Where: Greenland (70.5° N, 22.7° W: paleocoordinates 52.1° N, 5.8° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Cape Stewart Beds Formation, Pliensbachian (190.8 - 182.7 Ma)
• "Charmouthian"
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, coarse-grained, shelly/skeletal, gray, calcareous sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collected by A. Rosenkrantz in September, 1926
• Repository: (presumed) University of Coppenhagen
Primary reference: A. Rosenkrantz. 1934. The Lower Jurassic Rocks of East Greenland Part 1. Meddelelser Om Gronland 110(1):4-122 [M. Clapham/M. Manojlovic/M. Manojlovic]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 161970: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Marko Manojlovic on 16.09.2014
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Rhynchonellata | |
| |
Gastropoda | |
Pleurotomaria sp. Defrance 1826 snail | |
Scaphopoda | |
Dentalium parvulum tusk shell | |
Bivalvia | |
Nuculana zieteni Brauns 1871 pointed nut clam | |
"Trigonia lingonensis" = Liotrigonia lingonensis
"Trigonia lingonensis" = Liotrigonia lingonensis Dumortier 1869 clam | |
Cardinia hybrida Sowerby 1817 clam | |
Arcomya aff. pelea clam | |
Tancredia johnstrupi clam | |
| |
Pleuromya costata clam | |
Liostrea irregularis oyster
Gryphaea cymbium Lamarck 1819 oyster | |
"Aequipecten priscus" = Pecten priscus, Chlamys substriata
"Aequipecten priscus" = Pecten priscus Schlotheim 1820 scallop | |
Plicatula pectinoides scallop
Plicatula cf. laevigata scallop | |
Oxytoma sp., "Oxytoma inaequivalve" = Oxytoma inequivalvis
"Oxytoma inaequivalve" = Oxytoma inequivalvis Sowerby 1819 scallop | |
Entolium frontale scallop
Entolium callosum Lundgren 1895 scallop | |
"Ophiomorpha" sp. Lundgren 1891 |