Also known as Saint Prest
Where: France (48.5° N, 1.5° E: paleocoordinates 48.5° N, 1.4° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
When: Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.0 Ma)
• MNQ20, roughly 1.0Ma. In a karstic depression in the upper part of a slope in the Eure Valley. Four different levels: 'The depression is first filled by periglacial alluvial sands and gravels of the River Eure (very high terrace), then covered by a clayey sand where the interglacial fauna has been found. Above there are two formations: periglacial sands and cailloutis deriving from the plateau deposits and a sandy loess. This complex, older than 800Kyr, restricted to the depression, is covered by saalian and weichselian loesses.'
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: Site found in 1848 by M. de Boisvillette. Material held in the Musee des Sciences naturelles et de Prehistoire de Chartres, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle a Paris (in part in the old collection of the l'Ecole des Mines), and a small part in the Centre des Sciences de la Terre de l'Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon-1.
Primary reference: C. Guerin, Y. Dewolf, and J.P. Lautridou. 2003. Revision d'un site paleontologique celebre: Saint-Prest (Chartres, France). GĂ©obios 36:55-82 [A. Turner/H. O'Regan/J. Alroy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 34459: authorized by Alan Turner, entered by Hannah O'Regan on 02.09.2003, edited by Matthew Carrano
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Mammalia | |
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Pachycrocuta brevirostris Gervais 1850 brown hyaena | |
"Equus stenonis" = Allohippus stenonis
"Equus stenonis" = Allohippus stenonis Cocchi 1867 horse | |
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Praemegaceros verticornis Dawkins 1872 deer | |
Bison cf. schoetensacki bison | |
Hippopotamus major Cuvier 1824 hippo | |
"Trogontherium cuvieri" = Trogontherium cuvieri, "Conodontes boisvillettii n. sp." = Trogontherium cuvieri1