Where: England, United Kingdom (51.7° N, 0.5° E: paleocoordinates 47.2° N, 2.0° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: London Clay Formation, Ypresian (56.0 - 47.8 Ma)
• This outcrop can be placed only tentatively.
•age for London Clay updated by Ivany to Ypresian
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: offshore; poorly lithified, bioturbated claystone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: cast
Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ), sieve,
Primary reference: C. King and A. D. King. 1976. A London Clay Section at Waterworks Corner, Woodford, Essex. Tertiary Research 1(1):21-24 [L. Ivany/E. Kowalski]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 8025: authorized by Linda Ivany, entered by Elizabeth Kowalski on 14.06.2000
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Ostracoda | |
Cytheretta scrobiculoplicata ostracod | |
Brachycythere triangulare, ? Agrenocythere bowerbankiana, Trachyleberis spiniferrima, Hazelina aranea
Brachycythere triangulare ostracod
? Agrenocythere bowerbankiana ostracod
Trachyleberis spiniferrima ostracod
Hazelina aranea ostracod | |
Schuleridea perforata ostracod | |
| |
Cytherella londinensis ostracod | |
Malacostraca | |
Zanthopsis bispinosa M'Coy 1849 crab
Zanthopsis leachii Desmarest 1822 crab | |
Hoploparia gammaroides M'Coy 1849 clawed lobster | |
Thecostraca | |
Euscalpellum minutum barnacle | |
Cephalopoda | |
Eutrephoceras centrale Sowerby 1812 | |
Gastropoda | |
Retusa consors snail | |
Amaea sp., Opalia sp. n. sp.
Amaea sp. Adams and Adams 1853 wentletrap
Opalia sp. n. sp. Adams and Adams 1853 wentletrap | |
Melanella sp. n. sp.
Melanella sp. n. sp. Bowdich 1822 snail | |
Euspira glaucinoides Sowerby 1812 moon snail | |
"Tibia sublucida" = Tibia (Eotibia) sublucida
"Tibia sublucida" = Tibia (Eotibia) sublucida Lowry et al. 1866 snail | |
Cassis striata snail | |
"Priscoficus smithii" = Priscoficus smithi
"Priscoficus smithii" = Priscoficus smithi Sowerby 1827 fig shell | |
Volutilithes protensus volute | |
"Euthriofusus transversarius" = Wrigleya transversaria
"Euthriofusus transversarius" = Wrigleya transversaria Wrigley 1925 true whelk | |
Streptochetus cymatodis snail | |
Turricula teretrium Edwards 1857 ribbed mitre | |
Bathytoma granata Edwards 1861 snail | |
Eopleurotoma konickii turrid
Surculites velatus turrid
Surculites errans Solander 1766 turrid
Gemmula simillima turrid | |
"Cochlespira volgeri" = Ancistrosyrinx volgeri, "Cochlespira terebralis" = Ancistrosyrinx terebralis
"Cochlespira volgeri" = Ancistrosyrinx volgeri Edwards 1861 snail
"Cochlespira terebralis" = Ancistrosyrinx terebralis Lamarck 1804 snail Cochlespira terebralis var. ditropis
| |
? Rictaxis sp. Dall 1871 snail | |
Architectonica pulchra sundial | |
Spiratella mercinensis snail | |
Scaphopoda | |
Dentalium nitens tusk shell | |
Bivalvia | |
Nucula bowerbankii nut clam
Nucula compressa nut clam | |
Nuculana amygdaloides pointed nut clam | |
Thyasira goodhalli clam | |
"Pitar cf. sulcatarius" = Pitar (Calpitaria) sulcatarius
"Pitar cf. sulcatarius" = Pitar (Calpitaria) sulcatarius Deshayes 1825 venus clam | |
Abra splendens Sowerby 1837 abra | |
Arcopagia sp. n. sp.
Arcopagia sp. n. sp. Leach 1827 tellin clam | |
"Anomia scabrosa" = Heteranomia scabrosa
"Anomia scabrosa" = Heteranomia scabrosa Wood 1861 scallop | |
Ostrea sp. Linnaeus 1758 oyster | |
? Bathyarca impolita clam | |
Sedentaria | |
Serpula sp. Linnaeus 1758 | |
Lingulata | |
Lingula sp. Bruguiére 1797 | |
Rhynchonellata | |
Terebratulina wardenensis Elliott 1938 | |
Stenolaemata | |
Gymnolaemata | |
Lunulites sp. Lamarck 1816 | |
Anthozoa | |
Graphularia wetherelli Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850 sea pen | |
Globothalamea | |
Osangularia sp. Brotzen 1940 | |
Foraminifera | |
"Marginulina enbornensis" = Cristellaria (Marginulina)
"Marginulina enbornensis" = Cristellaria (Marginulina) | |
Nodosariata | |
Nodosaria latejugata Gümbel 1870
Dentalina sp. d'Orbigny 1826 | |
Lenticulina sp. Lamarck 1804 | |
Foraminifera | |