GS 5300 - Kauru Fm, Fuschia Creek (Paleocene to of New Zealand)

Also known as Coll# 3004 (Hendy PhD)

Where: New Zealand (45.0° S, 170.8° E: paleocoordinates 56.6° S, 162.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Kauru Formation (Fuchsia Group), Selandian to Selandian (61.6 - 56.0 Ma)

• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From Kauru Fm, either locally overlying Kakanui Metamorphic Group (Paleozoic) or Papakaio Fm (Piripauan), and overlain locally by Tapui Glauconitic Sandstone (Bortonian). AGE: upper part of Wangaloan of Gage (1957) (disused according to Cooper et al. 2004) = ?late Teurian (current NZ stage usage) = Selandian-Thanetian.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; lithified sandstone

• ENVIRONMENT: Deposited with gentle currents within depths out of reach of strong wave action.
• SPECIFIC LITHOLOGY: Sandstone. LITHIFICATION: Presumably lithified, based on age and locally concretionary facies.

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the IGNS

Collection methods: quarrying,

• COLLECTOR: Collected by W.H. Benson. REPOSITORY: New Zealand Geological Survey (now GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand).

Primary reference: M. Gage. 1957. The Geology of the Waitaki Subdivision. New Zealand Geological Survey Bulletin 55 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 64701: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 12.09.2006

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for bivalvia, gastropoda, and brachiopoda. IDENTIFIER: J.A. Marwick (NZGS). NOMENCLATURE: Somewhat antiquated but identified by specialist and often to subgeneric and species resolution.
 Dentaliida - Dentaliidae
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
? Pteromyrtea "n. sp." Finlay 1926 clam
Miltha sp. Adams and Adams 1857 clam
 Lucinida - Thyasiridae
aff. Thyasira "n. sp." Lamarck 1818 clam
 Cardiida - Cardiidae
Nemocardium sp. Meek 1876 cockle
 Cardiida - Ungulinidae
"Taras "n. sp."" = Diplodonta
"Taras "n. sp."" = Diplodonta Bronn 1831 clam
 Cardiida - Mactridae
"Maorimactra sp." = Mactra (Maorimactra)
"Maorimactra sp." = Mactra (Maorimactra) Finlay 1928 clam
 Nuculanida - Nuculanidae
Spineilo elongata pointed nut clam
 Neogastropoda - Buccinidae
Pseudofax cf. ordinarius Marshall 1917 true whelk
Subspecies: P. cf. ordinarius conicus
 Sorbeoconcha - Naticidae
 Cerithioidea - Turritellidae
Spirocolpus "n. sp." Finlay 1926 turret shell
 Opisthobranchia -
 Heterostropha - Acteonidae