Untereichen-Altenstadt 565m (Miocene of Germany)

Also known as UA 565m

Where: Bavaria, Germany (48.2° N, 10.1° E: paleocoordinates 48.4° N, 8.7° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Untere Fluviatile Serie Member (Upper Freshwater Molasse Formation), MN 5 (16.0 - 13.7 Ma)

Environment/lithology: "channel"; sandstone

• The channel facies contains deposits of bars and dunes produced by curved-crested and straight-crested bed waves. Mixed-load channel, braided river.
• This sequence is 10 m thick and largely composed of medium sand grain sizes; only a few thin laminated clay deposits of abandoned channels have been detected.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: original aragonite

Reposited in the SMNS

Primary reference: J. Prieto, M. Böhme, H. Maurer, K. Heissig, and H. A. Abdul Aziz. 2009. Biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Fluviatile Untere Serie (Early and Middle Miocene) in the central part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin: implications for palaeoenvironment and climate. International Journal of Earth Sciences 98:1767-1791 [T. Cleary/T. Cleary]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 205187: authorized by Terri Cleary, entered by Terri Cleary on 08.10.2019, edited by Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Chiroptera -
Chiroptera indet. Blumenbach 1779 bat
4 isolated teeth: 1 fragmentary lower molar, 1 Csup, 1 fragmentary upper molar, 1 M3/.
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Lanthanotherium aff. sansaniense hedgehog
21 isolated teeth: 1 p/4, 6 m/1, 1 m/2, 1 m/3, 1 P3/, ?1 P4/, 1 M1/, 6 M2/, 3 M3/.
Galerix cf. exilis de Blainville 1839 hedgehog
24 isolated teeth: 1 d/3, 1 p/4, 3 m/ 1, 3 m/2, 1 m/3, 4 P3/, 3 P4/, 5 M1/, 1 M2/, 2 M3/.
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Soricidae indet. Fischer 1814 shrew
six isolated teeth, one fragmentary mandibule with m/2, 1 fragmentary mandibule with m/3: 1 m/1, 2 m/2, 1 m/3, 1 I sup, 3 M1/.
Dinosorex cf. zapfei Engesser 1975 shrew
10 isolated teeth:1 a/2 or 3, 1 m/1, 1 m/2, 1 m/3, 1 A sup, 3 M1/, 1 M2/, 1 M3/.
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Proscapanus sansaniensis Lartet 1851 mole
11 isolated teeth: 1 p/4, 2 m/1, 2 m/2, 1 m/3, 1 P4/, 1 M2/, 1 fragment Msup indet., 2 M3/.
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
Lagopsis verus Hensel 1856 pika
1 p/3.
Prolagus oeningensis König 1825 pika
8 p/3.
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Democricetodon mutilus Fahlbusch 1964 rodent
43 isolated teeth: 7 m/1, 10 m/2, 4 m/3, 7 M1/, 7 M2/, 8 M3/.
"Democricetodon gracilis" = Democricetodon minor gracilis Fahlbusch 1964 rodent
8 isolated teeth: 2 m/1, 2 m/2, 2 M1/, 2 M2/.
Eumyarion medius Lartet 1851 rodent
67 isolated teeth: 16 m/1, 14 m/2, 5 m/3, 12 M1/, 12 M2/, 8 M3/.
Megacricetodon aff. minor Lartet 1851 rodent
60 isolated teeth: 16 m/1, 11 m/2, 5 m/3, 12 M1/, 16 M2/.
Megacricetodon aff. lappi Mein 1958 rodent
162 isolated teeth, 1 maxillary fragment with M1/-M2/ and 1 fragmentary mandible with m/1-m/2: 31 m/1, 35 m/2, 24 m/3, 27 M1/, 19 M2/, 30 M3/.
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Keramidomys thaleri Hugueney and Mein 1968 rodent
35 isolated teeth: 1 p/4, 11 m/1,2, 2 m/3, 5 P4/, 16 M1,2/.
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Microdyromys cf. complicatus De Bruijn 1966 dormouse
