Where: San Diego County, California (33.2° N, 117.3° W: paleocoordinates 33.2° N, 117.3° W)
• coordinate stated in text
When: Late/Upper Pleistocene (0.1 - 0.0 Ma)
Environment/lithology: pond; unlithified sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: sieve
• Repository: San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM)
Primary reference: D. A. Guthrie. 2010. Avian material from Rancho del Oro, a Pleistocene locality in San Diego County, California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 109(1):1-7 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 176267: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 04.02.2016, edited by Matthew Clapham
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Reptilia | |
Callipepla californica Shaw 1798 California quail | |
Aves | |
Phalaropus lobatus Linnaeus 1758 red-necked phalarope | |
"Pelecanus cf. erythrorhynchus" = Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
"Pelecanus cf. erythrorhynchus" = Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmelin 1789 American white pelican | |
Rallus limicola Vieillot 1819 Virginia rail
Fulica americana Gmelin 1789 American coot | |
Geococcyx californianus Lesson 1829 Greater roadrunner | |
Podilymbus podiceps Linnaeus 1758 pied-billed grebe
Podiceps parvus Schufeldt 1913 grebe | |
Anatidae indet., Aythya affinis, Bucephala albeola fossilis, Oxyura jamaicensis, "Anas clypeata" = Spatula clypeata
Anatidae indet. Vigors 1825 waterfowl
Aythya affinis Eyton 1838 lesser scaup
Bucephala albeola fossilis Howard 1963 bufflehead
Oxyura jamaicensis Gmelin 1789 Ruddy duck
"Anas clypeata" = Spatula clypeata Linnaeus 1758 northern shoveler | |
Agelaius phoeniceus Linnaeus 1766 red-winged blackbird | |
Toxostoma redivivum Gambel 1845 California thrasher | |
Aphelocoma californica Vigors 1839 California scrub-jay | |
Piranga ludoviciana Wilson 1811 western tanager | |
Passerellidae indet. Cabanis 1851 new world sparrow
Melospiza cf. melodia Wilson 1810 song sparrow | |
Vireo sp. Vieillot 1808 vireo |