Le Bretou (Eocene of France)

Also known as Quercy Phosphorites

Where: Quercy, Midi-Pyrenees Region, France (44.2° N, 1.7° E: paleocoordinates 42.1° N, 2.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Robiac level zone, Bartonian (41.3 - 38.0 Ma)

• European Mammal Zone ('Niveau Repère') based on rodents

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: karst; phosphorite

• Rage (1988:ref 11742) states that the vertebrate fauna from Le Bretou indicate a dense, equatorial forest environment and a warm and moist climate.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collection methods: contains huge amounts of mammalian remains

•-Anchomomys aff. quercyi, Necrolemur cf. antiquus, and an additional maxilla and mandible of Pseudoloris parvulus (not included in the specimen count of 9) are all in the collections of l'Université de Montpellier (Godinot 1988).

•Insectivores and Chiropterans reported on by Sigé (1988) are in the collections of l'Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc.

•Regarding the insectivores and chiropterans (Sigé 1988): Two localities "Locus 1 and 2" are indicated for all specimens, but because they are described as "two contiguous cavities of Bretou... [that] communicated in the same karstic unit, had the same filling and same fauna" they have been entered into the general Le Bretou locality.

Primary reference: J.-Y. Crochet, J.-L. Hartenberger, J.-C. Rage, J.A. Remy, B. Sige, J. Sudre, and M. Vianey-Liaud. 1981. Les nouvelles faunes de vertebres anterieurs a la "Grande Coupure" decouvertes dans les phosphorites du Quercy. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris 3(3):245-266 [E. Fara/E. Fara/E. Fara]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 12840: authorized by Emmanuel Fara, entered by Emmanuel Fara on 20.12.2001, edited by Robin Whatley, Terri Cleary and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• very incomplete

•-The taxa listed (with specimen abundance) by Rage 1988:11647, are likely duplicates of occurrences from Sudre (1978) and are therefore listed here:

•Pseudolacerta cf. mucronata (1 specimen)

•Pseudolacerta cf. lamandini (1 specimen)

•Psuedolacerta sp. (23 specimens)

