Lang. E Quarry-PPM bed 3as (Pliocene of South Africa)

Also known as ETE Locality 1045, "E Quarry, PPM bed 3aS",

Where: South Africa (33.0° S, 18.2° E: paleocoordinates 33.1° S, 17.7° E)

When: PPM Member (Varswater Formation), Zanclean (5.3 - 3.6 Ma)

• ETE dating method: time_unit, ETE age comment: Dating by correlation of flora with/radiomet dated sites. bed aS: ETE age Pliocene; age after Hendey 1981

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: "channel"; sandstone

• ETE sed env 1: fluvial, ETE sed env 2: channel ETE event: ., ETE env comment: river channel and bank seds
• ETE rock type adj: 0, ETE lithology comments: quartz sand grading up into phosphatic sand

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: bulk, quarrying, surface (in situ)

• ETE Size: macro; ETE reference list: 632, ; ETE museum list: MNHN: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

Primary reference: G. G. Simpson. 1979. A new genus of late Tertiary penguin from Langebaanweg, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 78(1):1-9 [A. Behrensmeyer/A. Behrensmeyer/M. Kosnik]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 22222: authorized by Anna Behrensmeyer, entered by Anna Behrensmeyer on 04.06.1999, edited by John Damuth and Hannah O'Regan

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Squatiniformes - Squatinidae
Squatina sp. Dumeril 1806 angel shark
Osteichthyes indet. bony fish
ETE occurrence; species: Osteichthyes
Reptilia indet. Laurenti 1768 reptile
ETE occurrence; species: Squamata
Aves indet. Linnaeus 1758 bird
ETE occurrence; species: Aves
 Pelecaniformes - Threskiornithidae
 Sphenisciformes - Spheniscidae
Inguza predemersus Simpson 1971 penguin
Dege hendeyi Simpson 1979 penguin
 Procellariiformes - Oceanitidae
Oceanites zaloscarthmus Olson 1985 bird
 Procellariiformes - Procellariidae
Pachyptila sp. Illiger 1811 prion
Pachyptila salax Olson 1985 prion
 Caprimulgiformes - Apodidae
Apodidae indet. Hartert 1897 swift
ETE occurrence; species: Apodidae
 Struthioniformes - Struthionidae
Struthio sp. Linnaeus 1758 ostrich
originally entered as "Strutio sp."
 Galliformes - Phasianidae
Phasianidae indet. Horsfield 1821 pheasant
ETE occurrence; species: Phasianidae
 Testudines - Testudinidae
Chersina sp. Gray 1831 turtle
 Squamata - Chamaeleonidae
Chameleontidae indet. Gray 1825 chameleon
ETE occurrence; species: Chameleontidae
 Ophidia -
Ophidia indet. snake
ETE occurrence; species: Ophidia
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Gekkonidae indet. Gray 1825 gecko
ETE occurrence; species: Gekkonidae
Mammalia indet. Linnaeus 1758 mammal
ETE occurrence; species: Cetacea
 Tribosphenida - Chrysochloridae
Chrysochloris sp. Lacépède 1799 Cape golden mole
 Macroscelidea - Macroscelididae
Elephantulus sp. Thomas and Schwann 1906 elephant shrew
 Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae
Anancus sp. Aymard 1855 gomphothere
 Proboscidea - Elephantidae
 Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Pronolagus sp. Lyon 1904 rabbit
originally entered as "Pronalagus sp."
 Placentalia -
Rodentia indet. Bowdich 1821 rodent
ETE occurrence; species: Rodentia
 Rodentia - Muridae
"Aethomys adamanticola" = Epimys (Aethomys), "Aethomys modernis" = Epimys (Aethomys)
"Aethomys adamanticola" = Epimys (Aethomys) rock rat
"Aethomys modernis" = Epimys (Aethomys) rock rat
 Rodentia - Bathyergidae
Bathyergus sp. Illiger 1811 dune mole rat
 Rodentia - Hystricidae
Hystricidae indet. Fischer de Waldheim 1817 porcupine
ETE occurrence; species: Hystricidae
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Hipparion cf. baardi hipparionine horse
 Artiodactyla - Giraffidae
Sivatherium hendeyi Harris 1976 giraffe
Giraffa sp. Brisson 1762 giraffe
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Tragelaphus sp. de Blainville 1816 antelope
"Simatherium demissum" = Ugandax demissum Gentry 1980 antelope
Kobus subdolus Gentry 1980 antelope
Gazella sp. Blaineville 1816 gazelle
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: .; Double entry removed abundance could be 7
Raphicerus paralius Gentry 1980 antelope
originally entered as "Parhicerus paralius"
cf. Damalacra sp. Gentry 1980 antelope
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: .; Double entry removed abundance could be 6
Damalacra acalla Gentry 1980 antelope
Damalacra neanica Gentry 1980 antelope
Damalacra cf. neanica Gentry 1980 antelope
Ovibovini indet. antelope
ETE minimum number of individuals; species: Ovibovini
cf. Ovibovini indet. antelope
ETE minimum number of individuals; species: cf. Ovibovini
Mesembriportax acrae Gentry 1974 antelope
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
Pecarichoerus africanus Hendy 1976 peccary
 Artiodactyla - Suidae
Nyanzachoerus cf. jaegeri Coppens 1971 pig
 Artiodactyla - Hippopotamidae
Hippopotamidae indet. Gray 1821 hippopotamus
ETE occurrence; species: Hippopotamidae
 Carnivora - Ursidae
Agriotherium africanum Hendey 1972 bear
 Carnivora - Phocidae
Homiphoca capensis Hendey and Repenning 1972 seal
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Plesiogulo monplessulanus mustelid carnivore
Enhydriodon africanus Stromer 1931 otter
originally entered as "Enhydrion africanus"
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
Hyaenidae indet. Gray 1821 hyaena
ETE occurrence; species: Hyaenidae
Hyaenidae indet. Gray 1821 hyaena
ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: Hyaenidae sp. E
Chasmaporthetes sp. Hay 1921 hyaena
 Carnivora - Herpestidae
"Herpestinae indet." = Herpestidae, Herpestes sp.
"Herpestinae indet." = Herpestidae Bonaparte 1845 mongoose
ETE occurrence; species: Herpestinae
Herpestes sp. Illliger 1811 mongoose
 Carnivora - Viverridae
aff. Pseudocivetta sp. Petter 1963 civet
ETE occurrence; species: Viverrinae aff. Pseudocivetta
 Carnivora - Felidae
Felidae indet. Gray 1821 cat
ETE occurrence; species: Felidae
"Felis issiodorensis" = Lynx issiodorensis Croizet and Jobert 1828 lynx
Homotherium sp. Fabrini 1890 cat
"Felis obscura" = Yoshi obscura Hendey 1974 cat
Dinofelis diastemata Astre 1929 cat
originally entered as "Dinofelis diastema"
 Carnivora - Canidae
Canidae indet. Fischer de Waldheim 1817 canid
ETE occurrence; species: aff. Canis
Vulpes sp. Frisch 1775 fox
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Soricidae indet. Fischer 1814 shrew
ETE occurrence; species: Soricidae
Amphibia indet. Linnaeus 1758 tetrapod
ETE occurrence; species: Anura
 Siluriformes - Ariidae
cf. Tachysurus sp. Lacepede 1804 Ariid catfish