24 isolated teeth: 3 p/4, 8 m/1, 3 m/3, 4 M1/, 4 M2/, 2 M3/.
Miodyromys aff. aegercii Baudelot 1972 dormouse
138 isolated teeth: 15 p/4, 16 m/1, 19 m/2, 3 m/1 or 2, 15 m/3, 22 P4/, 32 M1,2/, 16 M3/.
Paraglirulus aff. werenfelsi Engesser 1972 dormouse
83 isolated teeth: 16 p/4, 15 m/1, 9 m/2, 6 m/3, 12 P4/, 17 M1,2/, 8 M3/.
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Blackia miocaenica Mein 1970 squirrel
4 isolated teeth: 2 m/1.2, 1 M1,2/, 1 M3/.
Heteroxerus aff. rubricati squirrel
14 isolated teeth: 1 p/4, 2 m/1.2, 2m/ 3, 3 D4/, 3 M1,2/, 3 M3/.
Spermophilinus besanus Cuenca 1988 squirrel
isolated teeth: 1 m/1,2, 3 P4/, 3 M1,2/, 3 M3/.
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacerta "sp. 1" Linnaeus 1758 squamates
2 dentaries, 1 frontal, 1 parietal
 Squamata - Anguidae
Pseudopus sp. Merrem 1820 legless lizard
1 dentary
Ophisaurus sp. Daudin 1803 glass lizard
1 dentary, 1 maxilla
 Squamata - Scincidae
Scincidae indet. Gray 1825 skink
2 dentaries
 Squamata - Colubridae
Colubrinae "large size indet." Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
2 vertebra
Colubrinae "small size indet." Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
2 vertebra
Natricinae indet. Bonaparte 1838 colubrid snake
1 vertebra
 Squamata - Viperidae
? Viperidae indet. Oppel 1811 viper
2 vertebra
 Squamata - Chamaeleonidae
Chamaeleo sp. Laurenti 1768 chameleon
3 jaw fragments
 Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudo sp. Linnaeus 1758 turtle
Plate fragments
Ergilemys sp. Ckhikvadze 1972 turtle
Plate fragments
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Mauremys sp. Gray 1870 pond turtle
Plate fragments
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionyx sp. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 softshell turtle
Plate fragments
 Crocodylia -
Diplocynodon sp. Pomel 1847 crocodilian
14 teeth, 3 osteoscutes
 Caudata - Urodela
Mioproteus sp. Estes and Darevsky 1978 mudpuppy
20 vertebra, 1 atlas
Chelotriton sp. Pomel 1853 newt
1 vertebra, 1 dental
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Latonia gigantea Lartet 1851 painted frog
1 ilia,. 1 maxilla, 1 humerus
 Salientia - Ranidae
Rana "sp. 1" Linnaeus 1758 frog
(ridibunda); 1 ilia
 Cypriniformes - Cyprinidae
Barbus "sp. B" Cuvier and Cloquet 1816 carp-like fish
sensu lato; 54 teeth, 5 dorsal fin spines
Palaeocarassius sp. Obrhelová 1970 carp-like fish
307 teeth, 4 fin spines
Palaeoleuciscus "sp. A" Obrhelová 1969 carp-like fish
296 teeth
 Anabantiformes - Channidae
Channa sp. Scopoli 1770 snakehead
301 teeth, 44 vert., 1 praemax., 4 basiocc.
 Gobiiformes - Gobiidae
Gobiidae indet. Bonaparte 1832 goby
1 vertebra
 Unionida - Unionidae
Unio kirchbergensis Krauss 1852 freshwater mussel
 Unionida - Margaritiferidae
Margaritifera flabellata Goldfuss 1837 clam
 Heterostropha - Planorbidae
Planorbarius cornu Brongniart 1810 snail
 Heterostropha - Lymnaeidae
Lymnaea dilatata Noulet 1854 snail
 Stylommatophora - Elonidae
Klikia sp. Pilsbry 1895 slug
 Stylommatophora - Helicidae
"Megalotachea silvana" = Palaeotachea silvana
"Megalotachea silvana" = Palaeotachea silvana Klein 1853 slug
 Stylommatophora - Zonitidae
Archaeozonites costatus Sandberger 1876 true glass snail
 Neritoidea - Neritidae
Theodoxus sp. Monfort 1810 snail
 Cerithioidea - Pachychilidae
Tinnyea lauraea Matheron 1843 snail