp." = Elodes88 Latreille 1796 marsh beetle
"Cyphon sp." = Contacyphon89 Des Gozis 1886 marsh beetle
Hoffeins 875-1 (in copula)
"Cyphon wichardi" = Contacyphon wichardi89 Heuss 2008 marsh beetle
Hoffeins 693-3
"Cyphon hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Contacyphon hoffeinsorum89 Klausnitzer 2011 marsh beetle
Hoffeins 1630-5
"Cyphon keilbachi" = Contacyphon keilbachi89 Klausnitzer 2004 marsh beetle
Hoffeins 693-2
 Coleoptera - Histeridae
Xestipyge ikanti n. sp.9 Alekseev 2016 clown beetle
CCHH 1470-6
 Coleoptera - Hydrophilidae
Anacaena morla n. sp.27
Anacaena morla n. sp.27 Arriaga-Varela et al. 2021 water scavenger beetle
Hoffeins 742-3 (SDEI 300621)
 Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Clidicus sp.70, Baltostigus antennatus n. gen. n. sp.69, Euroleptochromus sp.70, Euroleptochromus setifer n. sp.70, Adinopsis groehni n. sp.191, "Acylophorus hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Eolophorus hoffeinsorum193, Laevisaurus robustus n. gen. n. sp.38, Micrillus electrus n. sp.33, Stenus "sp. G"120, "Stenus (Parastenus) priscus n. sp." = Stenus (Hemistenus) priscus31
Clidicus sp.70 Laporte 1832 antlike stone beetle
CCHH 1543-1
Baltostigus antennatus n. gen. n. sp.69 Jałoszyński 2016 antlike stone beetle
Euroleptochromus sp.70 Jałoszyński 2012 antlike stone beetle
CCHH 835-2
Euroleptochromus setifer n. sp.70 Jałoszyński and Brunke 2018 antlike stone beetle
CCHH 835-3
Adinopsis groehni n. sp.191 Zerche 1999 rove beetle
"Acylophorus hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Eolophorus hoffeinsorum193 Żyła and Solodovnikov 2017 rove beetle
Laevisaurus robustus n. gen. n. sp.38 Brunke et al. 2019 rove beetle
Hoffeins 1615-1
Micrillus electrus n. sp.33 Bogri et al. 2020 rove beetle
SDEI Coleoptera 300622 (Hoffeins 1349-3)
Stenus "sp. G"120 Latreille 1796 rove beetle
Hoffeins 694-2
"Stenus (Parastenus) priscus n. sp." = Stenus (Hemistenus) priscus31 Benick 1943 rove beetle
 Coleoptera - Buprestidae
Mastogenius primaevus n. sp.113 Obenberger 1957 jewel beetle
 Coleoptera - Ptilodactylidae
Electrolichas circumbalticus n. gen. n. sp.20 Alekseev and Jäch 2016 beetle
CCHH 1141-1
 Coleoptera - Lampyridae
Eoluciola varang n. gen. n. sp.80
Eoluciola varang n. gen. n. sp.80 Kazantsev 2012 beetle
DEI 1687-1
 Coleoptera - Lycidae
"Helcophorus berendti" = Hiekeolycus berendti82, Protolopheros hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.82
"Helcophorus berendti" = Hiekeolycus berendti82 Winkler 1987 net-winged beetle
Hoffeins 1151-2
Protolopheros hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.82 Kazantsev 2013 net-winged beetle
DEI 1424-1
 Coleoptera - Cantharidae
Cantharis (Cantharis) hanswerneri n. sp.83, Cantharis (Cantharis) hoffeinsorum n. sp.83, "Themus pristinus n. sp." = Themus (Haplothemus) pristinus81, Sucinocantharis baltica n. gen. n. sp.99, "Hoffeinsensia jantarica n. gen. n. sp." = Cacomorphocerus jantaricus99, Electronycha prussica n. gen. n. sp.81, Lycocerus dentantennatus n. sp.83, Lycocerus christelae n. sp.83, "Malthinus danieli n. sp." = Malthinus (Malthinus) danieli99, Malthodes sucinopenninus n. sp.99, "Malthodes sucini n. sp." = Malthodes (Malthodes) sucini99, Electrosilis minuta n. gen. n. sp.81
