Sheimo-Gora (PIN collection 117) (Permian of Russian Federation)

Where: Arkangelsk, Russian Federation (65.6° N, 43.7° E: paleocoordinates 33.2° N, 33.1° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Iva-Gora Beds Formation, Roadian (272.3 - 268.8 Ma)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal; lithified siliciclastic sediments

• Probable brackish lagoon with some access to sea

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Collected by Zekkel in 1935; reposited in the PIN

Primary reference: A. V. Martynov. 1938. Permian fossil Insects from the Arkhangelsk district. Part V. The family Euthygrammidae and its relationships (with the description of a new genus and family from Chekarda). Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 7(3):69-80 [M. Clapham/J. Karr/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 116934: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Jered Karr on 14.09.2011, edited by Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Dicondylia - Permagrionidae
Permagrion sharovi n. sp.4 Felker 2023 winged insect
PIN 117/40(39)
Permolestes sheimogorai n. sp.9 Nel et al. 2012 winged insect
PIN 8/117
 Dicondylia - Permosialidae
"Permosialis defurcata" = Permosialis paucinervis7, "Permosialis immaculata n. sp." = Permosialis paucinervis7
"Permosialis defurcata" = Permosialis paucinervis7 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 117/1182
"Permosialis immaculata n. sp." = Permosialis paucinervis7 Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 117/2579
 Caloneurodea - Caloneuridae
Euthygramma parallellum Martynov 1928 winged insect
PIN 117/510, 511
Vilviopsis extensa n. gen. n. sp. Martynov 1938 winged insect
PIN 117/498
 Protorthoptera - Sheimiidae
Sheimia sojanensis n. gen. n. sp.8
Sheimia sojanensis n. gen. n. sp.8 Martynova 1958 winged insect
PIN 117/1145
 Glosselytrodea - Jurinidae
Jurina marginata5 Martynov 1938 winged insect
PIN 117/662, 684, 686
 Hemiptera - Prosbolopseidae
Prosbolopsis sp.3 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/2113(1891)
Prosbolopsis ovalis3 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1861
Scytoneura elliptica3 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1892, 1867, 1888(1909), 1911, 1902(1908)
 Hemiptera - Prosbolidae
Permocicada perlata n. sp.1 Becker-Migdisova 1940 true bug
PIN 117/1916
Sojanoneura kazanensis1 Zalessky 1929 true bug
PIN 117/1858(1879), 1857(1859)
Sojanoneura triangularis1 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1880, 1915
Sojanoneura furcatula1 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1903(1885)
Permocicadopsis angustata1 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1872(1868), 1901; 1881, 1865(1973), 1863 (var. typica); 1910(var. devia)
Permocicadopsis aberrans1 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1717, 1899
Prosbole sojanensis1 Martynov 1935 true bug
PIN 117/1875 variation "disjuncta"
Prosbole nodosa n. sp.1 Becker-Migdisova 1940 true bug
PIN 117/1897
Prosbole permocicadoides n. sp.1 Becker-Migdisova 1940 true bug
PIN 117/1873
 Hemiptera - Coleoscytidae
Coleoscyta elytrata3 Martynov 1935 planthopper
PIN 117/1894
 Hemiptera - Scytinopteridae
Scytinoptera reducta2 Martynov 1928 true bug
PIN 117/1905,1869,1877, 1864, 1890, 1919
 Permopsocida - Archipsyllidae
"Eopsylla sojanensis" = Eopsylla sojanense11
"Eopsylla sojanensis" = Eopsylla sojanense11 Becker-Migdisova 1962 winged insect
PIN 117/512, 1138
 Dicondylia - Permithonidae
Permithonopsis ivensis7 Martynov 1932 winged insect
PIN 117/2538
Permithonopsis grandis n. sp.7 Martynova 1952 winged insect
PIN 117/2538
 Mecoptera - Permochoristidae
"Petromantis rossica" = Petromantis rossica6, "Petromantis borealis" = Petromantis rossica6, "Petromantis variolosa n. sp." = Petromantis robusta6, "Permochorista venosa" = Petromantis maculipennis6, "Agetochorista ornata" = Agetopanorpa ornata6
"Petromantis rossica" = Petromantis rossica6 Handlirsch 1904 scorpionfly
PIN 117/1275, 1294(1306), 1308, 1594, 1598
"Petromantis borealis" = Petromantis rossica6 Handlirsch 1904 scorpionfly
PIN 117/1293, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1307, 1589, 1597(1900)
"Petromantis variolosa n. sp." = Petromantis robusta6 Martynov 1932 scorpionfly
PIN 117/1282(1434), 1291, 1299, 1300
"Permochorista venosa" = Petromantis maculipennis6 Martynov 1932 scorpionfly
PIN 117/1292
"Agetochorista ornata" = Agetopanorpa ornata6 Martynov 1932 scorpionfly
PIN 117/727, 1277, 1278, 1280
 Eoblattida - Bardapteridae
Olgaephilus emendatus10 Storozhenko 1990 insect
PIN 117/2536, 3353