Ano Metochi 3 (Miocene of Greece)

Where: Greece (41.2° N, 23.5° E: paleocoordinates 40.9° N, 23.2° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Lefkon Formation, Turolian (8.7 - 5.3 Ma)

• From the same bed as Ano Metochi 2

•Bed 3

Environment/lithology: alluvial fan; conglomerate and silty, carbonaceous sandstone

• Unsorted arkosic polymict conglomerate, which interfingers with fine grained, better sorted arkosic sandstone, siltstone and mudstone with occasional marls and lignites. Occasional dark red loam beds.

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: A. Armour-Brown, H. de Bruijn, C. Maniati, G. Siatos, and P. Niesen. 1977. The Geology of the Neogene sediments north of Serrai and the use of rodent faunas for biostratigraphic control. VI Colloquium on the Geology of the Aegean Region; Athens 1977, Proceedings 2:615-622 [J. Alroy/E. Leckey/E. Leckey]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 31928: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Erin Leckey on 29.05.2003, edited by Terri Cleary and Gemma Benevento

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

cf. Dolichophis sp.3
seven precloacal vertebrae (UU AM3 522–UU AM3 528).
 Salientia -
 Squamata -
Squamata indet. squamates
 Squamata - Anguidae
Anguidae indet.3 Gray 1825 squamates
25 caudal vertebrae (UU AM3 514), and 41 osteoderms (UU AM3 515-UU AM3 520).
Ophisaurus sp.3 Daudin 1803 glass lizard
four dentaries (UU AM3 509, UU AM3 510, UU AM3 511 and UU AM3 512), 51 presacral vertebrae (UU AM3 513).
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae indet.3 Bonaparte 1831 squamates
one premaxilla (UU AM3 501), one maxilla (UU AM3 502) and one dentary (UU AM3 503).
 Squamata -
Serpentes indet.3 Linnaeus 1758 snake
four dentaries (UU AM3 542-UU AM3 545), one ?compound bone (UU AM3 546), several isolated fangs (UU AM3 547), 130 precloacal vertebrae (UU AM3 548), 46 caudal vertebrae (UU AM3 549), and 14 ribs (UU AM3 550).
 Squamata - Colubridae
Colubrinae indet.3 Oppel 1811 colubrid snake
eight precloacal vertebrae (UU AM3 529–UU AM3 538).
 Squamata -
Scolecophidia indet.3 Duméril and Bibron 1844 snake
one precloacal vertebra (UU AM3 521).
 Squamata - Natricidae
Natrix sp.3 Laurenti 1768 water snake
94 vertebrae (UU AM3 539), one compound bone (UU AM3 540), and one quadrate (UU AM3 541).
 Squamata - Cordylidae
? Cordylidae indet.3 Gray 1837 spinytail lizard
two right maxillae (UU AM3 505, UU AM3 506) and one left maxilla (UU AM3 507).
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Cricetus "sp. A" Leske 1779 rodent
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Eutamias sp. Trouessart 1880 chipmunk
Tamias "sp. A"1 Illinger 1811 chipmunk
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Myomimus cf. maritsensis de Bruijn et al. 1970 dormouse
 Rodentia - Muridae
Apodemus dominans1 Eurasian field mouse
Apodemus gudrunae1 van de Weerd 1976 Eurasian field mouse
Pliospalax sp.1 Kormos 1932 blind mole
Micromys bendai1 van de Weerd 1979 harvest mouse
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Schizogalerix sp.2 Engesser 1980 hedgehog
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Soricidae "sp. A"2 Fischer 1814 shrew
Amblycoptus sp.2 Kormos 1926 red-toothed shrew
 Cypriniformes - Cyprinidae
Cyprinidae indet.4 Rafinesque 1815 carp-like fish