Anthill Quarry (Eocene of the United States)

Also known as UCMP V-5346

Where: Moffat County, Colorado (40.6° N, 108.1° W: paleocoordinates 45.4° N, 91.9° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Wasatch Formation, Wasatchian (55.8 - 50.3 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Reposited in the UCMP

Primary reference: M. C. McKenna. 1960. Fossil Mammalia from the early Wasatchian Four Mile fauna, Eocene of northwest Colorado. University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 37(1):1-130 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details

PaleoDB collection 15450: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 27.09.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Cimolesta - Coryphodontidae
Coryphodon sp. Owen 1845 pantodont
 Cimolesta - Esthonychidae
Esthonyx spatularius4 Cope 1880 tillodont
 Cimolesta - Apatemyidae
Labidolemur cf. kayi6 Simpson 1929 eutherian
 Leptictida - Leptictidae
cf. Prodiacodon tauricinerei1 Jepsen 1930 eutherian
 Macroscelidea - Amphilemuridae
cf. Macrocranion nitens1 Matthew 1918 elephant shrew
 Macroscelidea - Apheliscidae
Apheliscus sp.8 Cope 1875 elephant shrew
: "A. nitidus" of McKenna
Haplomylus speirianus Cope 1880 elephant shrew
 Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus simplex7 Loomis 1905 condylarth
Hyopsodus loomisi McKenna 1960 condylarth
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Paramys sp. Leidy 1871 rodent
two forms "A" and "B"
 Primates - Paromomyidae
cf. Simpsonlemur jepseni1 Simpson 1955 primate
 Primates - Microsyopidae
Arctodontomys nuptus4 Cope 1882 primate
Microsyops angustidens3 Matthew 1915 primate
 Primates - Notharctidae
"Pelycodus mckennai" = Cantius mckennai
"Pelycodus mckennai" = Cantius mckennai Gingerich and Simons 1977 primate
"P. ralstoni" ref 1675
 Primates - Omomyidae
Tetonius sp.1 Matthew 1915 tarsier
 Artiodactyla - Diacodexeidae
Diacodexis primus5 Krishtalka and Stucky 1985 even-toed ungulate
 Tribosphenida - Phenacodontidae
Phenacodus sp.1 Cope 1873 condylarth
Phenacodus intermedius Granger 1915 condylarth
Copecion ? brachypternus1 Cope 1882 condylarth
 Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
Hyracotherium sp.1 Owen 1841 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
"Arenahippus grangeri" = Sifrhippus grangeri2
"Arenahippus grangeri" = Sifrhippus grangeri2 Gingerich 1989 horse
 Procreodi - Arctocyonidae
Chriacus gallinae Matthew and Granger 1915 condylarth
 Ferae - Viverravidae
Viverravus acutus Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
 Ferae -
Miacis exiguus Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
probably OK, see Gingerich 1983a