Cantharis (Cantharis) hanswerneri n. sp.83 Kazantsev 2018 soldier beetle
Hoffeins 1441-4
Cantharis (Cantharis) hoffeinsorum n. sp.83 Kazantsev 2018 soldier beetle
Hoffeins 1593-2
"Themus pristinus n. sp." = Themus (Haplothemus) pristinus81 Kazantsev 2013 soldier beetle
DEI 1593-1
Sucinocantharis baltica n. gen. n. sp.99 Kuśka and Kania 2010 soldier beetle
DEI 1441-1
"Hoffeinsensia jantarica n. gen. n. sp." = Cacomorphocerus jantaricus99 Kuśka and Kania 2010 soldier beetle
Hoffeins 1221-2, 1226-1; 771-2 in Kazantsev 2018
Electronycha prussica n. gen. n. sp.81 Kazantsev 2013 soldier beetle
DEI 1112-3
Lycocerus dentantennatus n. sp.83 Kazantsev 2018 soldier beetle
Hoffeins 1593-3
Lycocerus christelae n. sp.83 Kazantsev 2018 soldier beetle
Hoffeins 1441-3
"Malthinus danieli n. sp." = Malthinus (Malthinus) danieli99 Kuśka and Kania 2010 soldier beetle
DEI 161-1
Malthodes sucinopenninus n. sp.99 Kuśka and Kania 2010 soldier beetle
DEI 1221-1
"Malthodes sucini n. sp." = Malthodes (Malthodes) sucini99 Kuśka and Kania 2010 soldier beetle
DEI 161-2
Electrosilis minuta n. gen. n. sp.81 Kazantsev 2013 soldier beetle
DEI 1441-2
 Coleoptera - Ptinidae
Ptinus (Gynopterus) scalovicus n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 883-2, 883-1
Ptinus (Gynopterus) burukovskyi n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 883-5
"Ptinus (Gynopterus) balticus" = Ptinus (Gynopterus) inclusus4 Bellés and Vitali 2007 spider beetle
Hoffeins 138-2, 1543-3, 1771-2
"Dignomus regiomontanus n. sp." = Dignoptinus regiomontanus4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 883-3
Sucinoptinus bukejsi4 Alekseev 2012 spider beetle
Hoffeins 1214-5
Xyletinus (Xyletinus) besseli n. sp.18 Alekseev and Bukejs 2019 spider beetle
CCHH 1771-7
? Ernobius sp.4 Thomson 1859 spider beetle
Hoffeins 1214-2
Ernobius barticus n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 120-1
Ernobius notangicus n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 1214-1
Ernobius varmicus n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 120-4
Ernobius nadravicus n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 120-2
Dryophilus hoffeinsorum n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 1771-3
? Homophthalmus sp.4 Abeille de Perrin 1875 spider beetle
Hoffeins 162-2
Homophthalmus kunnegsgarbensis n. sp.4 Alekseev 2014 spider beetle
Hoffeins 540-3
Microbregma waldwico40 Bukejs and Alekseev 2015 spider beetle
CCHH 1771-5
Trichodesma fennosarmatica n. sp.44 Bukejs et al. 2018 spider beetle
CCHH 1771-1
 Coleoptera - Bostrichidae
Stephanopachys electron n. sp.186 Zahradník and Háva 2015 false powderpost beetle
Hoffeins 1586-2
 Coleoptera - Dermestidae
Trinodes puetzi58 Háva and Prokop 2006 skin beetle
887, BaB (Primorskoje strip mine)
Megatoma electra57 Zhantiev 2006 skin beetle
Hoffeins 887-2
Anthrenus (Nathrenus) ambericus57 Háva et al. 2006 skin beetle
