Also known as Agate Bone Bed; Agate Fossil Beds; Agate Spring Quarries; Carnegie Hill; University Hill; Peterson's Quarries 1 and 2; ETE Locality 1506
Where: Sioux County, Nebraska (42.4° N, 103.9° W: paleocoordinates 43.3° N, 98.8° W)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Basal Member (Marsland Formation), Harrisonian (24.8 - 18.5 Ma)
• "basal member of Upper Harrison Beds"
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: "channel"; sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: ETE reference list: 478
Primary reference: O. A. Peterson. 1907. The Miocene Beds of Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming and Their Vertebrate Faunae. Annals of Carnegie Museum 4(3):21-72 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 17741: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 27.09.1993, edited by Matthew Carrano, Jonathan Marcot and Nicholas Famoso
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
see also Beardog Hill (= Quarry 3, Den Site)
miscellaneous "Agate" records: "Cynodesmus" thomsoni Peterson 1910: "upper Harrison beds... Niobrara River, Sioux Co." Desmocyon thomsoni Wang et al. 1999: "south of Harrison, high brown sand"; "locality KU-NE-028, Dout Ranch, Sitting Hen and vicinity" (all Upper Harrison) "Cynarctus" acridens McGrew 1937a: referred specimen, "upper Harrison beds east of Agate, Sioux County"; this is actually Cynarctoides emryi: Wang et al. 1999 "Promerycochoerus carrikeri" Schultz and Falkenbach 1949: "2 mi. N. of Harrison-Van Tassel road, 1/2 mi. E. of Wyoming state line"; same "1/4 mi. E" of line; and "S. of Harrison"; all in "upper portion of the Harrison beds" - Harrison Fm. or Upper Harrison?? "Phenacocoelus stouti" Schultz and Falkenbach 1950: "south of Harrison, Sioux County" implicitly assigned to the "lower Marsland" Oxydactylus campestris Cook 1909a: "Lower Harrison Beds, near Agate, Sioux County" Nanotragulus albanensis Frick 1937: type, "Lower Harrison, Sioux County"
revision of Peterson 1906, 1907
Reptilia | |
Palaealectoris incertus n. gen. n. sp.14
Palaealectoris incertus n. gen. n. sp.14 Wetmore 1930 grouse 1928 MCZ collection from "Agate Springs quarries"
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Ortalis tantala n. sp.15
Ortalis tantala n. sp.15 Wetmore 1933 chachalaca H. J. Cook collection made between 1929 and 1931 from "the large quarry... on the southwest side of Carnegie Hill"
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Aves | |
Paractiornis perpusillus n. gen. n. sp.14
Paractiornis perpusillus n. gen. n. sp.14 Wetmore 1930 shorebird 1929 MCZ collection from "Carnegie Hill, Agate fossil quarry"
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Accipitridae indet.15 Viellot 1816 hawk H. J. Cook collection made between 1929 and 1931 from "the large quarry... on the southwest side of Carnegie Hill"
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Proictinia effera n. sp.16
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Mammalia | |
Delotrochanter oryktes10 Hunt 2011 bear-dog "removed from Princeton University quarry block (now YPM-PU 12213), Princeton Expedition of 1914, loc. 1002A, Carnegie Hill waterhole bonebed, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Sioux County, Nebraska"
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Cephalogale sp.7 Jourdan 1862 bear not discussed in Hunt 1972; at University Quarry according to Hunt 1998a
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"Anchitherium agatensis" = Kalobatippus agatensis6 Osborn 1918 anchitheriine horse from "Agate Springs"; not in Hunt's list
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"Diceratherium arikarense n. sp." = Menoceras arikarense2, "Diceratherium cooki n. sp." = Menoceras arikarense, "Diceratherium loomisi n. sp." = Menoceras arikarense4, Diceratherium sp.7, Diceratherium niobrarense12
"Diceratherium cooki n. sp." = Menoceras arikarense Barbour 1906 rhinoceros see also Prothero and Manning 1987; "M. sp." of Hunt 1985
Diceratherium niobrarense12 Peterson 1906 rhinoceros "Arikareean Quarry A" and "Agate Springs Quarry A"
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Blastomeryx pristinus n. sp.5
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"Merychyus siouxensis" = Paramerychyus harrisonensis13
"Merychyus siouxensis" = Paramerychyus harrisonensis13 Peterson 1907 oreodont presumably includes any of several "Upper Harrison" oreodonts of Peterson 1907; no oreodonts in Hunt's list
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Dinohyus hollandi n. sp.
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"Thinohyus siouxensis n. sp." = Stuckyhyus siouxensis11
"Thinohyus siouxensis n. sp." = Stuckyhyus siouxensis11 Peterson 1906 peccary "Agate Spring Stock Farm"
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"Palaeocastor fossor" = Fossorcastor fossor3