Where: Nova Scotia, Canada (45.0° N, 64.0° W: paleocoordinates 16.4° S, 14.1° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
When: Mississippian (358.9 - 323.2 Ma)
Environment/lithology: sandstone
Collection methods: Mr. R. Brown first used the name Millstone Grit in 1844. In 1843, this group was distinctly indicated in Sir W.E. Logan's section of the South Joggins and in Dawson's paper on the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of Eastern Nova Scotia. Dawson provides the following locations as equivalents of the Millstone Grit Series: the Seral Conglomerate of Rogers in Pennsylvania, the Lower Coal Formation Conglomerate and Chester Groups of Illinois, the Lower Carboniferous Sandstone of Kentucky, Alabama, and Virginia, the Millstone Grit and Yoredale Rocks of Northern England, the Culmiferous of Devonshire, the Moor Rock and Lower Coal Measures of Scotland, the Flagstones and Lower Shales of the South of Ireland and Millstone Grit of the North of Ireland, and the Jungste Graywacke of the Hartz, Saxony, and Silesia.
Primary reference: J. W. Dawson. 1873. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada [R. Gastaldo/J. Allen/M. Clapham]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taphonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 13094: authorized by Robert Gastaldo, entered by Jonathan Allen on 21.01.2002
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Lepidodendron radiato-plicatum, Lepidodendron selaginoides, Lepidodendron aculeatum, Lepidophloios acadianus
Lepidodendron radiato-plicatum Sternberg 1820
Lepidodendron aculeatum Sternberg 1820 | |
Calamites cannaeformis | |
Calamites cannaeformis Schlotheim 1820 | |
Sphenopteridae | |
Pinopsida | |
Cordaites borassifolia Sternberg 1822 | |
Peltaspermopsida | |
Equisetopsida | |
Pteropsida | |
Pecopteris abbreviata, "Alethopteris lonchitica" = Pecopteris (Alethopteris)
"Alethopteris lonchitica" = Pecopteris (Alethopteris) | |
Polypodiopsida | |
Calamites undulatus Sternberg 1825 | |
Pteridopsida | |