Where: New Providence Island, Bahamas (25.0° N, 77.5° W: paleocoordinates 25.0° N, 77.5° W)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Late/Upper Pleistocene to Late/Upper Pleistocene (0.1 - 0.0 Ma)
• The age of the fossil deposit in Banana Hole is uncertain, although the strong representation of arid-adapted species of birds identified by Brodkorb (1959), Olson and Hilgartner (1982), and herein suggests that the fossils probably date to the late Pleistocene. In May 2016, we attempted to radiocarbon (14C) date 2 femora of the rodent G. ingrahami from Banana Hole at Beta Analytic Inc., but neither specimen (Beta432277, 432278) had enough collagen to yield results. A 14C date (Beta-24481) of 7,980 +/- 230 yr BP was reported by Morgan (1989) based on collagen extracted from an unknown number of bones of G. ingrahami from Banana
•Hole. When calendrically calibrated (using OxCal13), this 14C date is 9,437 to 8,400 Cal BP (calibrated years before present; 95.4% confidence).
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: sinkhole; limestone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collected by Dickinson, Auffenberg, Hanlon, Russell in 1958, 1960; reposited in the FMNH
Primary reference: P. Brodkorb. 1959. Pleistocene birds from New Providence Island, Bahamas. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences 4(11):349-371 [J. Bloch/R. Hulbert]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 194588: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 22.06.2018
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
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"Calohierax quadratus" = Buteo quadratus Wetmore 1937 Bahama red-shouldered hawk 8 in Oswald & Steadman 2018
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Gallinago kakuki n. sp.3
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Burhinus nanus n. sp.
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Tyto alba Scopoli 1769 barn owl | |
"Athene cunicularia" = Athene cunicularia2, "Otus providentiae n. sp." = Athene cunicularia, "Glaucidium dickinsoni n. sp." = Athene cunicularia
"Otus providentiae n. sp." = Athene cunicularia Molina 1782 burrowing owl
"Glaucidium dickinsoni n. sp." = Athene cunicularia Molina 1782 burrowing owl | |
Columbidae indet.1, Zenaida asiatica2, Zenaida aurita, Columbina passerina2, "Columba squamosa" = Patagioenas squamosa, "Columba leucocephala" = Patagioenas leucocephala, Geotrygon chrysia1
"Columba squamosa" = Patagioenas squamosa Bonnaterre 1792 scaly-naped pigeon 16 in Oswald & Steadman 2018
"Columba leucocephala" = Patagioenas leucocephala Linnaeus 1758 white-crowned pigeon 40 in Oswald & Steadman 2018
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"Amazona leucocephala" = Psittacus leucocephalus
"Amazona leucocephala" = Psittacus leucocephalus Linnaeus 1758 Cuban parrot 30 in Oswald & Steadman 2018
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Sphyrapicus varius2, Xiphidiopicus percussus2, "Melanerpes superciliaris" = Melanerpes superciliaris, "Bathoceleus hyphalus n. gen. n. sp." = Melanerpes superciliaris, Colaptes sp.2, Picoides villosus2
"Melanerpes superciliaris" = Melanerpes superciliaris Temminck 1827 West Indian woodpecker 20 in Oswald & Steadman 2018
"Bathoceleus hyphalus n. gen. n. sp." = Melanerpes superciliaris Temminck 1827 West Indian woodpecker | |
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