Hoffeins 887-3, 1006-1
Attagenus hoffeinsorum n. sp.58 Háva et al. 2006 skin beetle
DEIC 888/1, BaB; 888/2, BaB (Primorskoje strip mine)
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
Limodromus hoffeinsorum n. sp.137 Schmidt 2015 ground beetle
CCHH 1648-3
Trechus balticus n. sp.138 Schmidt and Faille 2015 ground beetle
Hoffeins 1310-5a
Elaphropus (Tarsitachys) bilobus115 Erwin 1971 ground beetle
Hoffeins BaB 0879-1
Archaeonebria inexspectata139 Schmidt and Kavanaugh 2019 ground beetle
CCHH 952-1, unnumbered
Quasicalathus elpis140 Ortuño and Arillo 2009 ground beetle
CCHH 952
Quasicalathus agonicollis n. sp.140 Schmidt and Will 2022 ground beetle
 Megaloptera - Corydalidae
Chauliodes sp.172 Latreille 1796 fishfly
Hoffeins 1307
Chauliodes carsteni172 Wichard 2003 fishfly
Hoffeins 1144
 Neuroptera - Coniopterygidae
Archiconiocompsa prisca4 Enderlein 1910 dustywing
Hoffeins 540-3
 Neuroptera - Berothidae
Berothidae "indet. larva C"171 Handlirsch 1906 beaded lacewing
 Neuroptera - Nevrorthidae
Palaeoneurorthus hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.173 Wichard 2009 lacewing
SDEI 1124-3
 Neuroptera - Hemerobiidae
Proneuronema gradatum105 Makarkin et al. 2016 brown lacewing
Hoffeins 1545
 Neuroptera - Nymphidae
Pronymphes hoffeinsorum n. sp.26 Archibald et al. 2009 split-footed lacewing
BaB 1544-2
 Hymenoptera - Megachilidae
Glyptapis sp.49 Cockerell 1909 mason bee
Nr. 577/1 (CHFG)
Glyptapis densopunctata49 Engel 2001 mason bee
Nr. 857 (CHFG)
 Hymenoptera - Apidae
Boreallodape baltica49 Engel 2001 carpenter bee
Nr. 873 (CHFG)
"Protobombus hirsutus" = Protobombus (Protobombus) hirsutus49 Cockerell 1908 bee
Nr. 1254 (CHFG), Nr. 1255 (CHFG)
Electrapis sp.49 Cockerell 1908 bee
Nr. 577/2 (CHFG)
Mochlomelikertes hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.50 Engel et al. 2014 bee
CCHH 1766-1
 Hymenoptera - Dryinidae
Harpactosphecion gracile114 Brues 1933 wasp
Dryinus janzeni114 Olmi 2000 wasp
Hoffeins 1138-1
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.46
Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.46 Chény et al. 2019 ant
CCHH 1628-6
 Hymenoptera - Megaspilidae
Conostigmus talamasi n. sp.110 Mikó and Trietsch 2018 wasp
DEI-GISHym31819, DEI-GISHym31820
 Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae
Pherhombus kraxtepellensis106 Manukyan 2019 ichneumon wasp
CCHH 1726-5, 71-9, 1314-4, 1720-1
Pherhombus brischkei106 Brues 1923 ichneumon wasp
CCHH 1149-1 (Klebs 14665B)
Pherhombus antennalis106 Kasparyan 1988 ichneumon wasp
CCHH 1314-2
Rovenosa rasnitsyni107 Khalaim 2011 ichneumon wasp
CCHH 1726-4
 Hymenoptera - Diprionidae
Eodiprion sp.131 Schedl 2007 conifer sawfly
ex coll. Franziska Witsch, Nr. 4001
 Ephemeroptera - Baetiscidae
Balticobaetisca bispinata n. sp.149 Staniczek et al. 2022 armored mayfly
CCHH BaB 1373/1
 Ephemeroptera - Metretopodidae
Siphloplecton "sp. 5"55 Clemens 1915 mayfly
CCHH BaB 1159/5
Siphloplecton gattolliati n. sp.148 Staniczek and Godunko 2016 mayfly
CCHH BaB-783
Siphloplecton sartorii n. sp.148 Staniczek and Godunko 2016 mayfly
