Where: Burlington County, New Jersey (40.0° N, 75.0° W: paleocoordinates 39.2° N, 44.8° W)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Merchantville Formation, Early/Lower Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)
• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: From the Merchantville Fm, which is overlain by the Englishtown Fm. AGE: Early Campanian, on the basis of ammonoid biostratigraphy. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: Mostly from lower part of formation, 0.9-1.5 m above base.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, quartzose, silty sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: mold/impression
Reposited in the ANSP, USNM
Collection methods: surface (in situ),
• COLLECTOR: Not stated in text. REPOSITORY: USNM.
Primary reference: W. J. Kennedy and W. A. Cobban. 1993. Lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) ammonites from the Merchantville Formation of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware. Journal of Paleontology 67(5):828-849 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 88610: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 16.04.2009, edited by Mark Uhen, Matthew Carrano and Roger Benson
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Malacostraca | |
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Cephalopoda | |
"Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis" = Scaphites hippocrepis, "Scaphites hippocrepis" = Scaphites hippocrepis2
"Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis" = Scaphites hippocrepis DeKay 1828 ammonite | |
Baculites haresi Reeside 1927 ammonite | |
Glyptoxoceras sp. Spath 1925 ammonite | |
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Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis Morton 1830 ammonite
Menabites (Delawarella) vanuxemi Morton 1830 ammonite | |
Gastropoda | |
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"Xenophora leprosa" = Xenophora (Endoptygma) leprosa2
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Scaphopoda | |
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Bivalvia | |
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"Linearia metastriata" = Linearis3
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"Cardium tenuistriatum" = Granocardium tenuistriatum2
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"Pecten (Neithea) quinquecostata" = Neithea quinquecostata2
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"Ostrea cf. mesenterica" = Lopha mesenterica2
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"Gervillia ensiformis" = Gervilliopsis ensiformis3
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Polychaeta | |
Bryozoa | |
Bryozoa indet.2 Ehrenberg 1831 | |
unclassified | |
Echinodermata indet.2 Klein 1754 | |
Echinoidea | |
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Gnathostomata | |
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Chondrichthyes | |
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Scapanorhynchus texanus2 Roemer 1852 goblin shark ASNP 15147, 15148, 15429, 21518, 21519, 21521, 21523; NJSM 20650
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"Odontaspis cf. samhammeri" = Carcharias samhammeri4
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"Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata4
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Reptilia | |
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Actinopteri | |
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Anthozoa | |
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Demospongiae | |
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Rostellites | |