Where: Dawes County, Nebraska (42.7° N, 102.9° W: paleocoordinates 43.3° N, 99.6° W)
• coordinate stated in text
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Early/Lower Barstovian (16.3 - 12.5 Ma)
• Olcott Formation equivalent
Environment/lithology: terrestrial
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: T. H. V. Rich. 1981. Origin and History of the Erinaceinae and Brachyericinae (Mammalia, Insectivora) in North America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 171(1):1-116 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/P. Mannion]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 17976: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot, Jelle Zijlstra, Patricia Holroyd, Mark Uhen and Nicholas Famoso
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
NW 1/4 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec 4 T31N R47W: Woodburne 1969
a channel deposit equated with the Olcott Fm. on faunistic grounds only: Rich 1981
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Pediohierax ramenta n. gen. n. sp.8
Pediohierax ramenta n. gen. n. sp.8 Wetmore 1936 raptor "Falco ramenta" type of Wetmore 1936 from "Merychippus quarry"
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Leptodontomys cf. stirtoni15 Lindsay 1972 rodent FAM 144256, nearly complete dentary with i1; FAM 144257, partial dentary with m1.
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Mioheteromys subterior n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 rodent Type Specimen.—UNSM 56737, left p4. Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56738, 56739, 56740, isolated m1 or m2; UNSM 56736, UNSM 56772, isolated I1s; FAM 144258, dentary with i1, p4–m3.
Mookomys altifluminus15 rodent UNSM 56731, partial dentary with p4; FAM 144259, partial dentary with i1, p4.
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Monosaulax tedi n. sp.13
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Miospermophilus bryanti15 Wilson 1960 squirrel FAM 144252, partial crushed skull with incisors, left M1 and right P3, M1–M2; UNSM 56741, P4; UNSM 56742, 56743, 56744, M1 or M2; UNSM 56745, M3; UNSM 56746, 56747, p4; UNSM 56748, m1 or m2; FAM 144250, 144251, 144253, 144254, dentaries with p4–m2; UNSM 56735, three isolated incisors.
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Jimomys labaughi n. sp.23
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Copemys lindsayi15 Sutton and Korth 1995 rodent FAM 95503, right dentary with m1–m3; UNSM 56730 left dentary with i1 and alveoli for m1–m3; UNSM 56728 left maxilla with M1–M2; UNSM 56729, left maxilla with M1–M3.
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Pronotolagus cf. albus15 Voorhies and Timperley 1997 rabbit FAM 144483 (in part) p3; FAM 144468, dentary with p3 (unworn)–m2; FAM 144467, FAM 144467, partial dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 144480 (in part), isolated lower molariform tooth.
Hypolagus parviplicatus15 Dawson 1958 rabbit FAM 144448, partial dentary with p3–m2; FAM 144447, FAM 144455, FAM 144461, FAM 144476, partial dentaries with p4–m2; FAM 144463, partial dentary with p4–m1; FAM 144457, dentary lacking teeth; FAM 144454, fragments of dentary with two associated lower molariform teeth; UNSM 56749, isolated P2; FAM 144460, maxilla with P4–M1; FAM 144452, partial skull with palate and dorsal neurocranium (crushed) with left P4– M2 and right P4–M1; FAM 144459, fragmentary maxilla with two upper molariform teeth; FAM 144466, partial skull in two major pieces: ventral rostrum and palate with left P3–M2 and right P3–M1, and posterior part of skull includ- ing frontal, parietals and squamosals; UNSM 56750, FAM 144458, FAM 144472, isolated upper molariform teeth; FAM 144484, one upper and one lower molariform tooth; FAM 144475, 17 isolated upper and six lower molariform teeth; FAM 144480, three isolated p3s, 18 upper molari- form, and three lower molariform teeth; FAM 144483, ve isolated upper molariform teeth; FAM 144450, complete right femur; FAM 144449, FAM 144453, FAM 144464, par- tial or fragmentary femora; FAM 144469, partial diaphysis and distal epiphysis of left humerus; FAM 144485, metatar- sal lacking proximal epiphysis.
