Where: Indiana (39.1° N, 85.3° W: paleocoordinates 27.2° S, 52.4° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Kockelella ranuliformis conodont zone, Osgood Shale Formation, Sheinwoodian (433.4 - 430.5 Ma)
• "?Late Llandoverian (?C6) to middle Wenlockian. Upper Osgood Shale." PJW: Upper part of Osgood is Kockelella ranuliformis zone.
• member-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: deep subtidal; shelly/skeletal, calcareous mudstone and shelly/skeletal grainstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: Abundances given in table 45.43, combining a number of localities.
Primary reference: T. J. Frest, C. E. Brett, and B. J. Witzke. 1999. Caradocian-Gedinnian echinoderm associations of Central and Eastern North America. Paleocommunities--a case study from the Silurian and Lower Devonian 638-783 [M. Foote/K. Koverman/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 26805: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 01.11.2002, edited by Björn Kröger
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Cephalopoda | |
Nautiloidea indet. Agassiz 1847 nautiloid | |
Dawsonoceras sp. Hyatt 1884 | |
Rostroconchia | |
Mulceodens cf. jaanussoni Pojeta and Runnegar 1976 | |
Gastropoda | |
Platyostoma "sp. 1" Conrad 1842 snail
Platyostoma "sp. 2" Conrad 1842 snail
Platyostoma "sp. 3" Conrad 1842 snail
Cyclonema sp. Hall 1852 snail | |
"Bellerophontacea indet." = Bellerophontoidea
"Bellerophontacea indet." = Bellerophontoidea M'Coy 1851 snail | |
Craniata | |
Strophomenata | |
Leptaena "rhomboidalis" Wahlenberg 1818 | |
Mesoleptostrophia sp. Harper and Boucot 1978 | |
Leangella sp. Opik 1933 | |
? Eoplectodonta sp. Kozlowski 1929
Eoplectodonta (Eoplectodonta) sp. Kozlowski 1929 | |
? Protochonetes sp. Muir-Wood 1962 | |
"Coolinia subplana" = Fardenia (Coolinia)
"Coolinia subplana" = Fardenia (Coolinia) | |
Rhynchonellata | |
? Clorinda sp. Barrande 1879 | |
Anastrophia (Savageina) sp. Hall 1867 | |
Howellella "crispa" Hisinger 1827 | |
Striispirifer sp. Cooper and Muir-Wood 1951
Eospirifer radiatus Sowerby 1834
Hedeina sp. Boucot 1957 | |
Ferganella sp. Nikiforova 1937 | |
Rhynchotreta cf. americana Hall 1879 | |
Skenidioides sp. Schuchert and Cooper 1931 | |
Atrypa "reticularis" Linnaeus 1758
Plectatrypa sp. Schuchert and Cooper 1930 | |
Atrypina cf. disparilis Hall 1852 | |
Merista sp. Suess 1851 | |
Nucleospira sp. Hall 1859 | |
Orthida indet. Schuchert and Cooper 1932 | |
"Platystrophia cf. biforata" = Platystrophia biforatus
"Platystrophia cf. biforata" = Platystrophia biforatus Schlotheim 1820 | |
"? Schizoramma sp." = Schizonema
Hesperorthis sp. Schuchert and Cooper 1931
Ptychopleurella sp. Schuchert and Cooper 1931 | |
Resserella sp. Bancroft 1928 | |
Dicoelosia sp. King 1850 | |
Dalejina "hybrida" Sowerby 1839 | |
Chileata | |
Dictyonella cf. reticulata Hall 1868 | |
Bryozoa | |
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831 | |
Stenolaemata | |
Corynotrypa dissimilis Vine 1881 | |
Phaenopora ensiformis Hall 1852 | |
Trilobita | |
Illaenus sp. Dalman 1827 trilobite | |
Dalmanites sp. Barrande 1852 trilobite | |
Calymenidae sp. Milne-Edwards 1840 trilobite | |
Arctinurus sp. Castelnau 1843 trilobite | |
unclassified | |
Echinodermata indet. Klein 1754 | |
Asteroidea | |
| |
Echinoidea | |
Echinoidea indet. Leske 1778 sea urchin | |
Cyclocystoidea | |
Sievertsia sp. Smith and Paul 1982 | |
Triamara ventricosa Miller 1879 | |
Paulicystis densus, Paulicystis sparsus, Trematocystis magniporatus, "Holocystites (Holocystites) abnormis" = Holocystites (Megacystites) abnormis, Holocystites (Holocystites) scutellatus, Holocystites (Holocystites) clavus, Holocystites (Holocystites) ovatus, Holocystites (Holocystites) alternatus, Pentacystis gibsoni
Paulicystis densus Frest et al. 2011
Paulicystis sparsus Frest et al. 2011
Trematocystis magniporatus Frest et al. 2011
"Holocystites (Holocystites) abnormis" = Holocystites (Megacystites) abnormis Hall 1864
Holocystites (Holocystites) scutellatus Hall 1864
Holocystites (Holocystites) alternatus Hall 1861
Pentacystis gibsoni Frest et al. 2011 | |
Blastoidea | |
Decaschisma sp. Fay 1961 blastoid | |
Lysocystites sp. n. sp.
Lysocystites sp. n. sp. blastoid | |
| |
Cupulocorona hammeli, Cupulocorona osgoodensis, Cupulocorona gemmiformis, Stephanocrinus cornetti, Stephanocrinus obpyramidalis, "Stephanocrinus" elongatus, "Stephanocrinus" quinquepartitus
Cupulocorona hammeli blastoid
Cupulocorona osgoodensis blastoid
Cupulocorona gemmiformis Hall 1872 blastoid
Stephanocrinus cornetti blastoid
Stephanocrinus obpyramidalis blastoid
"Stephanocrinus" elongatus blastoid
"Stephanocrinus" quinquepartitus blastoid | |
Gomphocystites indianensis Miller 1889 | |
Rhombifera | |
| |
Callocystites sp. n. sp.
Callocystites sp. n. sp. Hall 1852 | |
Crinoidea | |
Paracolocrinus paradoxicus Sea lily | |
Eohalysiocrinus sp. n. sp. Prokop 1970 Sea lily | |
| |
Pisocrinus (Pisocrinus) gemmiformis Sea lily | |
Myelodactylus sp. Hall 1852 Sea lily | |
Botryocrinus sp. n. sp.
Botryocrinus sp. n. sp. Angelin 1878 Sea lily | |
Cyathocrinites sp. n. sp.
Cyathocrinites sp. n. sp. Miller 1821 Sea lily | |
Thalamocrinus sp. Miller and Gurley 1895 Sea lily | |
Lecanocrinus (Lecanocrinus) sp. Sea lily | |
Lyriocrinus sp. Hall 1852 Sea lily | |
Eucalyptocrinites sp. Goldfuss 1831 Sea lily | |
Macrostylocrinus sp. Sea lily | |
Periechocrinus sp. Morris 1843 Sea lily | |
Hirneacrinus sp. n. sp.
Hirneacrinus sp. n. sp. Frest and Strimple 1977 Sea lily | |
Melocrinites sp. Goldfuss 1831 Sea lily | |
Anthozoa | |
Tabulata indet. tabulate coral | |
Favosites "sp. 1" Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
Favosites "sp. 2" Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
Favosites "sp. 3" Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral | |
Rugosa "indet. 1" horn coral
Rugosa "indet. 2" horn coral | |
Heteractinida | |
Astraeospongium sp. Roemer 1860 | |
Hexactinellida | |
Vaurealispongia sp. Rigby 1974 glass sponge |