Also known as S44/f585; GS 3341
Where: New Zealand (42.5° S, 171.2° E: paleocoordinates 48.7° S, 173.7° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Stillwater Mudstone Formation (Blue Bottom Group), Waiauan (13.1 - 11.0 Ma)
• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From the Stillwater Mudstone, which overlies the Inangahua Formation (Otaian-Altonian) and underlies the Eight Mile Formation (Tongaporutuan-Waipipian) of the Blue Bottom Group. The Stillwater Mudstone includes the Tindale Limestone Member. AGE: Macrofossil biostratigraphy indicates a Waiauan-Tongaporutuan age, while microfossils suggest a Waiauan age.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: deep-water; unlithified, concretionary, gray, blue siltstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: original aragonite, original calcite
Collection methods: quarrying,
• COLLECTOR: A.G. Beu, M. Gage, R.H. Hoskins, S.M. Jarman, P.A. Maxwell, S.G. Nathan. REPOSITORY: Mostly reposited at New Zealand Geological Survey (now GNS Science), Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Primary reference: P. A. Maxwell. 1988. Late Miocene Deep-Water Mollusca from the Stillwater Mudstone at Greymouth, Westland, New Zealand: Paleoecology and Systematics. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin 55 [A. Miller/A. Hendy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 63089: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 04.08.2006, edited by Mark Uhen
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Actinopteri | |
Neobythites joenielseni2 Schwarzhans 1994 | |
Bivalvia | |
"Varinucula crepida" = Nucula (Varinucula), "Linucula delli n. sp." = Nucula (Linucula), "Deminucula bergmansi n. sp." = Nucula (Deminucula), ? Ennucula sp., "Ennucula" otamaringaensis
"Varinucula crepida" = Nucula (Varinucula) nut clam
"Linucula delli n. sp." = Nucula (Linucula) nut clam
"Deminucula bergmansi n. sp." = Nucula (Deminucula) nut clam
? Ennucula sp. Iredale 1931 nut clam
"Ennucula" otamaringaensis nut clam | |
"Saccella andrewi" = Nuculana (Saccella) andrewi, ? Jupiteria sp. n. sp., Ledella pakaurangiensis, Zealeda crassicostata n. sp.
"Saccella andrewi" = Nuculana (Saccella) andrewi Marwick 1931 pointed nut clam
? Jupiteria sp. n. sp. Bellardi 1875 pointed nut clam
Ledella pakaurangiensis pointed nut clam
Zealeda crassicostata n. sp. pointed nut clam | |
Yoldiella stimulea n. sp.
Yoldiella stimulea n. sp. clam | |
"Austrotindaria mawheraensis n. sp." = Austrotindaria, "Pseudotindaria catillus n. sp." = Austrotindaria
"Austrotindaria mawheraensis n. sp." = Austrotindaria clam
"Pseudotindaria catillus n. sp." = Austrotindaria clam | |
"Notocorbula innerans" = Corbula (Notocorbula)
"Notocorbula innerans" = Corbula (Notocorbula) clam | |
? Abra sp. Lamarck 1818 abra | |
? Pteromyrtea sp. Finlay 1926 clam
Myrtea papatikiensis clam | |
Parvamussium sp. n. sp.
Parvamussium sp. n. sp. Sacco 1897 mud scallop | |
Lentipecten sp. Marwick 1928 scallop | |
Limopsis cf. gisbornensis Maxwell 1978 clam | |
Bathyarca aff. cybaea Hedley 1906 clam | |
Scaphopoda | |
Laevidentalium fodinense tusk shell | |
? Dentalium "sp. B" Linnaeus 1758 tusk shell | |
Gastropoda | |
? Cylichna sp. n. sp. Lovén 1846 snail
Scaphander sp. Monfort 1810 snail
Taita lawsi n. sp. Maxwell 1988 snail
Cylichnania sp. Marwick 1931 snail | |
Polinices (Polinella) scalptus moon snail
Taniella mima n. sp. moon snail
Friginatica vaughani moon snail | |
Sassia sp. n. sp.
Sassia sp. n. sp. Bellardi 1872 triton shell | |
Echinophoria sp. Sacco 1890 snail | |
Etremopsis erecta snail | |
Zeacuminia viapollentia n. sp.
Zeacuminia viapollentia n. sp. auger snail | |
Heterocithara marwicki n. sp.
Heterocithara marwicki n. sp. snail | |
Mauidrillia occidentalis n. sp.
Mauidrillia occidentalis n. sp. snail | |
Viridoturris powelli n. sp. turrid
Tomopleura (Tomopleura) sp. n. sp. Casey 1904 turrid | |
Cochlespira (Cochlespira) sp. n. sp. Conrad 1865 snail | |
Volvarinella sp., Serrata flemingi n. sp., Protoginella (? Protoginella) bembix n. sp., Protoginella (Alaginella) labiensis n. sp.
Volvarinella sp. Habe 1951 margin shell
Serrata flemingi n. sp. margin shell
Protoginella (? Protoginella) bembix n. sp. margin shell
Protoginella (Alaginella) labiensis n. sp. margin shell | |
Terefundus lamelliferus murex snail | |
Inglisella parva, Inglisella laterinensis n. sp., Inglisella jocosa n. sp., Inglisella allophyla n. sp., Oamaruia (Zeadmete) araeostyla n. sp., Anapepta cf. nucleosa
Inglisella parva snail
Inglisella laterinensis n. sp. snail
Inglisella jocosa n. sp. snail
Inglisella allophyla n. sp. snail
Oamaruia (Zeadmete) araeostyla n. sp. snail
Anapepta cf. nucleosa snail | |
Exilia wellmani n. sp.
Exilia wellmani n. sp. snail | |
Paracomitas (Macrosinus) beui n. sp. ribbed mitre | |
Microvoluta nodulata n. sp.
Microvoluta nodulata n. sp. snail | |
? Austrofusus sp. Kobelt 1879 true whelk | |
Nassarius (Hima) karoroensis n. sp.
Nassarius (Hima) karoroensis n. sp. snail | |
Falsicolus tangituensis snail | |
Retizafra toreuma n. sp.
Retizafra toreuma n. sp. snail | |
Inella sp. n. sp.
Inella sp. n. sp. Bayle 1878 snail | |
Gothicispira marshalli n. sp.
Gothicispira marshalli n. sp. snail | |
Cerithiopsidae indet. Adams and Adams 1853 snail | |
? Cerithiella paroaensis n. sp.
? Cerithiella paroaensis n. sp. snail | |
Ihungia ponderi n. sp.
Ihungia ponderi n. sp. snail | |
Eulimidae indet. Philippi 1853 snail | |
Notacirsa subnodulosa n. sp.
Notacirsa subnodulosa n. sp. wentletrap | |
Fimbriatella nathani n. sp.
Fimbriatella nathani n. sp. snail | |
Evelynella doliella, Turbonilla zesulcata n. sp., "? Pyrgiscus discors n. sp." = Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus), Waikura elevata n. sp.
Evelynella doliella snail
Turbonilla zesulcata n. sp. snail
"? Pyrgiscus discors n. sp." = Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) snail
Waikura elevata n. sp. snail | |