CCHH BaB-1177/3
 Diptera - Chironomidae
Eomicromimus polliciformis n. gen. n. sp.187 Giłka et al. 2023 non biting midge
CCHH 93-1
Eomicromimus serpens n. sp.187 Giłka et al. 2023 non biting midge
CCHH 1754-13
Eoriethia ursipes n. gen. n. sp.187 Giłka et al. 2023 non biting midge
CCHH 93-4, 1754-5a
Tanytarsini indet.190 Zavrel 1917 non biting midge
CCHH 93-9, 140-6, 213-1, 213-2, 213-8, 242-8, 257-7, 257-3, 242-9, 242-12, 1754-13A
Corneliola avia190 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2013 non biting midge
CCHH 93-8, 213-6, 242-7, 257-4, 1754-9
Rheotanytarsus hoffeinsorum n. sp.190 Giłka et al. 2016 non biting midge
CCHH 242-6
"Caladomyia szadziewskii n. sp." = Tanytarsus szadziewskii188 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2013 non biting midge
No. 213-3
Tanytarsus serafini190 Giłka 2010 non biting midge
CCHH 93-7, 213-9, 242-2, 242-3, 257-9, 1754-2, 1754-3, 1754-8
Tanytarsus protogregarius190 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2015 non biting midge
CCHH 242-1, 242-11, 257-8, 1754-12
Tanytarsus glaesarius190 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2015 non biting midge
CCHH 213-4
Tanytarsus crocota n. sp.190 Giłka et al. 2016 non biting midge
CCHH 1754-7
Stempellinella fibra n. sp.190 Giłka et al. 2016 non biting midge
CCHH 257-5
Archistempellina falcifera190 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2013 non biting midge
CCHH 257-1
Archistempellina perkovskyi190 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2014 non biting midge
CCHH 1754-4
Eonandeva latistyla n. sp.189 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2015 non biting midge
CCHH 1754-10
Eonandeva helva n. gen. n. sp.189 Giłka and Zakrzewska 2015 non biting midge
CCHH 1754-1
Eoprocladius hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.154 Szadziewski et al. 2018 non biting midge
900-5/SDEI=Dip-00434, 900-2/SDEI=Dip-00435
Libanochlites eocenicus n. sp.28 Baranov et al. 2019 non biting midge
SDEI Dip 00606
 Diptera - Trichoceridae
Trichocera hanswerneri n. sp.94, Trichocera christelae n. sp.94, "Trichocera (Trichocera) ebenos" = Trichocera ebenos94
Trichocera hanswerneri n. sp.94 Krzemińska et al. 2009 winter crane fly
Hoffeins 941.1, 941.3
Trichocera christelae n. sp.94 Krzemińska et al. 2009 winter crane fly
Hoffeins 941-2
"Trichocera (Trichocera) ebenos" = Trichocera ebenos94 Podenas 2001 winter crane fly
Hoffeins 1189
 Diptera - Limoniidae
Toxorhina (Ceratocheilus) christelius79 Kania‑Kłosok et al. 2022 crane fly
CCHH 832-2
Toxorhina (Ceratocheilus) eridanus79 Meunier 1917 crane fly
CCHH 832-1
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) graciosa74 Meunier 1916 crane fly
Hoffeins 1776-4
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) lobata74 Meunier 1906 crane fly
Hoffeins 007-2, 1660-3
Helius similis73 Kania 2014 crane fly
Hoffeins 940.3
Helius fossilis73 Kania 2014 crane fly
Hoffeins 1690
Helius hoffeinsorum n. sp.73 Kania 2014 crane fly
Hoffeins 1462
Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) pulchella75 Loew 1851 crane fly
