Section C (Cesana Brianza), 27.5 m (Cretaceous of Italy)

Where: Italy (45.7° N, 9.3° E: paleocoordinates 31.0° N, 18.4° E)

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Early/Lower Aptian (121.4 - 122.5 Ma)

• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From unnamed lithostratigraphic unit, referred to as "transitional facies", that overlies the Maiolica Fm (Barremian), and is overlain by the "Livello Selli equivalenti and the Marne di Bruntino Fm (Late Aptian). AGE: Early Aptian, on the basis of ammonoid, calcareous nannofosil and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, and magnetic polarity. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: From near middle of section, at 27.5 m above base.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; lithified, calcareous shale

• ENVIRONMENT: Deep water carbonate setting; low oxygen.
• SPECIFIC LITHOLOGY: Shales at top of turbidity layer. LITHIFICATION: Lithified, on the basis of figured specimens and taphonomic description.

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: cast, mold/impression

Collected by Landra & Cecca

Collection methods: surface (in situ),

• COLLECTOR: G. Landra & F. Cecca. REPOSITORY: Museo di Paleontologia, University of Milan (MPUM).

Primary reference: G. Landra, F. Cecca, and Z. Vasicek. 2000. Early Aptian ammonites from the top of the Maiolica and the anoxic "Selli level" (Lombardy, Southern Alps). Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 39(1):29-45 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 82828: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 02.08.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for ammonoidea, but not listing other taxa, which may include foraminfiera and nannoplankton. Other macrofauna may be depauperate due to anoxia. NOMENCLATURE: Authoritative publication, with modern nomenclature (following Wright, 1996), but often not species resolution identification because of preservation.
 Phylloceratida - Phylloceratidae
Phylloceras sp. Suess 1865 ammonite