Vellberg-Eschenau (Triassic of Germany)

Also known as Schumann Quarry

Where: Baden-Württemberg, Germany (49.1° N, 9.9° E: paleocoordinates 16.3° N, 17.5° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Lettenkeuper Member (Erfurt Formation), Longobardian (242.0 - 235.0 Ma)

• Collected from the "Untere Graue Mergel" of the Upper Lettenkeuper, now formally the Erfurt Formation of the Lower Keuper (see Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission 2005: Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 253:1-296). This locality is Longobardian (late Ladinian) in age.

•Locality consists of "a 1.5-m thick sequence of dark grey mudstones wedged

•in between two hard carbonate layers, each 0.8–1.2-m thick. The fossiliferous bed is located near the top of the mudstone sequence, formed by a 50–150mm-thick grey, decalcified clay"

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: estuary or bay; gray claystone

• "estuarine conditions, representing the brackish swamps and marshes that dominated much of southwestern Germany. The bivalve and ostracod faunas suggest a fluctuating salinity within that section, with the most fossiliferous beds having formed under oligohaline conditions." (Schoch 2008)

Size class: macrofossils

Collected in 1980s-present; reposited in the SMNS

Collection methods: quarrying, chemical,

Primary reference: F. Witzmann, R. R. Schoch, and M. W. Maisch. 2008. A relict basal tetrapod from Germany: first evidence of a Triassic chroniosuchian outside Russia. Naturwissenschaften 95:67-72 [R. Butler/R. Butler]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 101875: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Richard Butler on 04.01.2011, edited by Mark Uhen, Terri Cleary, Emma Dunne and Bethany Allen

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Hybodontiformes -
Lissodus sp.5 Brough 1935 elasmobranch
 Saurichthyiformes - Saurichthyidae
Saurichthys sp.5 Agassiz 1834 ray-finned fish
 Palaeonisciformes - Scanilepididae
Scanilepididae indet.5 Aldinger 1937
 Palaeonisciformes - Redfieldiidae
Redfieldiidae indet.5 Hutchinson 1973
 Semionotiformes -
Serrolepis sp.5 Quenstedt 1852
 Perleidiformes - Perleididae
Dipteronotus sp.5 Egerton 1854
 Tetrapoda - Bystrowianidae
Bystrowiella schumanni n. gen. n. sp.
Bystrowiella schumanni n. gen. n. sp. Witzmann et al. 2008 tetrapod
SMNS 91034, holotype osteoderm
 Temnospondyli - Trematosauridae
Trematolestes hagdorni7 Schoch 2006 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli -
Callistomordax kugleri n. gen. n. sp.7 Schoch 2008 tetrapod
SMNS 82035 (holotype), nearly complete skeleton. SMNS 90516, 55385, 90519, 90520, 90700, MHI-K1-K5
Mastodonsaurus giganteus6 Jaeger 1828 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Mastodonsauridae
"Kupferzellia wildi" = Tatrasuchus wildi13
"Kupferzellia wildi" = Tatrasuchus wildi13 Schoch 1997 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Plagiosauridae
Megalophthalma ockerti n. gen. n. sp.9 Schoch et al. 2014 tetrapod
MHI 2047 (Holotype: a partial skull with anterior portion of the left mandibular ramus)
Plagiosuchus pustuliferus1 Fraas 1896 tetrapod
SMNS 57921, near complete skull and fragmentary postcranial remains; SMNS 83792, right dentary
Colognathus sp.17 Case 1933 amniote
SMNS 91315, right mandibular ramus. SMNS 91428, 91429
 Eosuchia -
Vellbergia bartholomaei n. gen. n. sp.14
Vellbergia bartholomaei n. gen. n. sp.14 Sobral et al. 2020 crown diapsid
SMNS 91590 (holotype), an approximately 12.5mm long partial skull exposed in left-lateral view
 Lepidosauria -
Rhynchocephalia indet.3 Günther 1867 rhynchocephalian
SMNS 91060, right dentary bearing 6 teeth; SMNS 91061, left dentary bearing 9 teeth
 Eosuchia -
Fraxinisaura rozynekae n. gen. n. sp.12
Fraxinisaura rozynekae n. gen. n. sp.12 Schoch and Sues 2018 crown diapsid
SMNS 91547 (holotype). SMNS 91111, 91262, 91314, 91325, 91398, 91345, 91641, 91642, 91646, 91717, 91718, 91719, 91844, 92086
 Diapsida -
Stauromatodon mohli n. gen. n. sp.15 Sobral et al. 2021 diapsid
SMNS 91427 (holotype), A partial left dentary with five complete teeth, one partially preserved tooth, and two represented only by impressions; impression of the anterior portion of the dentary in the matrix
Archosauriformes indet.8 Gauthier 1986 archosauromorph
SMNS 91128-91130, interclavicles, MHI-K 1, humerus, SMNS 91228, femur, SMNS 91127, 91316, 91329, tibiae, SMNS 91082, 91317, partial skeletons. All this material might represent a single or multiple taxa
 Diapsida - Doswelliidae
Jaxtasuchus salomoni n. gen. n. sp.10
Jaxtasuchus salomoni n. gen. n. sp.10 Schoch and Sues 2014 archosauromorph
SMNS 91352A–C, a mostly articulated skeleton lacking the skull and cervical vertebrae, recovered as several blocks (holotype). SMNS 91083, a partial, disarticulated anterior portion of a skeleton. SMNS 91002, 90500, 81868, 81906, 90046, 81891-81905, 90530-90539
 Diapsida -
Polymorphodon adorfi n. gen. n. sp.16
Polymorphodon adorfi n. gen. n. sp.16 Sues et al. 2020 archosauromorph
SMNS 91343 (holotype), disarticulated partial skeleton preserved on three blocks of mudstone. SMNS 91400 (referred specimen), two blocks of mudstone preserving a small set of disarticulated skeletal elements including a left premaxilla
 Archosauria -
? Archosauria "new taxon"8 Cope 1869 archosaur
SMNS 91123, maxilla, possibly representing a new "rauisuchian"-grade pseudosuchian. SMNS 91124a, b, vertebrae associated with the maxilla
 Loricata -
Batrachotomus kupferzellensis2 Gower 1999 archosaur
SMNS 90018, partial postcranial skeleton. SMNS 90042, basisphenoid. SMNS 91049, calcaneum. MHI 1895, partial skeleton
 Diapsida -
Horaffia kugleri4 Klein and Hagdorn 2014 diapsid
MHI 2112/2, humerus
 Parareptilia - Owenettidae
Owenettidae indet.5 Broom 1939 parareptile
SMNS 92100, humerus; Barasaurus?
 Parareptilia - Procolophonidae
Procolophonidae indet.5 Lydekker 1889 parareptile
SMNS 91753, humerus
 Pantestudines -
Pappochelys rosinae n. gen. n. sp.11
Pappochelys rosinae n. gen. n. sp.11 Schoch and Sues 2015 reptile
SMNS 91360, 90013, et al.
 Dipnoi -
Dipnoi indet.5 lungfish
"Actinistia indet." = Coelacanthimorpha5
"Actinistia indet." = Coelacanthimorpha5 lobe-finned fish