Greenleaf Lake Spillway (Loc. 8) (Carboniferous of the United States)

Where: Muskogee County, Oklahoma (35.6° N, 95.2° W: paleocoordinates 8.5° S, 32.6° W)

• coordinate stated in text

When: Branneroceras branneri ammonoid zone, Brentwood Limestone Member (Bloyd Formation), Morrowan (323.2 - 318.6 Ma)

Environment/lithology: marine; limestone and shale

• Brentwood is 40 to 45 feet thick, the upper 25 feet consisting of fossiliferous marine limestone with thin shales and the lower 18 feet consisting of dark shale. Lithologically the limestone units are highly variable, that is, they feather out, thicken, or coalesce laterally. Locality 8 is subdivided:

•a. Shale lentil at base of spillway.

•b. Pentretnites zone in limestone about 6 feet above

•c. Limestone and shale above "a" and "b."

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by Moore and Strimple; reposited in the SUI

Primary reference: R. C. Moore and H. L. Strimple. 1973. Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) crinoids from Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Echinodermata Article 60(12):1-84 [G. Webster/G. Webster]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 128687: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Briony Mamo on 15.06.2012

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Dendrocrinida - Pirasocrinidae
Affinocrinus progressus Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section b
Stenopecrinus ornatus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
Lasanocrinus nodatus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
Lasanocrinus minutus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
Lasanocrinus strigosus Moore and Plummer 1938 Sea lily
section a
Metutharocrinus cockei Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section b
Metutharocrinus spinifer Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
Perimestocrinus teneris Moore and Plummer 1938 Sea lily
section a
 Dendrocrinida - Scytalocrinidae
Scytalocrinus sansabensis Moore and Plummer 1940 Sea lily
Phacelocrinus rosei Moore and Plummer 1938 Sea lily
section b
Phacelocrinus brevis n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section c
 Dendrocrinida - Anobasicrinidae
Sciadiocrinus cascus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
 Dendrocrinida - Stellarocrinidae
Heliosocrinus sp. Strimple 1951 Sea lily
section a
 Dendrocrinida - Laudonocrinidae
Anchicrinus planulatus Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section b
Anchicrinus rugosus Strimple 1961 Sea lily
sections a-b
 Dendrocrinida - Mollocrinidae
Strongylocrinus ornatus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
 Dendrocrinida - Catacrinidae
Endelocrinus matheri Moore and Plummer 1937 Sea lily
 Dendrocrinida - Cromyocrinidae
Dicromyocrinus subaplatus Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
Dicromyocrinus optimus Strimple 1951 Sea lily
section a
 Cladida - Diphuicrinidae
Diphuicrinus croneisi Moore and Plummer 1938 Sea lily
section a
Diphuicrinus pentanodus n. sp. Moore and Strimple 1973 Sea lily
section a
 Sagenocrinida - Mespilocrinidae
Cibolocrinus tumidus Moore and Plummer 1938 Sea lily
section a
 Monobathrida - Paragaricocrinidae
Megaliocrinus aplatus Moore and Laudon 1942 Sea lily
section c