Elmo, MCZ 1932 collection Lower Limestone (Permian of the United States)

Where: Kansas (38.6° N, 97.2° W: paleocoordinates 3.6° N, 25.8° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Wellington Formation, Artinskian (290.1 - 279.3 Ma)

• Stratigraphy is essentially the same as other Elmo collections except for new upper layer of non extensive limestone. The floor of the quarry where fossils taken is the "Stump layer", resting upon this floor is the white, blocky limestone from which the other collection of insects were taken. In the new quarry the blocky layer is surmounted by about two inches of soft calcareous shale, which in turn is overlain by another blocky layer of limestone. New layer can not be more than 60 feet in diameter. Above this new layer is the shaly limestone found elsewhere in the field.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: pond; lithified limestone

• Presence of Myalinella may suggest brackish-marine conditions, but stratigraphic position and presence of conchostracans and freshwater ostracods suggest a lacustrine/pond setting.
• White blocky limestone

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by F.M. Carpenter in 1932; reposited in the MCZ

Collection methods: quarrying,

Primary reference: F. M. Carpenter. 1933. The Lower Permian Insects of Kansas. Part 6: Delopteridae, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera and a New Collection of Protodonata, Odonata, Megasecoptera, Homoptera and Psocoptera. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 68(11):411-505 [C. Labandeira/C. Labandeira/J. Karr]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 111320: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Jered Karr on 23.06.2011, edited by Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Includes specimens in later publications where collecting year not specified
 Eoblattida - Euryptilonidae
Stereopterum rotundum4 Carpenter 1950 insect
Year not specified
Stereopterum maculosum5 Carpenter 1966 insect
Year not specified
Stereopterum breve n. sp.5 Carpenter 1966 insect
Year not specified
 Ephemerida - Protereismatidae
Protereisma elongatum Sellards 1907 mayfly
MCZ 3424
Protereisma arcuatum Sellards 1907 mayfly
MCZ 3414ab
Protereisma permianum Sellards 1907 mayfly
Protereisma latum Sellards 1907 mayfly
 Ephemerida - Misthodotidae
Misthodotes obtusus Sellards 1907 mayfly
 Dicondylia -
"Protodonata indet." = Meganisoptera
"Protodonata indet." = Meganisoptera Martynov 1932 griffinfly
MCZ 3255; wing fragment
 Dicondylia - Progoneuridae
Progoneura minuta Carpenter 1931 winged insect
MCZ 3221; complete wing
 Protelytroptera - Protelytridae
"Protelytron permianum" = Protelytron permianum, "Protelytron tillyardi" = Protelytron permianum
"Protelytron permianum" = Protelytron permianum Tillyard 1931 winged insect
"Protelytron tillyardi" = Protelytron permianum Tillyard 1931 winged insect
MCZ 3372ab
 Protelytroptera - Permelytridae
Parablattelytron subincisum Tillyard 1931 winged insect
"Acosmelytron elongatum" = Parablattelytron elongatum Tillyard 1931 winged insect
MCZ 3387
Parablattelytron rectum Tillyard 1931 winged insect
Parablattelytron latum Carpenter 1933 winged insect
MCZ 3380ab
 Dicondylia - Apheloneuridae
Apheloneura minutissima6 Carpenter 1976 winged insect
 Permopsocida - Psocidiidae
Dichentomum tinctum Tillyard 1926 winged insect
125 specimens found in 1932
 Permopsocida - Permopsocidae
Permopsocus latipennis Tillyard 1926 winged insect
Progonopsocus permianus Tillyard 1926 winged insect
MCZ 3363ab
 Hemiptera - Archescytinidae
Permopsylla americana Tillyard 1926 true bug
MCZ 3280
 Miomoptera - Palaeomanteidae
Delopterum minutum, "Delopterum elongatum" = Delopsocus elongatus, "Delopterum cf. elongatum" = Delopsocus elongatus, "Delopterum latum" = Delopsocus latus
