Omo - L.2 (Pliocene of Ethiopia)

Also known as ETE Locality 367, Omo - L.2,

Where: Ethiopia (5.1° N, 36.0° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 4.2° N, 36.0° E (Wright 2013)

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: B Member (Shungura Formation), Piacenzian (3.6 - 2.6 Ma)

• ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: Tuff B-10-1 (2.95+-.03ma) radiometric intage_min

Environment/lithology: sandstone

• ETE sed env 1: fluvial, ETE sed env 2: . ETE event: ., ETE env comment: paleodune to the north, cut and fill process
• ETE rock type adj: unconsolidated, ETE lithology comments: tuffite, clayey silt, gravel, med-coarse (member description and thickness)

Collection methods: quarrying, surface (in situ)

• ETE Size: macro; ETE reference list: 404, ; ETE museum list: BMNH: British Museum (Natural History), ENM, KNM, MNHN: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, UCBE

Primary reference: C. S. Feibel, F.H. Brown, and I. McDougall. 1989. Stratigraphic Context of Fossil hominids from the Omo Group Deposits: Northern Turkana Basin, Kenya and Ethiopia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78:595-622 [A. Behrensmeyer/A. Behrensmeyer/M. Kosnik]more details

PaleoDB collection 21549: authorized by Anna Behrensmeyer, entered by Anna Behrensmeyer on 28.07.1997

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Proboscidea - Elephantidae
"Elephas recki" = Palaeoloxodon recki
"Elephas recki" = Palaeoloxodon recki Dietrich 1915 elephant
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: brumpti
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Hipparion sp. de Christol 1832 hipparionine horse
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
"Notochoerus euilus" = Hylochoerus euilus Hopwood 1926 giant forest hog
Kolpochoerus afarensis Cooke 1978 pig
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: sensu C+W
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Tragelaphus gaudryi Thomas 1884 antelope
Syncerus cf. acoelotus Gentry 1985 African buffalo
Aepyceros shungurae Gentry 1985 impala
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: sp. nov.
Kobus oricornis antelope
Redunca sp. Smith 1827 reedbuck
 Artiodactyla - Hippopotamidae
 Primates - Hominidae
Australopithecus sp. Dart 1925 australopithecine
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: (non-robust)