White River (Upper Uinta B1) (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Uintah County, Utah (40.2° N, 109.9° W: paleocoordinates 43.0° N, 98.9° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: Wagonhound Member (Uinta Formation), Uintan (46.2 - 39.7 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Primary reference: L. Krishtalka, R. K. Stucky, R. M. West, M. C. McKenna, C. C. Black, T. M. Bown, M. R. Dawson, D. J. Golz, J. J. Flynn, J. A. Lillegraven, and W. D. Turnbull. 1987. Eocene (Wasatchian through Duchesnean) biochronology of North America. In M. O. Woodburne (ed.), Cenozoic Mammals of North America: Geochronology and Biostratigraphy 77-117 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 16656: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 21.09.1998, edited by Jonathan Marcot

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• almost all of this material can be confirmed as coming from the Metarhinus Beds on White River Canyon and adjacent Wagonhound Canyon based on Riggs 1912; this unit is called Uinta B1 by Osborn 1929 but "Uinta A" or "horizon A" by Osborn 1895, Riggs 1912, Peterson 1919, Wood 1927, Wood et al. 1941, and Krishtalka et al. 1987
stratigraphically questionable record of Oromeryx plicatus listed by Prothero 1996a
 Acreodi - Mesonychidae
Harpagolestes uintensis5 Scott 1888 condylarth
probably "H. sp." of Riggs 1912 from White River Canyon; possibly H. uintensis of Peterson 1919 from "horizon B" in Wagonhound Bend Canyon; probably includes type of Scott and Osborn 1887
Mesonyx obtusidens3 Cope 1872 condylarth
probably the Metarhinus Beds material of Mesonyx mentioned by Riggs 1912
 Artiodactyla - Agriochoeridae
Protoreodon parvus5 Scott and Osborn 1887 agriochoerid
 Perissodactyla - Brontotheriidae
"Mesatirhinus superior n. sp." = Sphenocoelus intermedius6, "Dolichorhinus sp." = Sphenocoelus3, Metarhinus fluviatilis n. sp.2, Metarhinus diploconus6
"Mesatirhinus superior n. sp." = Sphenocoelus intermedius6 Osborn 1908 brontothere
"Dolichorhinus sp." = Sphenocoelus3 Osborn 1895 brontothere
Metarhinus fluviatilis n. sp.2 Osborn 1908 brontothere
from "Uinta A"; also "M. riparius" type of Riggs 1912 from Metarhinus Sandstone in White River Canyon; also possibly "M. earlei" type of Osborn 1908 and "M. cristatus" type of Riggs 1912 from Metarhinus Sandstone
Metarhinus diploconus6 Osborn 1895 brontothere
 Perissodactyla - Chalicotheriidae
Eomoropus amarorum5 Cope 1881 chalicothere
 Perissodactyla -
Rhinocerotoidea indet.1 Gray 1821 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Hyracodontidae
Triplopus implicatus5 Cope 1873 odd-toed ungulate
Triplopus obliquidens5 Scott and Osborn 1887 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Amynodontidae
Amynodon advenus7 Marsh 1875 odd-toed ungulate
 Dinocerata - Uintatheriidae
Uintatherium sp.5 Leidy 1872 uintathere
Eobasileus cornutus1 Cope 1872 uintathere
 Crocodylia - Crocodylidae
"Crocodilus clavis" = Crocodylus affinis4
"Crocodilus clavis" = Crocodylus affinis4 Marsh 1871 crocodile
"horizon A near White River"