Where: Ceará, Brazil (7.1° S, 39.7° W: paleocoordinates 8.6° S, 8.0° W)
• coordinate estimated from map
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Crato Formation (Santana Group), Late/Upper Aptian (122.5 - 113.0 Ma)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lacustrine - large; lithified carbonate
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: adpression
Reposited in the SMNS
Collection methods: surface (in situ)
• Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart. Specimens were presumably purchased or donated.
Primary reference: V. N. Makarkin and F. Menon. 2007. First record of fossil "rapismatid-like" Ithonidae (Insecta, Neuroptera) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil. Cretaceous Research 28:743-753 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 122557: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 03.01.2012, edited by Erin Leckey, Jered Karr and Anissa Benabbas
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Arachnida | |
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Britopygus weygoldti n. gen. n. sp.8
Britopygus weygoldti n. gen. n. sp.8 Dunlop and Martill 2002 whip spider SMNS 64332; 66123 (in Dunlop and Barov, 2005)
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Myriapoda | |
Fulmenocursor tenax n. gen. n. sp.41
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Cratoraricrus oberlii n. gen. n. sp.42
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Hexapoda | |
Ferrojapyx vivax n. gen. n. sp.43
Ferrojapyx vivax n. gen. n. sp.43 Wilson and Martill 2001 two-pronged bristletails SMNS 64276; two additional in Staniczek & Bechly, 2007
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Insecta | |
Chresmoda neotropica n. sp.7
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Eoproscopia martilli n. gen. n. sp.14
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Vcelesvab cratocretokrat n. gen. n. sp.40
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Cratovitisma oldreadi n. gen. n. sp.26, "Ponopterix axelrodi" = Ponopterix axelrodi26, "Ponopterix maxima n. sp." = Ponopterix axelrodi26
"Ponopterix axelrodi" = Ponopterix axelrodi26 Vršanský and Grimaldi 1999 winged insect SMNS 66326, 66329, 66334-36, 66338
"Ponopterix maxima n. sp." = Ponopterix axelrodi26 Vršanský and Grimaldi 1999 winged insect SMNS 66332, 66323, 66324, 66325, 66327, 66328, 66330, 66331, 66332, 66333, 66337, 66562, 67574
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Perlucipecta santanensis n. sp.21
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Ocelloblattula santanensis n. sp.21, Elisama hindwingnii n. sp.21, "Elisama brevis" = Elisama brevis21, "Elisama americana" = Elisama brevis26
"Elisama brevis" = Elisama brevis21 Mendes 2000 cockroach SMNS 67563, 67564, 67565, 67566, 67567, 67568, 67569, 67570, 67571, 67572
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"Mesoblattina limai" = Piniblattella limai26 Pinto and Purper 1986 cockroach SMNS 66312, 66314, 66315, 66319, 66322
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Cratokalotermes santanensis n. gen. n. sp.26
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"Nordestinatermes araripena" = Meiatermes araripena26, "Cretatermes pereirai" = Meiatermes araripena26, Meiatermes hariolus13, Mariconitermes talicei26, Cretarhinotermes novaolindense n. gen. n. sp.26
Meiatermes hariolus13 Grimaldi 2008 termite SMNS 66190 (part of Nordestinatermes araripena in Bechly, 2007)
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Cratomastotermes wolfschwenningeri n. gen. n. sp.26
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Cretophotina santanensis n. sp.20
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Caririlabia berghoffi n. sp.26
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Cratoatractocerus grimaldii n. gen. n. sp.44
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Cratonemonyx martinsnetoi11 Legalov 2014 pine flower snout beetle SMNS 66553 Cratonemonyx martinsnetoi
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Mastigocoleus rhinoceros n. sp.39
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Lithocorydalus fuscata n. gen. n. sp.18 Jepson and Heads 2016 dobsonfly SMNS 66000-248 (Megaloptera, fig. 11.69c in Martins-Neto et al., 2007)
Cratocorydalopsis brasiliensis n. gen. n. sp.18 Jepson and Heads 2016 dobsonfly SMNS 66000-247 (Megaloptera, fig. 11.69b in Martins-Neto et al., 2007)
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Nuddsia longiantennata n. gen. n. sp.31
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Principiala incerta n. gen.
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Makarkinia kerneri n. sp.5
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Parapalaeoleon magnus n. gen. n. sp.31, Baisopardus cryptohymen n. sp.15, Cratoneura dividens25, Araripeneura sp.25, Araripeneura regia25
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"Rafaelia minima" = Rafaeliana minima32
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Parviformosus wohlrabeae n. gen. n. sp.1
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Cretofedtschenkia santanensis n. gen. n. sp.26
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Tettagalma striata n. gen. n. sp.27
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Parawonnacottella penneyi n. sp.30, Baeocossus fortunatus n. sp.29, Colossocossus bechlyi n. sp.29, Colossocossus rugosa n. sp.30, Colossocossus loveridgei n. gen. n. sp.30
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Cratonepa enigmatica n. gen. n. sp.16
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Cratonerthra estevezae n. sp.22
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Euarchistigma peterknobli n. sp.4
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Santanagrion longipes n. gen. n. sp.4
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? Cretarchistigma essweini n. sp.2
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Cratohagenius erichweberi n. gen. n. sp.4
Cratohagenius erichweberi n. gen. n. sp.4 Bechly 2010 true dragonfly SMNS 66615a/b (old H71a/M71b), 66612 (old R5), 66592 (old H29), 66390 (old E100401)
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Paraeschnopsis brasiliensis n. gen. n. sp.4
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Gomphaeschnaoides magnus26, "Gomphaeschnaoides obliquus" = Gomphaeschnaoides obliquus26, "Gomphaeschna obliqua" = Gomphaeschnaoides obliquus6, Paramorbaeschna araripensis n. gen. n. sp.6
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Cratolindenia knuepfae n. gen. n. sp.3
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Megaphlebia rayandressi n. gen. n. sp.4
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Cordulagomphus (Procordulagomphus) xavieri26, Cordulagomphus hanneloreae n. sp.26, Cordulagomphus fenestratus26, Cordulagomphus winkelhoferi n. sp.26, Cratogomphus erraticus n. gen. n. sp.4, Cratogomphus cf. erraticus4, Paracordulagomphus aberrans4
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Cratopetalia whiteheadi n. gen. n. sp.4
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Protobaetisca bechlyi n. gen. n. sp.26
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Incogemina nubila38 Storari et al. 2020 mayfly SMNS 66623 (initially described as putative adult of Colocrus magnum)
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Cretomydas santanensis n. gen. n. sp.26
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"Cratomyoides cretacicus n. gen. n. sp." = Cratomyia cretacica26, "Cratomyiidae indet." = Zhangsolvidae26
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