Kaltan (PIN collection 1197) (Permian of Russian Federation)

Where: Kemerovo, Russian Federation (53.6° N, 87.3° E: paleocoordinates 43.9° N, 61.9° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Mitina Formation, Roadian (272.3 - 268.8 Ma)

• Usinskaya gorizont, Kuznetskoy Svita

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithified siliciclastic sediments

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Primary reference: B. B. Rohdendorf, E. E. Becker-Migdisova, O. M. Martnova and A. G. Sharov. 1961. Paleozoiskie nasekomye kuznetskogo basseina. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 85:1-705 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 104704: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 08.02.2011, edited by Lindy Edwards

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Eoblattida - Euryptilonidae
Euryptilodes cascus n. gen. n. sp.
Euryptilodes cascus n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 insect
PIN 1197/22
 Eoblattida - Mesorthopteridae
Paridelia pusilla1 Sharov 1961 insect
PIN 1197/250
 Eoblattida - Megakhosaridae
"Megakhosara simplex n. sp." = Megakhosarina simplex, "Megakhosara dilucida n. sp." = Megakhosarina dilucida, Megakhosara sp.
"Megakhosara simplex n. sp." = Megakhosarina simplex Sharov 1961 insect
PIN 1197/27, 144
"Megakhosara dilucida n. sp." = Megakhosarina dilucida Sharov 1961 insect
PIN 1197/322
Megakhosara sp. Martynov 1937 insect
PIN 1197/68
 Dicondylia - Callimokaltaniidae
Callimokaltania martynovi Zalessky 1955 winged insect
PIN 1197/18, 21
 Dicondylia - Permepallagidae
Permepallagidae indet. Martynov 1938 winged insect
PIN 1197/19
 Glosselytrodea - Jurinidae
Eoglosselytrum "sp. 2" Martynova 1952 winged insect
PIN 1197/378
Eoglosselytrum anomale n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/370, 376, 377, 381
"Eoglosselytrum kuznetskiense" = Eoglosselytrum kuznetzkiense Martynova 1952 winged insect
PIN 1197/343
Eoglosselytrum usinskiense n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/367(373)
Eoglosselytrum perfectum n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/345, 350, 372
Eoglosselytrum sharovi n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/362
Eoglosselytrum kondomense Martynova 1952 winged insect
PIN 1197/347, 348, 370, 381
 Dicondylia - Permosialidae
Permosialis matutina n. sp., "Permosialis asiatica n. sp." = Permosialis asiatica, "Permosialis sibirica" = Permosialis asiatica
Permosialis matutina n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/453
"Permosialis asiatica n. sp." = Permosialis asiatica Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/415
"Permosialis sibirica" = Permosialis asiatica Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/405, 408, 409, 418
 Hemiptera - Prosbolidae
"Evansia praelonga n. sp." = Evanscicada praelonga, "Evansia speciosa n. gen. n. sp." = Evanscicada speciosa, "Evansia dictyoptera n. sp." = Evanscicada dictyoptera, "Evansia rectimarginata n. sp." = Evanscicada rectimarginata
"Evansia praelonga n. sp." = Evanscicada praelonga Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/437
"Evansia speciosa n. gen. n. sp." = Evanscicada speciosa Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/466
"Evansia dictyoptera n. sp." = Evanscicada dictyoptera Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/567
"Evansia rectimarginata n. sp." = Evanscicada rectimarginata Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/483
 Hemiptera - Prosbolopseidae
Sojanopsylla kaltanica Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/475, 518
 Hemiptera - Pereboriidae
Borisrohdendorfia picturata n. gen. n. sp.3 Becker-Migdisova 1959 true bug
PIN 1197/440, 561
 Hemiptera - Archescytinidae
Kaltanaphis permiensis n. gen. n. sp.4 Becker-Migdisova 1959 true bug
PIN 1197/520
Archescytina kaltanica Becker-Migdisova 1961 true bug
PIN 1197/426, 519
 Hypoperlida - Hypoperlidae
Boreopsocus sp.9 Shcherbakov 1994 winged insect
PIN 1197/1,2,12
 Grylloblattodea - Archiprobnidae
Archiprobnis similis n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/159
Archiprobnis repens n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/309
Archiprobnis conjuncta n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/317
 Grylloblattodea - Liomopteridae
Liomopterites festivus n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/36, 254, 270
Liomopterites accolis n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/238, 258
Liomopterites expletus n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/249, 328
Liomopterites comans Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/255, 267, 268, 282, 320, 615
Liomopterites junctus n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/41, 82, 211, 215, 284, 290, 316, 324, 719, 1085
Sibirella paucinervis n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/256
Climaconeurites asiaticus Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/55, 57, 78, 81, 148, 151, 247, 271
Liomopterella bella n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/83, 181
Liomopterella vulgaris n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/24, 28, 42, 51, 85, 88, 89, 121, 129, 182, 200, 204, 212, 217, 220, 221, 224, 259, 260, 293, 296, 323, 325
Ornaticosta nana n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/72, 177
Ornaticosta amoena n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/109, 246, 248
Ornaticosta magna n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/71, 145
Ornaticosta media n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/97
Kaltanella lata n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/326, 722
Parapermula variabilis n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/23, 98, 313, 315