Hoffeins 1195-5
Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) christelae n. sp.78 Kania‑Kłosok and Krzemiński 2021 crane fly
CCHH 874-2
Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) longirostris75 Loew 1851 crane fly
Hoffeins 1089-6
Elephantomyia (Hoffeinsonia) prima n. sp.78 Kania‑Kłosok and Krzemiński 2021 crane fly
CCHH 874-1
Dactylolabis (Eobothrophorus) hoffeinsorum n. sp.98 Krzemiński et al. 2010 crane fly
Dactylolabis (Idiolabis) christelae n. sp.95 Krzemiński 2000 crane fly
Hoffeins 1149/2
Palaeopoecilostola speciosa76 Meunier 1906 crane fly
No 1195
Palaeopoecilostola longicornis76 Meunier 1906 crane fly
No 1463, 1490
Ellipteroides (Jantares) hansi n. sp.77 Kania-Kłosok et al. 2025 crane fly
CCHH 1660-2
Rhabdomastix hoffeinsi n. sp.71 Jordan-Stasiło et al. 2023 crane fly
CCHH 1088-4
Cheilotrichia (Empeda) pawlowskii91 Kopeć 2019 crane fly
Hoffeins 1777-4/b, 1777-8, 545-5
 Diptera - Chaoboridae
Palaeomochlonyx aestimabilis n. gen. n. sp.173, Chaoborus rarus n. sp.173
Palaeomochlonyx aestimabilis n. gen. n. sp.173 Seredszus and Wichard 2009 phantom midge
SDEI 924-1
Chaoborus rarus n. sp.173 Seredszus and Wichard 2009 phantom midge
SDEI 933-1
 Diptera - Culicidae
Coquillettidia sp.152, Culiseta gedanica n. sp.152, "Aedes hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Aetheapnomyia hoffeinsorum151, Culex erikae152
Coquillettidia sp.152 Dyar 1905 mosquito
Culiseta gedanica n. sp.152 Szadziewski and Giłka 2011 mosquito
"Aedes hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Aetheapnomyia hoffeinsorum151 Szadziewski 1998 mosquito
# not stated
Culex erikae152 Szadziewski and Szadziewska 1985 mosquito
 Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
"Ceratopogon lacus n. sp." = Mantohelea laca153
"Ceratopogon lacus n. sp." = Mantohelea laca153 Meunier 1904 biting midge
Hoffeins 1576-1
 Diptera - Psychodidae
Hoffeinsodes obtusa n. gen. n. sp.168 Wagner 2017 moth fly
Hoffeins 1515-3
Hoffeinsodes reducta n. sp.168 Wagner 2017 moth fly
Hoffeins 1379-3
Hoffeinsodes inexpectatus170 Wagner 2012 moth fly
CCHH 711-2 (SDEI Dip 00899)
Hoffeinsodes bifida n. sp.168 Wagner 2017 moth fly
Hoffeins 1515-1
Hoffeinsodes longicauda n. sp.168 Wagner 2017 moth fly
Hoffeins 1379-6
Hoffeinsodes cubicula n. sp.168 Wagner 2017 moth fly
Hoffeins 1515-2
"Nemapalpus hoffeinsi n. sp." = Hoffeinsodes hoffeinsi167 Wagner 2006 moth fly
Hoffeins 992
"Nemapalpus tertiariae" = Palaeosycorax tertiariae167 Meunier 1905 moth fly
Hoffeins 1131, 1179
Paleotelmatoscopus sp.47 Curler and Skibińska 2021 moth fly
CCHH 711-6, 911-4, 911-5, 914-3, 1800-4, 1800-5
Paleotelmatoscopus madrizi n. sp.47 Curler and Skibińska 2021 moth fly
CCHH 1800-3, 499-1, 911-1, 914-1, 914-4, 1800-6, 1800-7, 1800-9
Paleotelmatoscopus formosa47 Meunier 1905 moth fly
CCHH 69-12, 218-4, 711-14, 911-3, 914-5, 1800-1, 1800-2, 1800-8
Podemacrochile baltica97 Podenas 1997 moth fly
Macrochile hornei97 Krzemiński 2013 moth fly
1024-3, 1613-2
Macrochile spectrum97 Loew 1850 moth fly
No. 1024.2, 1613
 Diptera - Tabanidae