 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Amphiperatherium minutum5 Aymard 1846 marsupial
represents 47% of the Bretou marsupials
Amphiperatherium fontense5 Crochet 1979 marsupial
Amphiperatherium bourdellense5 Crochet 1979 marsupial
represents 10% of the Bretou marsupials
Peratherium bretouense5 Crochet 1979 marsupial
represents 17% of the Bretou marsupials
Peratherium lavergnense5 Crochet 1979 marsupial
represents 24% of the Bretou marsupials
 Tribosphenida -
Eutheria indet.13 eutherian
 Rodentia - Pseudosciuridae
Sciuroides sp.7 Major 1873 rodent
 Rodentia - Theridomyidae
? Remys sp.7 Thaler 1966 rodent
Suevosciurus romani7 rodent
"Suevosciurus (Suevosciurus) romani"
Pseudoltinomys aff. mamertensis4 Hartenberger 1973 rodent
Paradelomys crusafonti4 Thaler 1966 rodent
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Plesiarctomys huerzeleri7 Wood 1970 rodent
 Primates - Omomyidae
Pseudoloris parvulus Filhol 1890 tarsier
Necrolemur zitteli Schlosser 1887 tarsier
Necrolemur cf. antiquus6 Filhol 1873 tarsier
 Primates - Notharctidae
"Anchomomys aff. quercyi" = Anchomomys (Huerzeleris) quercyi6
"Anchomomys aff. quercyi" = Anchomomys (Huerzeleris) quercyi6 Stehlin 1916 primate
 Soricomorpha - Nyctitheriidae
? Saturninia sp.13 Stehlin 1940 placental
Saturninia beata13 Crochet 1974 placental
4 individuals minimum. Of this material, 10 specimens were previously reported by Sigé 1976.
? Saturninia beata13 Crochet 1974 placental
Saturninia mamertensis13 Sigé 1976 placental
1 individual minimum. Of this material, 1 specimen was previously reported by Sigé 1976.
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Cynohyaenodon magnus n. sp.5 Crochet 1988 creodont
a right maxilla and a dentary fragments likely belong to one individual
 Carnivora - Miacidae
Miacidae indet.5 Cope 1880 carnivoran
Simamphicyon helveticus5 Pictet and Humbert 1869 carnivoran
 Ferae -
Quercygale aff. angustidens5 Filhol 1872 placental
 Artiodactyla - Tapirulidae
Tapirulus schlosseri14 Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
synonomous with Tapirulus cf. schlosseri of Sudre 1978, p. 102, fig. 4 (not previously listed here). Greater than 11 specimens; many additional isolated upper and lower molars.
 Artiodactyla - Anoplotheriidae
Robiatherium cournovense14 Dudre 1969 even-toed ungulate
Dacrytherium cf. elegans Filhol 1884 even-toed ungulate
Dacrytherium elegans14 Filhol 1884 even-toed ungulate
Indicates that D. cf. elegans molar of Sudre 1978 is different.
Catodontherium robiacense14 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Xiphodontidae
Haplomeryx cf. picteti14 Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
Leptotheridium cf. traguloides Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
a number of isolated teeth were not included in this count
Dichodon sp.14 Owen even-toed ungulate
Dichodon vidalenci n. sp.14 even-toed ungulate
differs from Dichodon sp.
"Xiphodon cf. castrense" = Xiphodon castrensis14 Kowalevsky 1873 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Amphimerycidae
Pseudamphimeryx renevieri14 Pictet and Humbert 1869 even-toed ungulate
Likely more than specimens; "probably a number of other isolated teeth."
Pseudamphimeryx pavloviae Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
may be more specimens
 Artiodactyla - Robiacinidae
Robiacina minuta Sudre 1969 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Dichobunidae
Mouillacitherium elegans14 Filhol 1882 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Cebochoeridae
Cebochoerus (Cebochoerus) helveticus14 Pictet and Humbert 1869 even-toed ungulate
"Cebochoerus campichii" = Acotherulum campichii14 Pictet 1855 even-toed ungulate
Cebochoerus (Gervachoerus) campichii
 Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
"Propalaeotherium parvulum" = Eurohippus parvulus11 Laurillard 1849 odd-toed ungulate
Leptolophus ? stehlini11 Remy 1965 odd-toed ungulate
Palaeotherium siderolithicum11 Pictet and Humbert 1869 odd-toed ungulate
many juveniles
Plagiolophus annectens11 Owen 1847 odd-toed ungulate
"Anchilophus jeanteti" = Anchilophus (Paranchilophus) jeanteti12 Remy 2012 odd-toed ungulate
Most abundant small perissodactyl at Bretou.
Metanchilophus gaudini12 Pictet and Humbert 1869 odd-toed ungulate
Metanchilophus castrensis12 Remy 2012 odd-toed ungulate
Pachynolophus bretovensis n. sp.11 Remy 1988 odd-toed ungulate
? Propalaeotherium sp.11 Gervais odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Lophiodontidae
Lophiodon sp.11 Cuvier 1822 odd-toed ungulate
many teeth in a 2 cm square by 0.5 cm deep surface
 Chiroptera -
Rhinolophoidea indet.13 bat
7 individuals minimum for 55 specimens..
 Chiroptera - Hipposideridae
Hipposideros trassounius n. sp.13 roundleaf bat
2 inidividuals minimum.
Hipposideros schlosseri13 Revilliod 1917 roundleaf bat
6 individuals minimum. Hipposideros (Pseudorhinolophus) schlosseri
cf. Hipposideros schlosseri13 Revilliod 1917 roundleaf bat
Palaeophyllophora quercyi13 Revilliod 1917 leaf-nosed bat
 Chiroptera - Emballonuridae
Vespertiliavus cf. schlosseri13 sac-winged bat
4 individuals minimum.
Vespertiliavus "indet. 1"13 Schlosser 1877 sac-winged bat
Vespertiliavus "indet. 2"13 Schlosser 1877 sac-winged bat
Vespertiliavus gracilis13 Revilliod 1920 sac-winged bat
20 individuals minimum.
 Galliformes -