Delopterum minutum Sellards 1909 winged insect
"Delopterum elongatum" = Delopsocus elongatus Sellards 1909 winged insect
4 from lower limestone unclear if all from this collection
"Delopterum cf. elongatum" = Delopsocus elongatus Sellards 1909 winged insect
MCZ 3211
"Delopterum latum" = Delopsocus latus Sellards 1909 winged insect
MCZ 3214; 5 from lower limestone unclear if all from this collection
 Grylloblattodea - Chelopteridae
Chelopterum peregrinum4 Carpenter 1950 ice crawler
Year not specified; about equally from both layers
 Grylloblattodea - Camptoneuritidae
Demopterum gracile4 Carpenter 1950 ice crawler
Year not specified
 Grylloblattodea - Liomopteridae
Liomopterum sellardsi n. sp.4 Carpenter 1950 ice crawler
Year not specified; 6 specimens from lower layer
Liomopterum ornatum4 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
Year not specified; 36 specimens from lower layer
Semopterum venosum4 Carpenter 1950 ice crawler
Year not specified
 Grylloblattodea - Lemmatophoridae
Lemmatophora typa2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
Artinska clara2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
Artinska ovata2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
Lisca minuta2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
Lecorium elongatum2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
46 total, at least 1 from 1927
Paraprisca fragilis2 Sellards 1909 ice crawler
36 total from 1927 and 1932
 Orthoptera - Permoraphidiidae
Permoraphidia americana3 Tillyard 1932 grasshopper
Year not specified
 Orthoptera - Pruvostitidae
Paroedischia recta5 Carpenter 1966 grasshopper
Year not specified, only 1 definitely from lower layer
 Orthoptera - Oedischiidae
"Paroedischia maculata n. sp." = Kansasoedischia maculata5, Petrelcana elongata n. gen. n. sp.5, "Parelcana dilatata n. gen. n. sp." = Anelcana dilatata5
"Paroedischia maculata n. sp." = Kansasoedischia maculata5 Carpenter 1966 grasshopper
Year not specified
Petrelcana elongata n. gen. n. sp.5 Carpenter 1966 grasshopper
Year not specified
"Parelcana dilatata n. gen. n. sp." = Anelcana dilatata5 Carpenter 1966 grasshopper
Year not specified
 Cnemidolestodea - Tococladidae
Tococladus rallus n. gen. n. sp.5
Tococladus rallus n. gen. n. sp.5 Carpenter 1966 winged insect
Year not specified
 Cnemidolestodea - Protembiidae
Protembia permiana4 Tillyard 1937 winged insect
Year not specified; 13 specimens, about equally from each layer
 Dicondylia -
Caloneurodea indet.1 Martynov 1938 winged insect
MCZ 4567 ab; Carpenter considered specimen of Paleuthygramma acuta, but is likely a new species of unknown affinities
 Caloneurodea - Permobiellidae
Permobiella perspicua3 Tillyard 1937 winged insect
Year not specified
 Caloneurodea - Apsidoneuridae
Apsidoneura flexa3 Carpenter 1943 winged insect
Year not specified
 Caloneurodea -
Paleuthygramma acuta3 Carpenter 1943 winged insect
Year not specified; 20 specimens from unspecified layer
 Paoliida - Anthracoptilidae
Paracladus retardatus n. gen. n. sp.5
Paracladus retardatus n. gen. n. sp.5 Carpenter 1966 winged insect
 Protoneuroptera - Permoberothidae
"Permoberotha convergens" = Permoberotha villosa3
"Permoberotha convergens" = Permoberotha villosa3 Tillyard 1932 winged insect
Year not specified
 Diaphanopterodea - Martynoviidae
Martynovia protohymenoides3 Tillyard 1932 winged insect
MCZ 4597,4598,4558; year not specified
 Diaphanopterodea - Asthenohymenidae
Asthenohymen affinis Tillyard 1926 winged insect
Asthenohymen dunbari Tillyard 1924 winged insect
 Diaphanopterodea - Elmoidae
Elmoa trisecta3 Tillyard 1937 winged insect
Year not specified
 Megasecoptera - Protohymenidae
Protohymen permianus Tillyard 1924 winged insect
MCZ 3264ab & MCZ 3265ab
 Reculida - Sylvaphlebiidae
Phenopterum elongatum4 Sellards 1909 winged insect
Year not specified; about half from upper layer