Tabanosoma tabaniforme n. gen. n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1165/2
Mesomyia (Pareucompsa) yantarophila n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1148/1
Mesomyia (Perisilvius) stigmatica n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1173/1
Mesomyia (Perisilvius) cuprea n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1173/2
Mesomyia (Perisilvius) hoffeinsorum n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1148/3
Sznablomyia parvula n. gen. n. sp.162 Trojan 2002 deer fly
Hoffeins 1148/2
 Diptera - Acroceridae
Prophilopota variegata n. sp.53 Gillung and Winterton 2017 spider fly
CCHH 1472-2, 1385-3
Archaeterphis hennigi53 Hauser and Winterton 2007 spider fly
CCHH 1472-1
Hoffeinsomyia leptogaster n. gen. n. sp.53 Gillung and Winterton 2017 spider fly
CCHH 1385-1
Eulonchiella eocenica53 Meunier 1912 spider fly
CCHH 1385-2
Cyrtinella flavinigra n. gen. n. sp.53 Gillung and Winterton 2017 spider fly
CCHH 1385-4, 5
 Diptera - Anthomyiidae
Protanthomyia minuta n. gen. n. sp.108
Protanthomyia minuta n. gen. n. sp.108 Michelsen 2000 fly
Hoffeins 948
 Diptera - Yantaromyiidae
Yantaromyia arcana n. gen. n. sp.29
Yantaromyia arcana n. gen. n. sp.29 Barták 2019 fly
CCHH 1374-1 (SDEI=Dip-00437)
 Diptera - Periscelididae
Procyamops succini n. gen. n. sp.66
Procyamops succini n. gen. n. sp.66 Hoffeins and Rung 2005 fly
DEI 1378
 Diptera - Christelenkidae
Christelenka multiplex n. gen. n. sp.126
Christelenka multiplex n. gen. n. sp.126 Roháček 2023 fly
Hoffeins 1818-3 (SDEI Dip-00820)
 Diptera - Clusiomitidae
Acartophthalmites luridus n. sp.128 Roháček and Hoffeins 2021 fly
CCHH 1818-1, 1818-2
Acartophthalmites rugosus n. sp.128 Roháček and Hoffeins 2021 fly
CCHH 1827-15, 1821-1
Acartophthalmites crassipes n. sp.128 Roháček and Hoffeins 2021 fly
CCHH 1663-5, 1175-1b, 897-3
Acartophthalmites cf. crassipes128 Roháček and Hoffeins 2021 fly
CCHH 1663-3
Clusiomites ornatus n. sp.128 Roháček and Hoffeins 2021 fly
CCHH 1710-1, 897-7
 Diptera - Anthomyzidae
Lacrimyza lacrimosa n. gen. n. sp.124 Roháček 2013 fly
No. 829-4 (purch. 2002 from J.W. Janzen)
Reliquantha eocena n. sp.123 Roháček 2014 fly
Hoffeins 1734-1
Protanthomyza hoffeinsorum n. sp.124 Roháček 2013 fly
No. 829-2a (purch. 1998 in Hamburg), 829-3 (purch. 2002 in Hamburg)
Protanthomyza krylovi n. sp.124 Roháček 2013 fly
No. 1057-4 (purch. 2008 in Gdansk)
Protanthomyza hennigi n. sp.124 Roháček 2013 fly
No. 830-3 (purch. 2008 in Gdansk)
Protanthomyza grimaldii n. sp.125 Roháček 2020 fly
SDEI Dip-00821 (Hoffeins 1040-5a)
Protanthomyza ryszardi n. sp.127 Roháček and Hoffeins 2020 fly
Hoffeins 1820-5
 Diptera - Heleomyzidae
Paleoheleomyza kotejai n. gen. n. sp.178, Protoorbellia hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.176, Gedanoleria eocenica n. gen. n. sp.177
Paleoheleomyza kotejai n. gen. n. sp.178 Woźnica and Palaczyk 2005 fly
Hoffeins 1286
Protoorbellia hoffeinsorum n. gen. n. sp.176 Woźnica 2006 fly
No. 1551b
Gedanoleria eocenica n. gen. n. sp.177 Woźnica 2019 fly
Hoffeins 1665-3
 Diptera - Pseudopomyzidae
