Also known as els Casots; Subirats; Cal Sutxet farmhouse
Where: Catalonia, Spain (41.4° N, 1.8° E: paleocoordinates 41.6° N, 0.5° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: MN4 mammal zone, Detritic-Carbonated Unit of Subirats Formation, Langhian (16.0 - 13.8 Ma)
• Detritic-Carbonated Unit of Subirats - MN4; zone C from the Early Aragonian of the Calatayud-Daroca Basin,with an estimated age of 16.5–16.3 Ma
•Considering these data, the dominantly reverse polarity interval recorded in the cores is best correlated to chron C5Br (15.974–15.160 Ma; boundaries after Ogg 2020). Coupled with the aforementioned correlation to Aragonian subzone Cb (16.15–15.94 Ma; Van der Meulen et al. 2012), this results in an estimated age of ~15.9 Ma for the site of els Casots.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lacustrine; limestone and mudstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: coprolite
Collected by M. Crusafort, T. Adell, ICP teams in 1989-1994, 2018-present
• The fossiliferous area of els Casots is huge, comprising all the fields around the farmhouses of Cal Solà and Cal Sutxet, but only a small area of about 6,200 m2 is protected. For the moment being, a small surface of just 400 m2 has been excavated, most of it during the 1990s field campaigns.
•Field campaigns since 2018 have focused on the excavation of level J, a bone bed that has yielded partially articulated specimens. Furthermore, well-preserved carnivoran coprolites and numerous wood fragments have been found at level J.
Primary reference: J. L. Díaz Aráez, M. Delfino, A. H. Luján, J. Fortuny, F. Bernardini and D. M. Alba. 2017. New remains of Diplocynodon (Crocodylia: Diplocynodontidae) from the Early Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16(1):12-26 [P. Mannion/P. Mannion/P. Mannion]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 180192: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Philip Mannion on 11.07.2016, edited by Mark Uhen and Evangelos Vlachos
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
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Mammalia | |
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"Eurolistriodon adelli" = Bunolistriodon1
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"Pseudaelurus lorteti" = Miopanthera lorteti1
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Melissiodon dominans1, "Democricetodon sp." = Copemys1, Democricetodon hispanicus1, "Democricetodon gracilis" = Democricetodon minor gracilis1, Megacricetodon primitivus1
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Peridyromys murinus1, Microdyromys monspeliensis1, Pseudodryomys ibericus1, Muscardinus sp.1, Glirudinus modestus1, Bransatoglis sp.1
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Reptilia | |
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Diplocynodon ratelii Pomel 1847 crocodilian cranial remains (IPS951,IPS14721, IPS35073, IPS35074 and IPS30504), fragmentarycranial and mandibular bones (IPS9427 to IPS9429, IPS9433, IPS24916, IPS30510a, IPS35078), about 150 teeth (IPS9446a, IPS9447, IPS9450, IPS9451, IPS9554,IPS24148, IPS30510c, IPS35077, and uncatalogued specimens), several vertebral bodies and fragments (IPS9430 to IPS9432, IPS9445, IPS30510b), and 50 osteoderms (IPS9426, IPS9444, IPS30505 to IPS30508)
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Reptilia | |
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Amphibia | |
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