Where: Jylland, Denmark (56.2° N, 9.8° E: paleocoordinates 56.0° N, 6.5° E)
When: Chattian B zone, Brejning Clay Formation, Chattian (28.1 - 23.0 Ma)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: offshore; glauconitic, phosphatic, silty lime mudstone
a sharp boundary, indicating an erosional unconformity, separates units 1 and 2. the interval 0.00-0.70 m is a homogeneous, silty mud of dark brown color (10 yr 2/2). no burrows were observed. at the base black phosphorites (maximum size about 6 cm) are frequent; some glaucontite is present in the sediment. the interval 0.70-0.90 m is a green, strongly glaucontitic sand with pyrite and phosphorites, overlain from 0.90 to 1.70 m by a silty mud with upwards increasing glauconite content. from 1.70 to 1.75 m a glauconitic snad is present with rather small phosphorites (1-2 cm) and pyrite-filled burrows. macrofossils are common in unit 2, but for the greater part irregularly distributed in pockets. the molluscan treated in this paper originates especially from the interval 0.00-0.70 m, in which large specimens have been collected. in the interval 0.70-0.90 m thin-shelled bivalves are frequent. the number of fossils decreases upwards, where the shells often are decalcified as a result of pyrite oxidation, resulting in a preservation as casts or moulds.
Preservation: cast, original aragonite
Primary reference: K. I. Schnetler and C. Beyer. 1987. A late Oligocene (Chattian B) mollusc fauna from the clay-pit of Galten Brickworks at Norre Vissing, Jylland, Denmark. Mededelingen van de werkgroep voor tertiare en kwartaire geologie
Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology 24(3):193-224 [T. Olszewski/T. Olszewski]more details
Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis
PaleoDB collection 9170: authorized by Tom Olszewski, entered by Tom Olszewski on 29.09.2000
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
abundance categories as follows:
1 ==> 1/2-1 specimens
2 ==> 2-3 specimens
3 ==> 4-10 specimens
4 ==> 11-40 specimens
5 ==> 41-125 specimens
6 ==> 126-350 specimens
7 ==> 351-1000 specimens
number of scaphopods estimated; one valve of a bivalve = 1/2 specimen
unclassified | |
Bivalvia | |
Yoldia strucki, "Yoldia glaberrima" = Yoldia (Yoldia) glaberrima
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Nucula schmidti, Nucula harderi, Nucula peregrina, Nucula westendorpi, "Nucula comta" = Nucula (Lamellinucula) comta
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Thracia sp. Blainville 1824 clam | |
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Cuspidaria sp. Dall 1886 clam | |
Spheniopsis depressa clam | |
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Ensis hausmanni clam | |
Parvicardium kochi cockle | |
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Corbula rugulosa, "Corbula gibba" = Corbula (Varicorbula) gibba
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Teredinidae indet. Rafinesque 1815 clam | |
Aspidopholas sp. Fischer 1887 clam | |
Digitaria koeneni clam | |
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Arcoperna sp. Conard 1865 mussel
Modiolula pygmaea Philippi 1843 mussel | |
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"Pycnodonte callifera" = Pycnodonte (Pycnodonte) callifera
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"Glycymeris obovata" = Glycymeris (Glycymeris) obovata
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Bathyarca bellula clam | |
"Limopsis aurita" = Limopsis (Limopsis) aurita, "Limopsis retifera" = Limopsis (Pectunculina) retifera
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Gastropoda | |
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Acirsa leunisii, Opalia pusilla, Turriscala rudis, Cirsotrema crispatum, Cirsotrema nielseni, Cirsotrema sp.
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Cingula sp., "Alvania semperi" = Galeodinopsis semperi, Alvania sp., Rissoa karsteni, Rissoa punctatissima
Cingula sp. Fleming 1818 snail
Alvania sp. Risso 1826 snail | |
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Lunatia dilatata, "Polinices helicinus" = Euspira helicina
Lunatia dilatata moon snail | |
Angistoma brueckneri true whelk | |
Lyrotyphis cuniculosus, Lyrotyphis sejunctus, "Boreotrophon deshayesi" = Eopaziella deshayesii, Pterynotus sp.
Pterynotus sp. Swainson 1833 mustached bat | |
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"Tugurium scrutarium" = Onustus
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Ficus concinnus Beyrich 1854 fig shell | |
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Cerithiopsis jutensis snail | |
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Scaphopoda | |
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Rhabdus sp. Pilsbry and Sharp 1897 tusk shell | |
Dischides rhenanus tusk shell |