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Oreolagus nebrascensis15 McGrew 1941 pika UNSM 56752, P3; UNSM 56753; dP3; UNSM 56754 and 56755, P4; FAM 144473, FAM 144481, FAM 144482, fragmentary maxillae with P4; UNSM 56751, dP4; UNSM 56756 to 56758, M1; FAM 144445, left and right articulated dentaries with complete dentition; FAM 144444, dentary with i1 and p4–m2; FAM 1444470, dentary with p4–m2; FAM 144439 and FAM 144441, partial dentaries with p4–m1; FAM 144442, FAM 144446, FAM 144462, FAM 144471, partial or fragmentary dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 144440, partial dentary with i1 and m1; FAM 144477, FAM 144478, par- tial or fragmentary dentary with m1; FAM 144443, FAM 144474, partial or fragmentary dentaries lacking cheek teeth; UNSM 56759, p4.
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"Prosynthetoceras siouxensis n. sp." = Lambdoceras siouxensis17
"Prosynthetoceras siouxensis n. sp." = Lambdoceras siouxensis17 Frick 1937 protoceratid of "P. siouxensis dawesensis"
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"Parablastomeryx scotti n. sp." = Pseudoparablastomeryx scotti11
"Parablastomeryx scotti n. sp." = Pseudoparablastomeryx scotti11 Frick 1937 ruminant see also Taylor and Webb 1976
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"Blastomeryx cf. elegans" = Blastomeryx gemmifer11
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"Bouromeryx supernebrascensis n. sp." = Bouromeryx americanus11, "Drepanomeryx matthewi n. sp." = Drepanomeryx falciformis11, "Dromomeryx whitfordi" = Dromomeryx borealis11
"Bouromeryx supernebrascensis n. sp." = Bouromeryx americanus11 Douglass 1899 ruminant also "B. pseudonebrascensis" type Frick 1937; see also Voorhies 1990
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"Dyseohyus stirtoni" = Stirtonhyus xiphodonticus25
"Dyseohyus stirtoni" = Stirtonhyus xiphodonticus25 Barbour 1925 peccary also includes "Cynorca proterva" of Woodburne 1969
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Bassariscus minimus n. sp.4, Arctonasua minima n. sp.2, "Rhapsodus tedfordi n. sp." = Probassariscus matthewi3
Bassariscus minimus n. sp.4 Baskin 2004 ringtail definitely not the same as "Rhapsodus tedfordi" or Arctonasua minima
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Scalopoides hutchisoni n. sp.15
Scalopoides hutchisoni n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 mole Type Specimen.—FAM 144656, right dentary with p2– m2 (Figs. 9A–B). Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56727, right partial den- tary with angle, base of ascending ramus and m3; FAM 144651, 144653, 144654, 144655, partial dentaries with m1–m3; FAM 144652, partial dentary with m2.
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Plesiosorex greeni15 Martin and Lim 2004 placental UNSM 56700, dentary with p4– m3 and alveoli for i1–p3; FAM 74915, dentary with p4–m3; FAM 74917, dentary with p4–m1, m3; FAM 76654, dentary with i2, p4–m2; FAM 74904, 74907, 74909, 76648, 76649, 76650, 76653, 76656, 76658, dentaries with p4–m2; FAM 74910, 74911, 74916, 76659, 76661, 76663, 76666, 76667, 76669, 76670, 76682, 76683, 76687, dentaries with p4–m1; FAM 76651, dentary with p3–m4; FAM 76652, 76677, den- tary with i2, m1; FAM 76671, dentary with m1–m3; FAM 74908, 76647, 76657, 76660, 76662, 76664, 76655, 76681, 76688, dentaries with m1–m2; UNSM 56701, FAM 76689, p4; UNSM 56702, FAM 74912, 76665, 76668, 76672, 76674, 76679, 76684, 76686, 76690, m1; UNSM 56703, 56704, 56705, FAM 74919, 76685, 76678, 76680, 76675, m2; FAM 76676, m3; FAM 144249, rostrum of skull with left I1, C, P3–P4 and right I1–I2, P3; FAM 74905, palate with right P3–P4, and left P3–M1; FAM 74904, 74920, maxillae with P4–M2; FAM 74902, maxilla with P3–M1; UNSM 56706–56708, P4; UNSM 56709–56712, 56734, M1; UNSM 56713, 56714, M2.
