A400/30, A400/36, A403/51, 2028-41, Opposite Isit' Village (Cambrian of Russian Federation)

Also known as Isit Village, Nokhoroy Unit, Tommotian Stage, Yakutia - Grigoryeva et. al 1988

Where: Yakutia, Russian Federation (60.8° N, 125.3° E: paleocoordinates 13.1° S, 14.1° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Lapworthella bella small shelly zone, 9 Member (Pestrotsvet Formation), Tommotian (525.5 - 521.0 Ma)

• Nokhoroy Unit; Was Dokidocyathus regularis - Dokidocyathus lenaicus zone, but is Lapworthella bella subzone of D. regularis

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; lithified, gray, green, red limestone

• Brick red argillaceous limestones alternating with greenish-gray limestone bands up to 0.4-0.5, thick. Archeocyathid bioherms up to several meters thick lie throughout the interval.

Size classes: mesofossils, microfossils

Preservation: original calcite, replaced with phosphate

Collection methods:

Primary reference: A. Y. Rozanov, V. V. Missarzhevsky, N. A. Volkova, L. G. Voronova, I. N. Krylov, B.M. Keller, I. K. Korolyuk, K. Lendzion, R. Mikhnyar, N. G. Pykhova, and A. D. Sidorov. 1969. Tommotskiu jarus i problema nizhney granisty kembriya [The Tommotian Stage and the Cambrian lower Boundary problem]. Trudy Geoligske Institut Leningrad 206:1-379 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner/P. Novack-Gottshall]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 10067: authorized by Mark Patzkowsky, entered by Phil Borkow on 27.03.2001, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Helcionellida - Helcionellidae
"Ginella sp." = Ilsanella
"Ginella sp." = Ilsanella Missarzhevsky 1981
 Tommotiida - Lapworthellidae
 Tommotiida - Tommotiidae
Camenella garbowskae Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
"Camena kozlowskii" = Camenella kozlowskii Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966
 Obolellida -
 Hyolithida - Sulcavitidae
Burithes sp. Rozanov et al. 1969
 Orthothecida - Circothecidae
Conotheca mammilata Rozanov et al. 1969
 Orthothecida - Allathecidae
Doliutus sp. Rozanov et al. 1969
 Orthothecida - Orthothecidae
Trapezotheca bicostata Rozanov et al. 1969
 Hyolithelminthida - Hyolithellidae
Hyolithellus isiticus Rozanov et al. 1969
 Monocyathida - Monocyathidae
Archaeolynthus polaris archaeocyath sponge
 Capsulocyathida - Coscinocyathidae
Coscinocyathus rojkovi archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Ajacicyathidae
Nochoroicyathus mirabilis archaeocyath sponge
Nochoroicyathus supervacuus archaeocyath sponge
Nochoroicyathus ridiculus archaeocyath sponge
Ajacicyathus tkatschenkoi archaeocyath sponge
Ajacicyathus anabarensis archaeocyath sponge
Ajacicyathus turbidus archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Tumulocyathidae
Tumulocyathus sp. archaeocyath sponge
 Ajacicyathida - Asterocyathidae
Retecoscinus retetabulae archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida - Loculicyathidae
Okulitchicyathus disciformis archaeocyath sponge
Paranacyathus subartus archaeocyath sponge
"Robustocyathus robustus" = Cambrocyathellus robustus Vologdin 1937 archaeocyath sponge
 Archaeocyathida - Dictyocyathidae
Dictyocyathus translucidus archaeocyath sponge