Parapermula sibirica Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/47, 146, 288, 291, 327, 332, 827
Parapermula nitens n. sp. Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/292
"Liomopterites gracilis" = Kaltanympha gracilis Sharov 1961 ice crawler
PIN 1197/846, 853
 Orthoptera - Pruvostitidae
Adumbratus extentus n. gen. n. sp.
Adumbratus extentus n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 grasshopper
PIN 1197/32
 Plecoptera - Palaeoperlidae
? Palaeoperla prisca Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/862, 876
Palaeoperla exacta10 Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/342 (Palaeotaeniopteryx elegans in Sharov)
 Plecoptera - Palaeonemouridae
Kaltanemoura depravata10, "Palaeotaeniopteryx kaltanicus n. sp." = Kaltanemoura kaltanica, Palaeonemoura altaica n. sp., Palaeonemoura clara n. gen. n. sp., Palaeotaeniopteryx elegans n. gen. n. sp.
Kaltanemoura depravata10 Sinitshenkova 1987 stonefly
PIN 1197/848, 872
"Palaeotaeniopteryx kaltanicus n. sp." = Kaltanemoura kaltanica Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/873; 1197/826, 861 in Sinitshenkova, 1987
Palaeonemoura altaica n. sp. Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/338, 340
Palaeonemoura clara n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/335
Palaeotaeniopteryx elegans n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 stonefly
PIN 1197/333 (1197/342 re-ID as Palaeoperla exacta by Sinitshenkova, 1987)
 Cnemidolestodea - Sylvabestiidae
Sibestia nana n. gen. n. sp.2
Sibestia nana n. gen. n. sp.2 Aristov 2018 winged insect
PIN 1197/436
 Paoliida - Paoliidae
Aenigmidelia incredibilis n. gen. n. sp., Archidelia ovata n. sp., Archidelia elongata n. gen. n. sp.
Aenigmidelia incredibilis n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/112
Archidelia ovata n. sp. Sharov 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/108, 113, 162, 251, 252, 287, 310
Archidelia elongata n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/54, 110, 297, 308
 Mecoptera - Kaltanidae
Cyclorista simplex n. sp.5, "Pinnachorista ovalis n. sp." = Pinnachorista ovata5, Altajopanorpa postrema5
Cyclorista simplex n. sp.5 Novokshonov 1994 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/700
"Pinnachorista ovalis n. sp." = Pinnachorista ovata5 Novokshonov 1994 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/654
Altajopanorpa postrema5 Novokshonov 1994 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/617
 Mecoptera - Permochoristidae
Pseudonannochorista willmanni5, Miomeca reducta n. gen. n. sp.5, Parageta parachoristoides n. gen. n. sp.6, Ovomezena lata n. gen. n. sp.6
Pseudonannochorista willmanni5 Novokshonov 1994 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/742
Miomeca reducta n. gen. n. sp.5 Novokshonov 1994 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/801
Parageta parachoristoides n. gen. n. sp.6 Novokshonov 1995 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/262, 762, 1729
Ovomezena lata n. gen. n. sp.6 Novokshonov 1995 scorpionfly
PIN 1197/711
 Coleoptera - Permocupedidae
Archicupes reichardti n. gen. n. sp., Kaltanocoleus pospelovi, "Palaeocupes kaltanicus n. gen. n. sp." = Archicupes jacobsoni, Eocupes cellulosus n. sp.7, Cytocupes angustus n. gen. n. sp., Protocupoides plavilstshikovi n. gen. n. sp., "Tomiocupes sharovi n. sp." = Protocupoides sharovi, Ichthyocupes tyzhnovi n. gen. n. sp.
Archicupes reichardti n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/391
Kaltanocoleus pospelovi Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/394a, 383
"Palaeocupes kaltanicus n. gen. n. sp." = Archicupes jacobsoni Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/387
Eocupes cellulosus n. sp.7 Ponomarenko 1969 beetle
PIN 1197/397
Cytocupes angustus n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/390
Protocupoides plavilstshikovi n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/396, 398
"Tomiocupes sharovi n. sp." = Protocupoides sharovi Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/395
Ichthyocupes tyzhnovi n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/392
 Coleoptera - Schizocoleidae
Uskatocoleus kaltanicus n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/385a
 Coleoptera - Asiocoleidae
Asiocoleus novojilovi n. gen. n. sp., "Carinicupes beckermigdisovae n. gen. n. sp." = Schizotaldycupes beckermigdisovae, Schizotaldycupes ananjevi n. gen. n. sp.
Asiocoleus novojilovi n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/389
"Carinicupes beckermigdisovae n. gen. n. sp." = Schizotaldycupes beckermigdisovae Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/386
Schizotaldycupes ananjevi n. gen. n. sp. Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/388
 Coleoptera - Taldycupedidae
"Stegocupes efremovi n. sp." = Tecticupes heckeri
"Stegocupes efremovi n. sp." = Tecticupes heckeri Rohdendorf 1961 beetle
PIN 1197/393
 Dicondylia - Permithonidae
"Permithonopsis perantiqua n. sp." = Permipsythone perantiqua, Permithonopsis sharovi n. sp., Permithonopsis kaltanensis n. sp.
"Permithonopsis perantiqua n. sp." = Permipsythone perantiqua Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/419(421), 420
Permithonopsis sharovi n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/422, 425
Permithonopsis kaltanensis n. sp. Martynova 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/424
 Reculida - Geinitziidae
Stegopterum hirtum n. gen. n. sp.
Stegopterum hirtum n. gen. n. sp. Sharov 1961 winged insect
PIN 1197/155, 318
 Archaeognatha - Dasyleptidae
Dasyleptus brongniarti n. sp.8 Sharov 1957 jumping bristletails
PIN 1197/595, 585-592, 594, 596-610