Reklaw-locality 1 (Eocene of the United States)

Where: Rusk County, Texas (31.9° N, 95.0° W: paleocoordinates 34.9° N, 80.6° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Newby Sand Member (Reklaw Formation), Early/Lower Eocene (55.8 - 48.6 Ma)

• Middle 4'-15' was named the Newby Sand Member and the upper 100' the Marquez Shale Member.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: shallow subtidal; unlithified, glauconitic claystone

• Layer, 4'-15', of pure clayey glauconitic containing fossils.

Size class: mesofossils

Collection methods: bulk, surface (in situ),

Primary reference: C. L. Garvie. 1996. The Molluscan Macrofauna of the Reklaw Formation, Marquez Member (Eocene: Lower Claibornian), in Texas. Bulletins of American Paleontology 111(352):1-177 [L. Ivany/E. Kowalski]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 83949: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Jocelyn Sessa on 10.09.2008

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Although abundance data was not published in the monograph, it was provided by C. Garvie to J. Sessa.
Annelida indet. Lamarck 1809
 Carditida - Carditidae
Venericardia sp. Lamarck 1801 clam
 Hiatellida - Hiatellidae
? Panopea sp. Menard 1807 clam
 Cardiida - Tellinidae
? Tellina sp. Linnaeus 1758 tellin clam
 Cardiida - Veneridae
? Pitar sp. Römer 1857 venus clam
 Pholadida - Corbulidae
? Corbula sp. Bruguière 1789 clam
 Arcida - Arcidae
Barbatia ? reklawensis clam
Barbatia (Cucullaearca) ? reklawensis Garvie, 1996
Barbatia sp. Gray 1842 clam
 Ostreida - Pteriidae
Pteria sp. Scopoli 1777 pearl oyster
 Ostreida - Gryphaeidae
Hyotissa offemanae n. sp. oyster
Hyotissa offmannae Garvie, 1996
 Nuculanida - Nuculanidae
Litorhadia "sp. A" Stewart 1930 pointed nut clam
Litorhadia "sp. B" Stewart 1930 pointed nut clam
 Cerithioidea - Cerithiidae
? Cerithium sp. Bruguière 1789 cerith snail
 Neogastropoda - Nassariidae
"Tritiaria nodosa n. sp." = Nassarius (Tritiaria)
"Tritiaria nodosa n. sp." = Nassarius (Tritiaria) snail
Tritiaria nodosa Garvie, 1996
 Neogastropoda - Turridae
Turridae indet. Swainson 1840 turrid
 Neogastropoda - Cochlespiridae
Cochlespira aff. engonata Conrad 1865 snail
 Neogastropoda - Volutidae
Athleta sp. Conrad 1853 volute
 Sorbeoconcha - Naticidae
Natica moffitti n. sp. moon snail
Hyotissa offmannae Garvie, 1996
 Scleractinia - Caryophylliidae
? Trochocyathus sp. Milne-Edwards and Haime 1848 stony coral