Eopseudopomyza kuehnei68 Hennig 1971 fly
Male 696-1 (some others could be from Bitterfeld amber)
Eopseudopomyza szasziewskii n. sp.68 Hoffeins and Woźnica 2013 fly
Hoffeins 696-11, 1285-1, 1549-3
 Diptera - Psilidae
Electrochyliza succini129 Hennig 1965 rust fly
CCHH 1829-10
 Diptera - Diopsidae
Prosphyracephala succini93 Loew 1873 stalk-eyed fly
 Diptera - Hoffeinsmyiidae
Hoffeinsmyia enigmatica n. gen. n. sp.109
Hoffeinsmyia enigmatica n. gen. n. sp.109 Michelsen 2009 fly
Hoffeins 790
 Diptera -
Hoffeinsia baltica n. gen. n. sp.150
Hoffeinsia baltica n. gen. n. sp.150 Stuke 2005 fly
Hoffeins 1483/2
 Diptera - Pipunculidae
Metanephrocerus hoffeinsorum n. sp.84 Kehlmaier and Skevington 2014 big-headed fly
Hoffeins 1537-4
 Diptera - Phoridae
Aenigmatias primitivus37 Brown 2016 scuttle fly
Hoffeins 1360/2
"Chaetopleurophora bisetosa" = Aenigmatias bisetosus36 Brown 2007 scuttle fly
Hoffeins 1525/1
Hypocera electra36 Brues 1939 scuttle fly
Hoffeins 1328/1
Triphleba hoffeinsorum n. sp.35 Brown 2005 scuttle fly
Hoffeins 1479
Eosciadocera setosa n. sp.34 Brown 2002 scuttle fly
Hoffeins 1279, 1358
 Diptera - Empididae
Heleodromia starki65, "Heleodromia (Illiesiella) foveata n. sp." = Heleodromia (Neoilliesiella) foveata169
Heleodromia starki65 Hoffeins et al. 1997 dagger fly
Hoffeins 837
"Heleodromia (Illiesiella) foveata n. sp." = Heleodromia (Neoilliesiella) foveata169 Wagner et al. 2000 dagger fly
Hoffeins 918
 Diptera - Ragadidae
Ragas bizarra n. sp.67, Ragas baltica n. sp.143, Ragas succinea n. sp.143, Ragas ulrichi143, Ragas eocenica n. sp.143
Ragas bizarra n. sp.67 Hoffeins et al. 2015 fly
CCHH 1622-7
Ragas baltica n. sp.143 Sinclair and Hoffeins 2013 fly
CCHH 1458-2
Ragas succinea n. sp.143 Sinclair and Hoffeins 2013 fly
CCHH 1458-1
Ragas ulrichi143 Sinclair and Hoffeins 2013 fly
CCHH 1458-3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8
Ragas eocenica n. sp.143 Sinclair and Hoffeins 2013 fly
CCHH 1622-1
 Diptera - Mythicomyiidae
Glabellula electrica52 Hennig 1966 fly
BH-139/1, 2
Carmenelectra shechisme n. gen. n. sp.52 Evenhuis 2002 fly
BH-672/1, 2
Proplatypygus succineus52 Hennig 1969 fly
 Diptera - Bibionidae
Hesperinus macroculatus n. sp.145, Hesperinus electrus n. sp.145, Hesperinus hyalopterus n. sp.145, Penthetria sp.146, Penthetria integroneura n. sp.145, Dilophus palaeofebrilis n. sp.145, Dilophus crassicornis145, Bibiodes balticus n. sp.145, Plecia brunniptera n. sp.145, Plecia prisca145, "Plecia hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Plecia hoffeinsorum145, "Plecia tenuicornis n. sp." = Plecia hoffeinsorum145, Plecia clavifemur n. sp.145
Hesperinus macroculatus n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 1567-2
Hesperinus electrus n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 1093-1; CCHH 1789-1 in Skartveit 2021
Hesperinus hyalopterus n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 935-1
Penthetria sp.146 Meigen 1803 march fly
SDEI Dip-00823 (CCHH 1789-4)
Penthetria integroneura n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 1501-4, 1474-1