Taoperdix sp.8 Milne-Edwards 1869 fowl
 Cathartiformes - Cathartidae
 Caprimulgiformes - Caprimulgidae
Ventivorus ragei n. gen. n. sp.8
Ventivorus ragei n. gen. n. sp.8 Mourer-Chauviré 1988 nightjar
 Gruiformes - Idiornithidae
"Idiornis gaillardi" = Dynamopterus gaillardi8
"Idiornis gaillardi" = Dynamopterus gaillardi8 Cracraft 1973 bird
 Apodiformes - Aegialornithidae
"Aegialornis wetmorei" = Mesogiornis wetmorei8, Aegialornis gallicus8
"Aegialornis wetmorei" = Mesogiornis wetmorei8 Collins 1976 swift
Aegialornis gallicus8 Lydekker 1891 swift
 Coliiformes - Coliidae
Primocolius sigei8 Mourer-Chauviré 1988 mousebird
 Squamata - Cordylidae
Eocordyla mathisi2 Augé 2005 spinytail lizard
incomplete right dentary
Pseudolacerta sp.1 De Stefano 1903 spinytail lizard
(from Rage 88) USTL BRT 1218-1225, 8 fragmentary dentaries; BRT 851, 1230-1235, 9 vertebrae; BRT 1226-1229, 4 fragmentary dentaries; BRT 1388-1389, 2 vertebrae
Pseudolacerta mucronata1 Filhol 1877 spinytail lizard
(from Rage 88) USTL BRT 1169, 1 fragmentary left dentary
Pseudolacerta quercyini n. sp.2 Augé 2005 spinytail lizard
MNHN BRT 1413 (holotype), left dentary; additional specimens from MNHN include three more or less complete left dentaries, an incomplete right dentary, and a right maxilla
 Squamata -
Coniophis sp.9 Marsh 1892 snake
USTL BRT 1309, 1310, 2 vertebrae
 Squamata - Russellopheidae
Russellopheidae indet.9 Rage 1978 snake
USTL BRT 1372, 1373, two vertebrae representing 2 individuals
 Squamata - Boidae
Boidae indet.9 Gray 1825 boa
cf. from Crochet et al 1981: USTL BRT 1338-1344, 7 dorsal vertebrae
Cadurceryx cf. filholi9 Hoffstetter and Rage 1972 sand boa
USTL BRT 1316, one dorsal vertebra; BRT 1260, one cloacal vertebra; BRT 1317, one caudal vertebra
Palaeopython cadurcensis9 Filhol 1877 boa
USTL BRT 1318-1320, three vertebrae; 2 or 3 individuals
Palaeopython aff. cadurcensis9 Filhol 1877 boa
USTL BRT 1321-1337, 1385-1386, 19 vertebrae
 Squamata - Tropidophiidae
Platyspondylia sudrei n. sp.10 Rage 1988 dwarf boa
USTL BRT 1345 (holotype), single mid-trunk vertebra; BRT 1346-1371, additional 26 vertebrae
Dunnophis cadurcensis9 Rage 1974 dwarf boa
USTL BRT 1311-1315, 5 vertebrae; at least 2 individuals
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Cadurcogekko piveteaui9 Hoffstetter 1946 gecko
USTL BRT 855 and 1154-1160, eight dentaries; BRT 852-853, 856, 1201-1217, 1374-1378, 24 vertebrae
 Squamata - Necrosauridae
Necrosaurus cf. cayluxi9 Filhol 1873 squamates
USTL BRT 1269-1276, 8 vertebrae; BRT 1380, an osteoderm; at least two individuals
 Squamata - Anguidae
Placosaurus sp.9 Gervais 1852 squamates
USTL BRT 1262-1267, 6 vertebrae; BRT 1268, 1390, about 30 osteoderms; represents at least 4 individuals.
cf. Ophisaurus sp.9 Daudin 1803 glass lizard
USTL BRT 1236-1237, 2 vertebrae of two individuals
Anguini indet.2 Augé 2005 squamates
cf. Anguis sp.9 Linnaeus 1758 slow worm
USTL BRT 1238-1245, 1379, nine vertebrae; BRT 1246, probably a parietal fragment; at least two individuals
 Squamata -
Eurheloderma gallicum2 Hoffstetter 1957 squamates
six dorsal vertebrae, ?one cervical, one sacral, ?one caudal
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Lacertidae indet.2 Bonaparte 1831 squamates
USTL BRT 1261, incomplete parietal
Plesiolacerta lydekkeri9 Hoffstetter 1942 squamates
USTL BRT 857, 1161-1168, 1387, 10 vertebrae; represents at least 2 individuals.
Gracilicerta sindexi2 Augé 2005 squamates
five right dentaries, two left dentaries
 Squamata - Iguanidae
? Iguanidae indet.9 Oppel 1811 squamates
USTL BRT 1111-1132, 22 dentaries; BRT 1133 and 1134, 2 maxilla fragments; BRT 1135-1153, 19 vertebrae; represents at least 12 individuals
"Pseudolacerta lamandini" = Geiseltaliellus lamandini1 Filhol 1877 squamates
(from Rage 88) USTL BRT 1170, 1 fragmentary left dentary
Cadurciguana hoffstetteri2 Auge 1987 squamates
seven left dentaries; six right dentaries; MNHN QU 17731, right dentary; three incomplete maxillae; MNHN QU 17732 and 17733, two frontals; three caudal vertebrae; two dorsal vertebrae
 Squamata -
Amphisbaenia "indet. A"9 Gray 1844 worm lizard
"Morphologic Type A" USTL BRT 1277, a dentary
Amphisbaenia "indet. B"9 Gray 1844 worm lizard
"Morphologic Type B" USTL BRT 1278, a dentary
Amphisbaenia indet.9 Gray 1844 worm lizard
USTL BRT 1279-1308, 1384, 1391-1411, 52 vertebrae
 Squamata - Blanidae
Cuvieribaena carlgansi n. gen. n. sp.3
Cuvieribaena carlgansi n. gen. n. sp.3 Cernansky et al. 2015 worm lizard
USTL BRT 1417 (holotype), complete left mandible
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Ptychogaster aff. cayluxensis9 Lydekker 1889 turtle
USTL BRT 854, one nuchal plate
 Salientia -
Anura indet.9 frog
USTL BRT 1110, very fragmentary ilium
 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Pelobatidae indet.9 Lataste 1879 spadefoot toad
USTL BRT 876 and 877, two maxilla fragments; BRT 878, one squamosal fragment
 Salientia - Pelodytidae
cf. Pelodytes sp.9 Fitzinger 1838 parsley frog
USTL BRT 879 and 1108, two presacral vertebrae; BRT 1109, probably a third presacral vertebra; BRT 880, a humerus
 Caudata - Urodela
Salamandra sansaniensis9 Lartet 1851 salamander
USTL BRT 858-875, 1381-1383, 21 vertebrae; BRT 1101-1107, 7 very small vertebrae; 2 individuals minimum, one of which may comprise elements from several juveniles.