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Antesorex wilsoni n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 red-toothed shrew Type Specimen.—UNSM 56779, right dentary with p4– m2 (Figs. 7E–F). Referred Specimens.—UNSM 56775, dentary with m2– m3; UNSM 56776, dentary with p4–m1; UNSM 56777, left dentary with p4–m3; UNSM 56778, dentary with m1– m2; UNSM 56780, dentary with condyle, ascending ramus and alveoli for m2–m3.
Pseudotrimylus roperi15 Wilson 1960 shrew FAM 94280, fragmentary maxilla with P4–M2 with possibly associated mandibular fragments m3; FAM 94274, dentary with i1, a2–a4, m1– m3; FAM 94269, dentary with i1, a4, and m1–m3; FAM 94266, dentary with i1, m1–m3; FAM 94264, dentary with i1, m1–m2; FAM 94277, dentary with i1, m1; FAM 94279, dentary with a4, m1–m3; FAM 94267, 94271, 94276, den- taries with m1–m3; FAM 94268, 94272, 94278, dentaries with m1–m2; FAM 94281, dentary with m1; FAM 94265, 94273, dentaries with m2–m3; FAM 94275, dentary with m2; FAM 94270, edentulous dentary; UNSM 56773, isolated i1.
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Metechinus amplior Rich 1981 hedgehog
Lanthanotherium observatum n. sp.15 Korth and Evander 2016 hedgehog Type Specimen.—FAM 140574, dentary with c1, p4–m3 (Figs. 4E–F). Referred Specimens.—FAM 74976, maxillary fragment with P2, M1; FAM 74969, maxillary fragment with P4– M1; FAM 74969, partial palate with C1, P2–M1; FAM 76691, maxilla with P4–M3; UNSM 56719, P4; UNSM 56716–56718, M1; UNSM 56715, M2; FAM 74971, 74974, 74989, 74988, 74996, 76600, 76601, partial den- tary with p4–m1; FAM 74980, 74990, 76607, 76621, par- tial dentary with p4–m2; FAM 74989, 74997, partial den- tary with p3–m1; FAM 74983, dentary with p3–m2; FAM 74986, 74994, 74998, 76603, partial dentary with m1–m2; FAM 76605, 74973, dentary with m1–m3; FAM 76608, 76614, 76619, UNSM 56721, partial dentary with m2–m3; FAM 74991, dentary with p4–m3; FAM 74981, dentary with p4, m2–m3; FAM 76602, partial dentary with m1, m3; FAM 76606, dentary with p4–m1, m3; FAM 76618, dentary with c1, p3–m1; UNSM 56733, partial dentary with p3–p4; FAM 76613, partial dentary with p2–p4; FAM 74968, 74970, 74975, 74985, 76612, fragmentary dentary with p4; FAM 74992, partial dentary with c1, p4; FAM 74972, 74978, 74987, 74995, 76609, 76610, 76617, fragmentary dentary with m1; FAM 74977, 74993, 74999, 76604, 76611, 76620, fragmentary dentary with m2; FAM 74982, 76615, fragmentary dentary with m3; UNSM 56781, fragmentary dentary with i2; UNSM 56722, 56723, 56724, isolated m1; UNSM 56720, 56726, isolated m2; UNSM 56725, isolated m3.