Dilophus palaeofebrilis n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 932-1, 3
Dilophus crassicornis145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 932-4, 1629-1, 932/2, 1121; CCHH 1789-2 in Skartveit 2021
Bibiodes balticus n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 march fly
Hoffeins 1448-1
Plecia brunniptera n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 love bug
Hoffeins 1093-2
Plecia prisca145 Meunier 1899 love bug
Hoffeins 1567-1
"Plecia hoffeinsorum n. sp." = Plecia hoffeinsorum145 Skartveit 2009 love bug
Hoffeins 1448-2(x7), 1629-2(x6); SDEI In. 001701 in Skartveit 2021
"Plecia tenuicornis n. sp." = Plecia hoffeinsorum145 Skartveit 2009 love bug
Hoffeins 1501-2, 335-2(x2), 935-2, 1025-1, 1025-2, 1567-3, 1567-4
Plecia clavifemur n. sp.145 Skartveit 2009 love bug
Hoffeins 1474-2, 1501-1(x3), 1501-5
 Diptera - Sciaridae
Sciaridae indet.130, "Trichosia (Leptosciarella) microciliata" = Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) microciliata130, Trichosia sp.130, Trichosia (Trichosia) meunieri130, Corynoptera sp.130, "Corynoptera hirticornis" = Corynoptera klebsii130, Corynoptera schumanni130, "Epidapus menzeli n. sp." = Epidapus (Vimmeria) menzeli130
Sciaridae indet.130 Billberg 1820 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 09 (B 6170), 13 (B 4301)
"Trichosia (Leptosciarella) microciliata" = Leptosciarella (Leptosciarella) microciliata130 Mohrig and Röschmann 1994 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 02 (B 3593)
Trichosia sp.130 Winnertz 1867 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 12 (coll. Sergel)
Trichosia (Trichosia) meunieri130 Cockerell 1910 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 10 (III B240)
Corynoptera sp.130 Winnertz 1867 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 07 (coll. Sergel), 11 (B ?691), 14 (B6727)
"Corynoptera hirticornis" = Corynoptera klebsii130 Meunier 1904 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 01a-c (B 6890), 05 (coll. Sergel), 05 (coll. Sergel)
Corynoptera schumanni130 Mohrig and Röschmann 1994 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 03 (B 2794), 08 (B 2508)
"Epidapus menzeli n. sp." = Epidapus (Vimmeria) menzeli130 Röschmann and Mohrig 1994 dark-winged fungus gnat
DEI 04 (B 3989)
 Diptera - Anisopodidae
Sylvicola baltica n. sp.174 Wojtoń et al. 2018 wood gnat
SDEI 1258-1
Sylvicola thiriona174 Meunier 1904 wood gnat
SDEI 644-4
Sylvicola hoffeinsorum174 Wojtoń et al. 2018 wood gnat
SDEI 189-2, 1789-2, 70-3
"Sylvicola punctata n. sp." = Sylvicola harrisi174 Hancock and Kania 2019 wood gnat
SDEI 1117-1
Sylvicola splendida174 Meunier 1904 wood gnat
SDEI 787-1, 923-1
Mycetobia connexa175 Meunier 1899 wood gnat
Hoffeins 70-2, 1258-2, 1737-3, 804-1, 804-2
Mycetobia hansi n. sp.175 Wojtoń et al. 2019 wood gnat
Hoffeins 1258-4
Mycetobia christelae n. sp.175 Wojtoń et al. 2019 wood gnat
Hoffeins 1258-3, 838-1
  - Trichocomaceae
Aspergillus collembolorum n. sp.48 Dorfelt and Schmidt 2005
no. 805
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